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diacope 2

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Posts posted by diacope 2

  1. The individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to can't even construct an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a proper sentence, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're typing is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're straight out relating to a part that which is more whole between grade seven. The individual of which you are listening to really wish the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to would stop attempting to impress people as to what time being honest as well as truthful gets the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to much further in life has or is in a combined association  adults than anything else (unless the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to want to be in politics, the individual of which you are listening to guess). Everyone here that of which is present in this time calling the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to out, not because a certain and definite article of which is a claims aren't possible, but because in that section or location of which I am referring to are a large supply of different versions relating to a part that which is more whole between a certain and definite article of which is a claims the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to are making. Referring to the specific and current subject matter of  that of which is present in this time a certain and definite article of which is a top sign someone that of which is present in this time fabricating an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a story, a certain and definite article of which is a fine details are forbid someone or something, possibly themselves to a certain and definite article of which is a same more than an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a handful relating to a part that which is more whole between time. Also, just remember, ohl players are student-athletes as well as are actually expected to be above grade averages... last time the individual of which you are listening to checked anyway.

    as to what time the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to claim things is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to've taken mcdavid one in an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a one on one, or 'deked out' nurse, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to have to understand referring to the specific and current subject matter of  anyone has or is in a combined association  an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a head on to a certain group of individuals that I, another individual, am not a part of has shoulders that of which is present in this time currently replacing the current location to a different location  to question the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to about was or is mentioned to identify someone or something simply because relating to a part that which is more whole between one thing: if was or is mentioned to identify someone or something's too good to be true, then was or is mentioned to identify someone or something probably that of which is present in this time. If was or is mentioned to identify someone or something quacks is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck, uses the pertained viewpoints pertained in the skull to see or notice is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck, was or is mentioned to identify someone or something's an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a duck. The individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to keep creating additional stories referring to the specific and current subject matter of  only dig the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to further into a certain and definite article of which is a ground as well as now the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to've made yourself an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a target instead relating to a part that which is more whole between simply stopping as well as saying to yourself: 'huh, okay, was or is mentioned to identify someone or something seems is to be desired for someone or something or find similarities to someone or something the population of individuals that I, another individual, am not a part of're not impressed.'


    the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to're not impressing anyone, as well as to the individual of which I, another individual, am referring to has trash talk that of which is present in this time about as weak as an uncertain and indefinite article of which is a fortnite players.

    for yourself, as well as to the individual of which I, another individual, am referring to has reputation, the individual of which I, another individual, am declaring to need to stop.

  2. 18 minutes ago, Bedirhan said:

    pls give me a answer why Istanbul got that name idk why and like I don't want really a name change just a answer for this

    I don't think the people who came up with the branding were aware of that at the time. The name was reclaimed from a now-defunct VHLM team called the Moscow Red Wolves. Moscow was disbanded about 5 years ago and due to the fact that Moscow now had a VHL team when the VHLE was created (2021), a different location was selected.

  3. 12 hours ago, kelvi said:


    July 31st, 2022


    1.  What's the vibe heading into the playoff home stretch?

    2. This is the last week of the season, what have you learned the most this year?

    3.  What do you think is the big reason for the VHL having such a long lasting history of 15 years?

    4. What's a sport or game that you think would be fun as a sim league (other than hockey)?

    5. What TV show are you watching right now (if you watch tv)?

    6. (from hedge) Why is it so hard to make up a decent question?

    1. I have no idea how we're going to do, it's a big question mark right now.

    2. I probably should've updated more in the past, but my player seems to be doing well regardless.

    3. Mostly the builders. Even when the VHL had rough times there was usually one guy that would put in the work.

    4. I don't have any interest in joining another sim league again so my opinion doesn't really matter.

    5. I don't watch TV shows. The last one I watched from start to finish was Squid Game. Before that I tried watching The Walking Dead since I love the comics, but it declined in quality and I never finished it.

    6. It's hard enough to come up with things to talk about to begin with. After weeks on end of coming up with questions it gets hard to make pressers without feeling like you're recycling old material. Coming from experience as an AGM.

  4. 1.  Based on the season so far, how confident are you that we can make it to the final this time? We are looking to be a wildcard team so not that confident.

    2. We are currently in a big slump with the scoring drying up, what do you think is needed to change to help get a run going? Maybe we need to shake up the lines a bit.

    3.  Who has been the biggest leader in the locker room this season? Probably Tobias Reinhart, he always seems to be around.

    4. Any idea on what you'd want to do with your next player? No idea yet, that's still a long way away.

    5. How has your summer ben going IRL, any cool vacations? I am going to a carnival this weekend but nothing too major.

    6. Can you provide ma  decent question to ask in the next presser? Do you prefer the old Riga logo or the new one?

  5. 1. Are you more of a early bird or a night owl?

    Night owl, but I think most younger people are. 
    2. VHL turns 15! How are you celebrating?

    By getting that uncapped TPE.
    3. Trade Deadline is around the corner, what are your thoughts on Saskatoon’s Transactions?

    I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
    4. Over 50% of the season is past us now, any thoughts on how the season is going for Saskatoon and your player?

    Saskatoon hasn't done the best in the world, but my player is 3rd in scoring for VHL defensemen. It has gone well.
    5. What’s your favourite holiday?

    Christmas is the best by far.
    6. Favourite Ice Cream flavour?

    I have no idea. I guess blueberry, but I like the soft serve a lot better.

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