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Posts posted by Ramicus

  1. I have spoken to a great many people on this site. There are some with whom I have spoken many times, while others have been one time occasions. One person with whom I particularly enjoy conversing is Merica. We have a grand time. He's pretty cool, and very patriotic. I will now share some words of wisdom given to me just for this little article.

     Merica did things a little differently, giving me a little essay instead of tidbits. I'll give you the essay, then comment at the end.

     “My advice to someone entering the real world, or adulthood, whichever term you prefer, is to never become complacent, set your goals and strive to achieve them, never quit, because if you quit once you will do it again, and again and again, it is not a path you want to go down, because it’s a hard mindset to get out of. Surround yourself with people who will be honest with you, friends who will tell you the truth and won’t lie to you because they don’t want to hurt your feelings.

     Always be aware, never allow yourself to fall into the all too current fad of ignorance, because ignorance is the farthest thing from bliss and it isn’t an excuse to mess up, contrary to popular opinion. Be open to new things, because there is always something new to learn or discover, but don’t just take someone’s word for it, educate yourself, guard your mind, and don’t allow it to become polluted. 

    Now, you might be thinking,”this guy is painting the world as a terrible place”, and that isn’t my intention…The world is full of amazing people and amazing things, but if there is one thing you take out of all of this, it’s that evil exists, and even though everyone wants to say ”oh, it’ll never happen to me”, remember that the people that it does happen to said the exact same thing. There will be plenty of people in your life who want to ignore what is going on around them, but I’ll never be that person. Enjoy life, but don’t be ignorant and remember the person sitting next too could be the next story on CNN because he shot up a local school, or the guy in front of you at the grocery store could be a rapist stalking his next victim.

    I’ll end this on a good note: once you discover what it is that you love to do, the one thing that you wake up every morning wishing you could do, go after it. Don’t spend your life wishing and dreaming.”

     As I'm interpreting it, Merica is telling us to maintain a balance in the way we live. Live life to its fullest, and never settle for whet you don't want. On the other hand, we need to keep our wits about us, because the guy next to you on the 4 train might be a future school shooter. But I believe what he says at the beginning and the end is most important. Everyone has their dream, and most people go through life without ever reaching their goal. If I may quote Arthur O'Shaughnessy, an English poet (and herpetologist, according to his Wikipedia page that I checked for his name's spelling), “One man with a dream, at pleasure, Shall go forth and conquer a crown.”

  2. The Hero:

    When a Man


    Freedom Fighter




    When we left off, George “The General” Patton was in a city in North America, a city that was and will remain unnamed for copyright purposes. He was in a car rented from a company that was like the pound, but American, sitting with his unnecessary eye candy sidekick, Cherry Baxter. In his hand was a fancy black box with a letter from a very rich Mr. Wayne, who, in George “The General” Patton's opinion, was obviously a famous superhero whose mascot was a flying nocturnal being that was not an owl. The box also held a plane ticket and some other papers, giving him a way to, and everything he would need in, Havana, Cuba. There was also a gun, but The General was choosing to ignore that and instead wait for his flight to Havana.



    Having spent more than enough time dealing with flights, we shall say that the itinerary took The General and Cherry Baxter (who refused to be called Cherry, or anything other than her full name) to Cancun, Mexico. There they had a three hour layover, and took an opportunity to sleep before boarding yet another flight, which landed in Aeropuerto José Martí, also known as Jose Marti Airport, just before 5:30 in the afternoon.



    From the airport, George “The General” Patton and Cherry Baxter received their rental car and drove to the address given to him. It was a tall building, larger than anything else in the area, and the address was a small door on the side of the building, far from the hustle and bustle of the main entrance. The General's superhero sponsor had talked about lighting a fire. Surely a grand entrance would be the way to do such a thing.



    Nevertheless, The General was an idiot, and opened the door all willy-nilly, putting all thoughts of potential consequences far out of mind (in the words of Jake Peralta, “Eyes closed, head first, can't lose”). Inside was a large, dimly lit, room, devoid of material things except a man standing in the shadows at the center of the room.


    “Mr. Patton.”

    “Mr. Wayne?”


    “Are you really, I mean, are you B****n?” (censored for copyright purposes)

    “No. Why does everyone assume that!?”

    “I don't know, Wayne, rich, fighting evil. It all fit.”

    “Mr. Patton, my name is Corey Wayne. Bruce is my cousin.”

    “Awesome.” He grumbled under his breath. “Not as cool as B****n, though.”

    “Mr. Patton, when a man is mistaken for his cousin his entire life, it begins to grate on his nerves.”

    “So who are you?”

    “I am a freedom fighter, Mr. Patton. I fight HYDRA. And now you will, too.”

    The lights shut off suddenly, then came on at full force, blinding The General for a moment. Corey Wayne was gone, a piece of paper where his feet had been.



    “Mr. Patton,

    Enclosed please find:

    The box included documents for an apartment in this city. That is for your use. Inside you will find food, which is also for your use. This room will be your gym, should you wish to use it. Train as you see fit until you receive further instructions.

    Light a fire, Mr. Patton.

    -Mr. Wayne"


    Come back next week for…





  3. It shouldn't even have gotten this far.


    If I may rant for a moment, and I'm sure I'll get some flak for this (hency my putting it here, where you all love me).


    In 1967, the State of Israel fought a defensive war now known as the Six Day War. At the end of it, we (and I say we because it is the nation of the Jewish people) had accrued additional territory, including areas known as the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Desert. It began as a defense, and in the end we had recovered more of our Biblical homeland.


    I will now refer you all to a little piece of land known as the Sudentenland. If that name sounds familiar, that's because you heard it in your history classes. Before World War II, Hitler insisted on being given a little slice of Czechoslovakia that was home to a fair number of German citizens. In the hopes of appeasing Hitler, in the hopes that he would shut up and leave them all alone, the European powers (France, England, and Italy), gave it over- with no input from the Czechoslovakians! If we were to skip ahead to, say, 1944, we would see just how well that "appeasement" went.


    Now let us look at the Middle East as it stands now. Israel is a very small country, a little sliver along the Medditeranean. And the Palestinians, they want an even smaller sliver. A little piece of land that can be their own state without interference from the Jews. As it said in the link, the Palestinians went to the UNSC, and I can assure you that Israel is not represented on that body.


    The article does not specify, but the petition comes from the Palestinian Authority, the Fatah Party led my Mahmoud Abbas. The Fatah party is fairly moderate, but they recently allied themselves with Hamas, a terrorist organization in control of the Gaza Strip that is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Right now, the PA just wants the West Bank (and East Jerusalem, but I'm leaving that out). Back then, Hitler just wanted the Sudetenland.

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