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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. I'm gonna make a claim list
  2. that's what I was thinking, just making sure
  3. was transported on N2 twice, apparently transported once on N4 but we believe it was the Hypno because none of the transporters could have done it
  4. yea no other Invest claims
  5. Wait a minute.... But if you look just a post above at CC's will... "n2 - Barzal visited by solas and ricer" Changing up your results I see...and all of your "results" have come after claims or already known info
  6. okay this is strange. CC036, why did you deviate from the Jailor?
  7. gonna double check this
  8. iirc he said that Ricer + Solas(?) visited the jailor before they claimed TP
  9. also, is there any actual proof of Ferk blocking someone's action? Hypno can send a "Someone has occupied your night" action.
  10. I doubt there is 2 Hypnos for these reasons: - We would have suspected 4 transporters or - We would see more hypnotist fakes
  11. this is a pretty baseless lynch...Ferk can very easily lie about being the Escort. We get him out, if the game doesn't end, we keep looking.
  12. This is a terrible lynch. Vote Ferk
  13. Did omg claim to be trans'd on d4?
  14. I'd also like to hear wills from @solas and @ContinentalCup036
  15. Spartans will would be pretty useful rn
  16. This means ferk is probs the consort if he was on the receiving end of Doom's find
  17. https://sba.today/forums/index.php?/topic/48155-middleton-has-no-good-pics/ 6
  18. swear to god that I got this message an hour ago: You were transported to another location.
  19. Ferk RB'd me on N1. I was also transported last night just once
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