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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. - Glad you liked the idea! Still working on pushing it towards implementation, but I've generally gotten some nice feedback on it, and yours goes a long way as well. - I had also proposed a more targeted written task, similar to your rookie recognition sort of task, but Bek said it overlapped too much with the VHL.com article task. However, your idea of allowing a second VHL.com of the same type if it is for a rookie is more interesting. Maybe brainstorm some of the ways to prevent abuse and send it over to Bek since I also like the idea of recognizing folks who otherwise wouldn't be. - Combining both of the two points above, one of the requirements for the game/sim reviews I had thought about for a bit was a member shoutout as well, to tag someone who you think did well in the game(s) you looked at. However, I think I dropped that requirement since it seemed a bit overkill for 75 words, and you can choose to do that regardless. Some people may know who to tag easily, others may struggle more, so I decided not to make it required. Cheers!
  2. MOSCOW MOSCOW MOSCOW Damn, our picks were good! #1 and 2 in the class for scoring
  3. To be a bit clearer, all of VHFL wouldn't be adapting to the most popular choice. This is more to see if there is enough interest and/or need for me to implement additional options to participate in VHFL drafts. If you prefer a regular forum draft, you would sign up as usual. If you prefer a Discord draft, you would sign up for that instead. Just options to make life easier, not how all of VHFL will go.
  4. Hi all, with S81 VHFL completed, and a new season of VHFL on the horizons, I wanted to get a few tasks done with your help. First, I'd like to explore ways to make VHFL drafts less painful, and more efficient overall. Currently, the drafts are exclusively held on the forums, and you are disqualified after two skips unless you inform me of various circumstances. However, I've gotten a decent amount of feedback about potentially hosting live drafts on Discord as well, which would help folks who don't check forums as often, or are unable to go on forums and prefer Discord due to time restrictions. Please answer the poll above, and also let me know your thoughts in the comments about ways to make the draft better. In addition, I'd also just appreciate general feedback on VHFL, especially after the rule changes last offseason. Any comments are welcome and appreciated, and I'll do my best to reply to all of them.
  5. Team Clue woooo
  6. Hey buddy! Team Clue is a rag tag bunch of fun loving lads who would love to have you on the squad for the JST. I'm the AGM, @Shindigs is the GM, and somehow we had a player get 67 PIMs in today's sims. Want in on the fun? Hit quote and say accept! Whenever Shin wakes up he can figure out how to add you to the team, I can't be arsed to learn how. Love you @BrutalBoost
  7. Bump on this, doesn't seem like Fantasy Zone is all being paid out in one thread. Can we open up the league specific fantasy zone claim types again please?
  8. Lol, definitely a lack of luck for the mafia this time. Unfortunate for y'all. Vote Scoop
  9. shut up
  10. will: escort n1: rb'd omg for LO to see me n2: rb'd ptyrell as requested n3: rb n0h n4; RB goli n5: rb scoop
  11. RB'd scoop last night
  12. On N3 when I RB'd N0H, berocka thanked someone for the heal.
  13. So we have 2 doctor claims and neither were on OMG?
  14. no sorry you've been permalocked at the end of the queue
  15. Yesterday, January 7th, 2021, a rumor spread regarding one of the most active player agencies in the VHL - Team CLUE. The agency has been very active over the past month, even acquiring a team in the Junior Showcase Tournament due to start on Monday. However, disturbing news has spread regarding the agency, led by a literal Board Game Clue on Skates and some odd Swedish dude who doesn't stop talking. The news may even be serious enough for the league front office to step in, with consequences resulting in loss of league jobs, the loss of the team CLUE, or even a permanent banning for the two heads in charge. Ok I think the preview portion on discord is covered for it to be click-baity enough. I don't have any intention of keeping this odd roleplay news thing going. - Moscow beat Prague which is nice, we're moving on in the playoffs to the conference championships. Few OT games in there which are scary, but Papa ended up with a few strong performances to secure wins. Good to see from a first year starter in net. - We take too many penalties. Can we stop that please? - We play Malmo in the semis, as usual it'll be tough but fun. Not stressed about it like I was last season because superstition is only rational to follow if it works. Didn't work last season, so not influencing decisions this season. Bit of a relief to be honest. No one record a stupid fucking podcast saying Moscow will win. I will personally gulag all of your updates for at least a month.
  16. @denns join us
  17. I apply! Sounds like a perfect nerd job for me
  18. yes I am the escort VOTE FLEX
  19. Doesn't it seem easier then to stick with NBG and then we have options with the result for you as jailor and the escort?
  20. I'm likely more inclined that N0H may not be who he says he is, and that Berocka's story makes more sense to me as per what I know of how last night went. Unless we have two doctors all of a sudden. Also didn't we have a psychic say NBG was a potential baddie? Can a framer influence psychic results?
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