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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Such truth, much preach!
  2. What if Phil calls it knighttime but really records it after midnight? Has he been lying to us through puns?
  3. Sterling's penis thanks you.
  4. Scum bag friends didn't even leave you a slice
  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfuWXRZe9yA
  6. Where did lebean get this from?
  7. Where'd u steal this from Miggins.
  8. That's a bannin, nothing sweeter then a candy ass.
  9. I know what comes after you hit the corner of a table... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inUjgyRPGuA
  10. Sterling? More like whiny little bitch.
  11. Frank

    Roland Rengel

    I saw nothing.
  12. 3-2 Express
  13. Titans Wranglers Meute Wranglers
  14. Does the carpet match the drapes?
  15. Ya except Trevor Linden kicked your dad's ass after the golf.
  16. Frank

    Dat Moment

    Frank rhymes with skank. Also two timing whore...
  17. Frank

    Dat Moment

    Oh u guys
  18. Shit he's alive!
  19. Frank

    Dat Moment

  20. You message gorlab on facebook and he totally just blows you off. I feel like a rice cake in the wind.
  21. Shlers gonna come in and steal this. Stay classy shl.
  22. Eagles just taking this time to call some mother fuckers out.
  23. Claim 4 and proceed to cry.
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