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Everything posted by diacope

  1. I wrote my first raps at school on audacity, big respect! Keep doing your best bro, we are all in it for the same thing.. The bots will bot take over!! Very much enjoy the storytelling
  2. tyla busser is requesting a pink sig if that can happen anytime in the future
  3. diacope

    Games: 1-8

    Do you do this stuff for a living?! Damn! I like how you are trying to think of new words to "spice" it up! Okay I'll stop commenting on all your stuff xD
  4. Damn that Shindigs quote is all you needed for content, very well done with the outside thinking mindset
  5. I like it but maybe try using averages next time? Think it'd be a little cleaner
  6. Now that's how you make a graphic!
  7. Hahahahahahahahaha

  8. @Steve you have a full folder of Malmo sigs ready to go or what?! Another really solid graphic all over
  9. Thankfully I have my headphones to block out the bashing noises xD *pats Sakomoto's back*
  10. Happy to have you here @Dajellybomb! If you have any questions just holla
  11. Welcome to the league @Sellis, no room in Ottawa but wishing you the beat of luck
  12. Mew! bark!! bark!!! I'm the cat pack leader Chikeeen Nugett or some like to say GM for the Ottawa Lynx of the .. Today I'd love to offer you a deal to come join our part of the forest!! Firstly I want to let you know how our pack stacks up to the rest of the league as of right now, our forwards are still kittens but super active, the blueline is unfortunately an empty field and the den is being guarded by a highly declorated returning cats around, lets just say things will be secure and with a few more healthy felines we'll really give the rest of the forest a real challenge as we fill our bellies with plenty of dubs. Right now we have a 1st line spot open for you The contract value will be 1.5M and you'll play out the season with us until the leaves fall at the draft next season, as you grow and start to learn tricks around the forum my assistant and I are ready to help guide you into a lead hunter in our playground. If that sounds like a fun experience for you well we a warm den, plenty of coddles waiting and cannot wait to learn more about you just quote my message with a #PURRMEUP and I'll send a cat carrier pronto
  13. @youloser1337 thank you, i got too excited there D sakamoto from the legion. easy
  14. So excited for sims today :D

  15. Oh they are both way too good at this I know that for a facto 100 percento Happy to hear that you adapted and take on advice
  16. That's how everyone should play their careers and nothing wrong with that. I agree it may be a smaller channel but the members are top notch
  17. I got a ton of points my last season in Chicago seasons ago and the coach knows how to make things work! I'm putting money on a huge season for you, damn maybe I should have picked you for most improved
  18. Spartan probably just want to be the biggest NJ fan on the site I bet
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