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Everything posted by Frank

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukigjUvwAR4
  2. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, that or I'm an ass hole could be either or tbh.
  3. Beaut. Put this man in the Riga LR asap...
  4. Because this used to be a thing... http://memeful.com/generator?ref=9gag I'll start this off..
  5. 3 more than last season.
  6. Congrats to the winners, especially Boychuk well deserved!
  7. I didn't find the VHL, the VHL found me.
  8. Merci beaucoup
  9. Frank


    Bout time old man.
  10. Calolgary
  11. You know it.
  12. You would know you whore.
  13. I love all u guys idk where my allegiances lie...
  14. Sup Riga
  15. I thought this was the Grimm poll...
  16. Travis Boychuk not being in this poll churns my stomach, you people have failed.
  17. Wrong thread, acid only.
  18. $20 sent for S45 2x 5 Uncapped, Doubles and Free Week.
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