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Status Updates posted by rory

  1. got so much laugh reacts locked and loaded for this theme week 🗑🎇

  2. bek letting so many spam bots in im finna create an army of brats spam bots

  3. Hang Over Wake Up GIF by Arrow Video

    VHLE re-signing day

  4. Wow. My update was declined on Sunday afternoon, leaving me JUST ENOUGH time to not get a replacement done. What an absolute joke.


  6. Go brats!

  7. Hearing more E GM scouts then M scouts this season 👀


  9. trivia question for you all: why?

    1. Triller


      Gonna steal this for a presser.

    2. rory


      You fool, I used AI to draft this.

  10. No members: why?

  11. Literal photo of Soviet propaganda xDDDDD

  12. So excited to speak with the recruitment team! Got great ideas to give! 

    1. Banackock


      I spoke with them. ✅ 

  13. My homework is all natural wine related.

  14. Why tf do so many people shit on the VHLE when they dont even know how much better its gotten in the past year or so... FFS do something better with your life please...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jacobcarson877
    3. Rin


      Because the team that drafted me never talked to me, and immediately traded me to another team that hadn't talked to me. Because I didn't even receive active communication from my new GM until I complained about it. The experience has just been another VHLM but with a less active roster/locker room. I get to wait at least one more season on a team with zero aspirations and zero activity until I can get called up again and start actually having fun with my player's results.


      Maybe it's fun for you guys, but I can't wait to be out of here.


      (I know it's a bait post but that won't stop me from spitting)

    4. rory


      NYA locker room that much better? 💀

  15. Interesting take, my friend @dart! 🤔 While stats and TPE charts definitely have their place, I'm all about giving props to the players who let their performance do the talking. Let's keep the balance between the numbers and the heart of the game! 📈❤️🏒 #StatsVsCharacter #BalanceIsKey

  16. and Kenny Chesney should be in One Direction

  17. VHLE is THRIVING! The haters will tell you otherwise but do NOT let these twitter TROLLS infect you! SAD!

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