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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. for some odd reason, I thought omg was a transporter and he trans'd me. Carry on
  2. so all 3 transporter claims said they trans'd me on n2. I was only trans'd twice
  3. alllllsoooooooooooo v o t e b e r o c k a
  4. -You were transported to another location. -You were transported to another location. unless Gustav hit the paste button twice, yes I am sure
  5. very cool VHL. All these logos look cool, except for London. Looks kinda awkward and crowded
  6. hey LO, might want to watch Ricer or Solas tonight and have them get on Jailor. Or, have Ricer on Jailor and Solas on LO
  7. I claimed RB'd earlier lmao
  8. Unvote Devise Vote NYKO
  9. i'm really lost here man, what are you trying to say?
  10. well I can confirm I was RB'd n1.
  11. nevermind, any all. Don't listen to me
  12. with 3 TP claims and 3 trans, something doesn't add up. Wary of AL and Solas, but Ricer is good imo
  13. just so y'all don't forget, according to the LO, the TP claim in @solas did not visit the jailor last night
  14. wait I just realized this is an Any All game...fuck
  15. damn I wish we had whispers lmao
  16. okay that's 3 TP claims. I'm willing to bet that at least one of these dudes are evil.
  17. notice how I didn't ask where you trap is. That's the pertinent info you need to keep to yourself
  18. have any of your traps tripped anyone yet?
  19. K. @bigAL what kind of TP are you?
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