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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Welcome to the VHL, sanlitun! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the create-a-player forum. Once you're there, create a player by starting a new topic and pasting in one of the following templates (completed): Skater Template Goalie Template Once that's done, VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  2. Welcome to the VHL, Jimbo! We're happy to have you. You should have received a PM with some more detailed information, but to get started quickly you will want to head over to the create-a-player forum. Once you're there, create a player by starting a new topic and pasting in one of the following templates (completed): Skater Template Goalie Template Once that's done, VHLM General Managers will be in touch with you about joining their teams. In the meantime, please feel free to ask any questions you have here or in your create-a-player thread. We're happy to have you in the community and we hope you stick around!
  3. That would make more sense. I’ve been drinking so my brain is saying he means all carryover is 100 which would be rather ridiculous.
  4. Flat makes no sense??? Unless I misunderstand.
  5. Personally I’m not sure if we should raise the max HOWEVER we are discussing making carryover the proper amount again. 75 Mac was introduced when starting TPE was 0 but never adjusted when it went to 30. So that starting bonus of max carryover used to be a 75 TPE advantage, now it’s only 45. I think a more reasonable approach than raising it is to simply have carryover be added onto your starting TPE meaning max carryover players would start with 105 instead of 75. How implications of this are being looked at.
  6. Then I think a well-rounded approach should be looked into (assuming we can find a reasonable way to update with it) to create a more balanced system. As it stood writers had a reward, or at least a convenience, that no one else received.
  7. The reward is the same for the amount of work, I fail to see how we’re changing anything there. You weren’t being rewarded extra for writing more, you were just claiming it for a month instead of a week. Should my hour long podcast count for 3 weeks under that same logic? Like I said, we’ll put a poll up regarding it and see public opinion but I know @Will and I both never cared for the rule. Given that it introduces validation issues for this removing it at his time made the most sense.
  8. 1065 actually since max is 75. Assuming you’re in year 8 anyway. I had exactly 1000 with Holik so that was 70.
  9. I fail to see how having MS’ split into multiple parts automatically changes their content. People didn’t suddenly start writing longer content because this rule went into effect. We’ll take public opinion into account for reviewing the change but for now it will stand. If you want multiple weeks of content just split it up.
  10. Originally it was created as incentive to go for slightly shorter careers to help with member turnover. At that stage you’re talking such a small difference that carryover is about the same anyway. Since you lose 1% but have an extra season to earn. So if you have, for example, 8% of 1000 that’s 80 so the max at 75. If you gain an extra 120 (reasonable) in your last season 7% of 1120 is 78 so still the max.
  11. Like I said, it’s completely fine if you don’t want to come up wih new topics, nothing wrong with multiple parts just as there never has been. I don’t deny the system was helpful for some but overall I think it was a nuisance. Fewer people wanted to read 2000 word essays, resulting in less feedback and discussion plus we wound up with fewer topics in general. In addition to that the benefit wasn’t there for anyone else. An hour long podcast, for example, was still only 1 PT the same as a 20 minute one. Just didn’t make a lot of sense.
  12. No one ever said it needed to be clean haha. The system just doesn’t make a lot of sense. It doesn’t really encourage any extra activity, it just encourages people to post 1 thing and then disappear for a month.
  13. Just post multiple parts.
  14. When you switch the dropdown and select “job pay” then the link box becomes “job title”. You just need to fill in the title, you don’t need an actual link. Links are only used for the content that requires them.
  15. I also moved that “announcement” to league discussion just to make sure people are looking at the correct info.
  16. I would like to add a minor note about this as well. It has been decided that the system allowing longer MS’ to be claimed over multiple weeks is being removed. Not only would it cause issues with the new updating system but it offered no real advantages to the league; it simply caused fewer topics to be posted and a potentially unfair advantage to MS writers. There’s no issue if you’d like to write 1 long MS and break it into many different parts, as has always been allowed, but we are returning to a system of 1 post = 1 PT. If you have any outstanding claims prior to this announcement they can still be used. To avoid conflicts within the portal simply reply to the original MS, stating the week you are claiming for, and link to that.
  17. Week of: June 18-24 Questions Asked: Chat (x5) Answers
  18. I’m hoping to have a solid year; so far I’ve been hit or miss but I’m really hoping to be a solid sniper for the Bears. As far as specific expectations are concerned: I’m hoping to lead rookies in goals at the very least. Obviously it’s hard to look past Leph Twinger right now. He’s really been on fire since declaring for the draft. It’s looking to be a solid draft all around though. It’s hard to say right now but I would imagine it’ll be within a few seasons. We’re really off to a fast start already so I imagine that we’ll certainly be out of the rebuild faster than Toronto and Riga.
  19. 1. After a bit of a rough spot post-draft you have officially signed with the Bears. What changed your mind? 2. New update system! Good? Bad? Enough to get you updating more often? 3. Who was the biggest steal of the draft? 4. Why haven’t I actually seen you on chat yet? 5. Seattle, Quebec, Riga, Toronto: order in which they come out of rebuilds.
  20. That’s more of what we have in mind for the eventual player store update but kinda the right idea.
  21. Nah, I got it. Just wanted to be clear to people that I never intended this to be any more than the minor notice it is.
  22. To be fair this wasn’t really an announcement, more of just a notice to go along with the announcement.
  23. I promise we aren’t changing the scale or anything like that. Just making everything easier and cleaner for everyone.
  24. Yup, we’ve worked it out in the new version. GM’s will get marked as allowed to link 2 players and you can switch between them when doing your updates.
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