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ROOKIE745 last won the day on July 11 2023

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    Toby Kadachi
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    Canada B.C.

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  1. I'm not doing my quarterly reports for this season and to be honest I don't know if I will get back to them, they were just becoming more than what I felt they were worth, I want to to keep my articles more simple and easier on myself. We're a little over halfway through the season and Kadachi has thankfully taken a step forward in his career, it's not massive by any means but still happy that he should hit 50 points and have about 25 goals. Kadachi has really carved out a niche role in Seattle though that has made having him feel much more fulfilling for myself. While plus/minus is not a stat I'm a fan of, seeing Kadachi be at a plus 28 is crazy and it's tied for 6th best in the league, and second best on the Bears roster. His 161 hits is fourth in the league and only one behind third place. And his penalty minutes, while not the most flattering list to be on, is at 92, sixth most at this point in time. Kadachi is basically the enforcer for the Bears, the one who answers the bell and won't let his team mates get pushed around, it's nice though because unlike true enforcers that would only play a hand full of minutes a game and were only there to fight, Kadachi can take a regular shift and has a scoring touch that teams always have to watch out for. He's absolutely one of those players you hate to play against but love to have on your team, he is a true goon. (word count 270)
  2. Claiming for second time June 16th. Also claiming for doubles week purchased from the store.
  3. Hey, Kadachi is the team's enforcer who can also net 20+ goals, I'm happy with that.
  4. 1. It will even out I'm sure, can't stay crazy the whole way right? 2. Probably not, would would for some more W's. 3. I definitely agree. 4. I do, but not sure how much better it will get, I think he'll end up with around a .910%. 5. Off to his best start thankfully. 6. Some will, I definitely believe that.
  5. I wanted to write something a little story driven and in universe if that make sense, having reporters talk about the Seattle Bears winning the cup and what it mean to Kadachi and how he spent his day with the cup and so on and so fourth. But sadly as of late I just can't bring myself to type something up like that. You'd think winning my first VHL cup might spur me on but.... sadly I still have been feeling a lack of a drive to do much, and it's only been getting going down each season. I don't want to do those quarterly reports for this season like I have in others. I've just been wanting to spend my time on other things and the league is really taking a back seat for me. I admit part of the reason I'm even writing this is because I got a doubles week from donation and I don't want to waste that so I'm kind of forcing myself to write this up, that's not say I didn't want to write something at all, there was a part of me that did want to talk about my first Continental Cup win. For a bit of history, I joined this sim league about halfway through S69 (ik, nice) and my first player was goaltender Jaxx Hextall. The highlight of his career would be winning the Founder's Cup in S70 with the since moved Minnesota Storm. That team was very dominant and didn't loose a game in regulation in the post season, Hexy went on to play seven seasons with the Toronto Legion and only made the playoffs three times. I'd come back into the league with a new player right after Jaxx retired in S77, I made a center named Jonathan Ori who would, like Hextall, would go to the finals with Minnesota storm, sadly it wouldn't be an exact repeat as the Storm would come up just short in those finals. Ori would spend the bulk of his career with the Helsinki Titans before joining Seattle for two seasons, including a run to the finals, and then finishing out his career with the D.C Dragons. (Joining the Dragons may have not made the most sense at the time for my player or D.C but I wanted the chance to play for/with the person who recruited me into this league, that being Enorama, and knowing that he would be stepping down soon from GM of the team, I was happy to spend Ori's final season there.) finally we have my current player, Toby Kadachi. after taking about two and a half seasons off from the league I came back halfway through S89, to somewhat celebrate my 20th season anniversary since joining the league. Since I joined after the trade deadline it mean Kadachi's draft season wouldn't be until 91, I guess I didn't want a repeat of Hextall who joined just a little before the deadline and was a 70 draftee instead of S71, could you imagine how different things might have been if he was a S71 draftee? Regardless Kadachi joined Houston in S89 for the last 22 games of the season, before only getting five games deep in the post season. Toby would find himself back in Houston after the draft but the team knew it wasn't gonna get very far early on so traded out it's best players, Kadachi would find himself in Canada in Mississauga, a team with a lot of promise. He'd put up 41 points 54 games for the team before entering the post season and winning it all, Kadachi notching eight points in that run. It will always standout to me that with each of my players so far, they have each made the finals during their short time in the M. If it hadn't been for Ori just coming up just short in S78 I could be talking about how each of my players won a Founder's cup in the M in each of