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Status Replies posted by dstevensonjr

  1. Will Jillian Woods sign with Moscow?

  2. Happy 3 year anniversary to me 🥳


  4. @jacobcarson877 and @Daniel Janser have been the GOATs of updating these past few weeks 👏🐐 Thanks for the quick work gents

    1. dstevensonjr


      I mean, I had updates that I sent through this morning and were done by early this afternoon by @jacobcarson877. It's very much appreciated having them go through that quick!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. Thorvaldsson impatiently waiting for VHLM GM interviews.

    nervous cary elwes GIF by The Crush

  6. Wake up way too many times in a night. Haven’t had a full nights sleep without waking up since returning from Australia in October. Wearing on me. Anyone deal with this and what was the fix/issue etc? 😅

    1. dstevensonjr


      Sorry to hear that! It's definitely an issue that compounds as it goes with how imperative sleep is to us. Hopefully it works out for you sooner than later!

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. Wake up way too many times in a night. Haven’t had a full nights sleep without waking up since returning from Australia in October. Wearing on me. Anyone deal with this and what was the fix/issue etc? 😅

    1. dstevensonjr


      Biggest solution for me with timezone issues was to make sure that I got into a very strict sleep schedule to attempt to get my body back into a routine. It helps to take something that aids sleep early on (melatonin, etc.) to make sure that you're getting a solid sleep. Eventually your body with reacclimate.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  8. Getting reprieve from the heat in the frozen foods section.

    1. dstevensonjr


      Don't tell me what the poets are doing...

  9. Why are people so dumb with ai? Wonder who is next dumb one to be caught?!

    1. dstevensonjr


      Why even bother playing if you're just going to get AI to do the tasks for you? Part of the grind is the accomplishment of doing everything yourself for your player.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. just scored first vhlm goal in win vs reapers lets go!

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