Sign up below, if everyone signs up quick enough we can get this started Saturday afternoon
YOu can DM me your preferred role and I will consider it if it fits within my game
As per usual Eagles format, it will be Any All so I can create madness
I am going to experiment with re implementing whispers. However, I am going to nerf them extremely
Whispers can only be sent during night periods
Every player can only send one whisper per game
Just like in real town of salem, I will post who whispered who in the activity log in the morning (not what was said though)
If a player receives whispers from multiple players in the same night, they will only receive one of the whispers. This will be determined by the random number generator. All players will only be alerted about the whisper that came through. Failed whispers will not count against each players one whisper limit, and failed whispers will not be shown to all players in the beginning of the day, only the successful whisper. Players who unsuccessfully send a whisper will be notified, but the player who would have received the whisper will not be notified.
Also, if we have a medium I am going to ask that you keep your messages you relay to living players as game related topics only. No more asking Player X what his favorite K Pop character is to easily confirm you are medium. This is more of a know it when I see it rule, please try to keep to the spirit of this