their first full seasons, but that is not the case. It's still impressive what has happened so far though. Finally we jump to his time in the in the big leagues. I choose to skip over the E and go right to the top, even though I knew that meant a rough rookie season. It was fine though since Seattle was in a rebuild/retool so Kadachi wouldn't hurting the team badly, we knew we weren't making the playoffs. Kadachi's first post season appearance would come in 93, after notching a career high 21 goals the team which was not viewed a favorite, at the start of the season, did the impossible and won the Cup. It was quite surprising to me as I thought for sure this was just going to be another growing season for the team with playoffs as a possibility but Bana pulled off some voodoo black magic and got the team to the summit. I know it wasn't just my first Continental Cup on the team, Ricer got his first as well. It was a tough seven games series that's for sure, and I can't lie, I thought our run would end there and it would be back to waiting for another chance. But we beat the odds and now, 24 seasons into this league I got my first Continental cup, coming 23 seasons after winning my first Founder's Cup. In terms of actual seasons played at the top, it was my 18th, which probably isn't that bad all right? Looking ahead to the current season, season 94, Kadachi is off the his best start, he's got 16 points in 20 games, split between eight goals and assists. I realize now Kadachi might never be a point per game player but if he can be close to it and I can get him up to 30 goals I'll be pretty happy with that. I've always been one to build my player the way I want to, I know the defense stat is king but I don't like worrying about the meta or what I should focus on beefing up first, I think it makes things more interesting when you do something a little different. I think it'd be really boring to hard focus the same stats player after player. I'm sure it can make fitting my player into the lineup a little frustrating but I'm glad there are GM's out there willing to sign my player. (geez this ended up being a lot longer then I meant, word count 1080)
  6. I've never been really good at getting my youtube channel out, part of me is just shy and nervous but I want to grow and gain more of an audience. I mainly do playthroughs of older games but newer games are never off the plate, every once in a while I upload a batch of clips I've gotten playing other games. I want to make it known that I am a furry and if you check it out you'll see that by the fact I am a Vtuber. I recently played through all the Dead Space games and have my playthrough of the third game going up currently. I also have my playthrough of Paper Mario TTYDR going up now. https://www.youtube.com/@chaosrookie3231/videos As a extra note this poll I put up a while ago is related to my youtube channel, once I finish PM TTYDR I will start whatever series has the most votes, so if you haven't voted on it yet make sure you do!!
  7. I would like to share a picture but can't because the file sizes are to large for on here.
  8. doubles week 5 uncapped TPE 1 million player cash Transaction ID 6V250154SN075251F
  9. 1. Like nothing else, we reached the summit and then some. 2. I'll say the our goalie!! 3. Throw a party at his home with the cup in there. 4. At this point if he can just get to 25 goals and over 50 points I'll be happy. 5. We totally have a chance to repeat!! 6. Toured the town with the cup, let people see it,
  10. 1. I think you guys did good! 2. You guys are looking pretty good, only possible weak sign is the blue line. 3. Why can't gaming be a hobby dude? It's the best hobby if ya ask me. 4. Mike Smith. 5. I am. 6. Rashford.
  11. 1. Proving the doubters wrong. 2. He came up pretty big in the second round so happy about that. 3. Brad Marchand..... because it's Brad Marchand. 4. blue line for London, scoring depth for Bears. 5. Pretty pumped, lots of energy, but also knowing we still got one last battle to win. 6. I'm definitely more interested right now since it's only my second time going to the finals.
  12. Hello one and all, welcome to a late quarter report, playoffs are well underway but we want to finish the season out with one last player, that being on Toby Kadachi. Kadachi thankfully ended on a strong note going into the playoffs, finishing with 14 points, 6 goals and 8 assists. 14 points in 18 games is very good and the six goals scored help him beat out the 20 goals scored last year by getting 21 this year. It's not a big jump many would have been hoping for but he's at least showing he can be good for 20 goals on the season. His scoring this quarter was more consistent too, only failing to do so once in three games in a row, never missing more than two game without a point. Kadachi does finish the season with one point less than last year but it wasn't the huge step back some of us feared early on. There's still hope that next season he could jump up to 50 with about 25 goals. We'd hope for a more bigger increase too but Kadachi's growth may be on the slower side. Finally for shots and hits, this quarter he had the most shots on net with 70, and his hits were his second highest with 59, totalling out to 242 shots and 228 hits. That's all folk and we'll see you for next season!! (word count 235)
  13. 1. Name: Lighting. Finishing move: Thunder punch. 2. Flipping over cars, breaking windows, climbing buildings, the usual stuff. 3. A flash of lightning, 4. Blue gatorade 5. Good, going to an actual hockey game just made me more pumped. 6. MVL, Musk victory league.
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