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Recruitment Crew
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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Reverse cow girl, badumps.
  2. Maxime tryna Wright wrongs but nah. Oh I guess we should bring Minot back as long as 701 doesn't have a player...
  3. Shoulda sent down Thomassen...
  4. Is this the Brooklyn Nine Nine thread? No.
  5. Lol digging for gold on the old site I see...
  6. Frank


    Sow ur mouth shut. Badumpts
  7. Just Google David Hasselhoff.
  8. Gl with the next guy bro.
  9. I'd make the Curry more visible... Shift that text to the right a bit so you hide the H and make the C more visible...
  10. You mean people will still be trying to win the Mentally Challenged Cup? I can see that happening since it might take quite a few SHL members a while to win that prize.
  11. Title change request: Jerrick Poole Should of Signed in Quebec.
  12. Jala's time as recruitment crew head...
  13. Jala/Caillean are an interracial couple not a multi. Just to clarify...
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