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Everything posted by jhatty8

  1. This is the most pressing, but also, @Mike post who you Transed and @Z16 post your results.
  2. @eaglesfan036 Claim your real role please.
  3. Def not the kind of moves we've seen from eagles in past games
  4. Hey make sure everyone socially distances at the Jailor's house Also, Transporter is a very important role when played right. I forgot who claimed it, but whoever was t is, maybe trans someone with yourself for a night or so. Last thing: don't send everyone to the Jailor on n2 in case of a WW.
  5. joined a sim league when I was 13, which was just two years ago.
  6. Amazing thread guys, had a blast reading through all y'alls stories. For me, running was supposed to be something to keep me in shape for soccer. But once I became better at it than soccer, I adopted it as my only sport now in HS. No real goal to get from working out, just the good feeling. My demons have come from my body NOT wanting me to run. Last season, I had Appendicitis and a growth plate issue in my foot called Severs. Throw in exercise-induced asthma as well. Those things made me sit out for the majority of the cross-country season. When I did run though, I always improved and that kept me going. Despite losing a whole track season due to COVID-19 and having some knee problems already in summer training, I'm still hitting the roads. We can get through the setbacks guys, we got this! Keep sharing your fitness achievements, we can support each other.
  7. @bigAL I don't use an app to track. Have a Garmin for the GPS and put it into a sheet. Never saw a point considering I only needed to know my summer mileage. But I'm down to join one with others.
  8. first hockey sig came way later. Proudly made on Canva
  9. Vote Doomsday idk what to make of this TP situation
  10. @BarzalGoat please tell me who you're going to jail between Doom/Hatter as I can shoot the other
  11. Vampire Hunter will kill a Vamp if they try to bite them, regardless of a roleblock
  12. just don't listen to ferk lol, he's trying to plant insecurities because his back is against the wall
  13. assuming our LO is legit, I doubt Solas would have known to visit the jailor only when CC did
  14. yes that's what I just said. Ricer and solas = our TPs
  15. okay then. Lynch Ferk, jail Hatter (exe if you wish), and we'll deal with what we have left tomorrow
  16. don't forget, we have a weird case where if CC is evil, then our TPs also become unconfirmed. Given our jailor isn't dead and our TPs are still alive, I'd like to give CC the benefit of the doubt
  17. @a_Ferk - Claims Escort (UNCONFIRMED) @BarzalGoat - Claims Jailor (CONFIRMED) @ContinentalCup036 - Claims Lookout (UNCONFIRMED) @Doomsday - Claims Sheriff (UNCONFIRMED)** @jhatty8 - Claims VH/Vig (CONFIRMED) @Mr_Hatter - Claims Transporter (UNCONFIRMED) @Ricer13 - Claims Doc (CONFIRMEDish) @solas - Claims BG (CONFIRMEDish) **I think lynching ferk tonight is valuable for not only confirming Doomsday, but we can get valuable info no matter what the outcome is
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