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Caillean last won the day on July 3 2015

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About Caillean

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  • Player
    Alexander McKinley
  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Surrey, BC

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  1. Maybe she meant flip flops. The way I was walking after I came to, I could see someone tripping in flip flops. You know that feeling when you're trying to run in a pool or in deep water? Walking afterwards is kinda like that. My mom was laughing her ass off at me. Anyway I've had all 4 removed, 2 under general anesthesia (impacted) and 2 under local. Neither "surgeries" were bad. My jaw swelled a bit but the pain wasn't that bad (would have been better if they had given me the proper tools to clean the area with). On a scale of 1-10 I'd say 5-6 without painkillers, 2-3 with (if even). One huge thing to note is to MAKE SURE they give you a plastic tipped syringe to clean out the pockets with. If they don't, food *WILL* get stuck in them, and that's no fun- caused me a lot of extra pain and swelling. Other than that, just follow their aftercare instructions- DEFINITELY no straws/sucking motions, and definitely don't abuse your painkillers, make sure if you're experiencing enough pain that you need them that you're taking them per the perscription. Other than that, while I'll acknowledge some people really do have a hard time of it, most everyone I know that's had the procedure done says it's really not bad (including myself).
  2. D - Fabio Jokinen @Devise
  3. Bo Boeser @gorlab
  4. Marc-Alexandre LeBlanc @Devise
  5. Titan kronos @gorlab
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