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diacope 2

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Posts posted by diacope 2

  1. TasiqJ4.jpg




    Assistant Captain: Hannibal Barca @DreMin15  Barca was Mississauga's second round pick from S86 and was tied for the team lead in goals last season with Logan Foley. Barca is a strong locker room presence and opted to stay down in the VHLM for another season and it would be unsurprising if he lead the team in points this season. 


    Assistant Captain: Ellis Woolfenden @D3X Woolfenden was the Hounds' first round pick in the S87 draft. Despite being a lower TPE player than what was available, Mississauga decided pull the trigger on him with our third overall. He had 68 points last season with Miami, and with a season of development should reach a far higher number in S87.


    Captain: Austin Goulet: @Tuchy Goulet was a relatively unknown player at the time of his draft, being selected in the 4th round, 41st overall. The decision to draft him paid off in spades however, with Goulet producing both on the ice and off last season. He was second on the team with 97 points and a notable locker room presence. 

  2. Mississauga Hounds Press Conference


    1. How do you think our draft went? We acquired 3 new forwards and have 2 solid forward lines now.


    2. What are your player goals for this season?


    3. What is your favorite/most enjoyable point task? (Any league)


    4. What is your least favorite?


    5. It looks like we will be starting the season with only 1 defenseman again this season. Do you think we should make a move to acquire one?


    6. What do you think is key towards being selected highly in the draft?


  3. Mississauga Hounds Press Conference


    1. The draft is coming up this Monday. Do you think this draft will give us the push we need to be a top 4 team?


    2. We have the third overall pick. What position do you think we should draft?


    3. Are you in any other sim leagues? If yes, which one would you say is your main league?


    4. What was your most listened to song in 2022?


    5. How has 2023 treated you so far?


    6. What do you think distinguishes you from other players?

  4. Mississauga Hounds Press Conference


    1. Has the offseason felt really long to you, or is it just me?


    2. Do you have any idea where your player will be playing next season?


    3. What have you spent the 20 Christmas TPE on?


    4. Who do you think wins the Founder's (VHLM) cup? San Diego is currently leading Ottawa 2-0.


    5. Did you do anything interesting for New Year's?


    6. What fast food place makes the best burger, in your opinion? I'm a five guys enjoyer, it is expensive though.



    Mississauga Hounds Press Conference


    1. We're down in the series 2-0 to San Diego. Is that too big of a hill to climb?


    2. Who do you think wins the Founder's Cup?


    3. What is more important to you, personal success or team success?


    4. What is your favorite type of salad dressing?


    5. What is your favorite NHL/hockey team?


    6. McDavid is pretty unanimously the best player in the world, but who do you think is the second best?

  6. Mississauga Hounds Press Conference


    1. We recently added Jasper Davis and Francesco Mancini to our forward group. Do you think this will help remedy our lack of scoring recently?


    2. There are 6 games left until playoffs and we're in 6th. We currently have a one point difference to both 5th place and 8th place. Do you think securing 5th would be important?


    3. What do you believe is the biggest strength of our team at the moment?


    4. What is your favorite VHL point task?


    5. Have you completed all of your Christmas shopping yet?


    6. What is your opinion on egg nog?




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