Hi all, with S81 VHFL completed, and a new season of VHFL on the horizons, I wanted to get a few tasks done with your help.
First, I'd like to explore ways to make VHFL drafts less painful, and more efficient overall. Currently, the drafts are exclusively held on the forums, and you are disqualified after two skips unless you inform me of various circumstances. However, I've gotten a decent amount of feedback about potentially hosting live drafts on Discord as well, which would help folks who don't check forums as often, or are unable to go on forums and prefer Discord due to time restrictions. Please answer the poll above, and also let me know your thoughts in the comments about ways to make the draft better.
In addition, I'd also just appreciate general feedback on VHFL, especially after the rule changes last offseason. Any comments are welcome and appreciated, and I'll do my best to reply to all of them.