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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. great work kendy, love the tweets! Seth knew lol
  2. For those loling at me for not knowing Jim Carey, all the movies he was in were before I was born so why would I ever watch those old garbage movies
  3. Better WATCH out hehe
  4. when did Munk hack ur account
  5. I read this
  6. Good look at all the waiver guys, looks like Brampton will be repping the drafta lot
  7. Thanks Phillip, I appreciate you waking up so early just to listen to our podcast :3
  8. Jaymay y u do dis
  9. Wranglers Vikings Wranglers Dynamo
  10. Take a listen it's good stuff A list of people mentioned in some way shape or form Phil Smarch Mike Munk GreatOneHimself/ Ryan Price (sorry for butchering your name) Tylar Banacock Boubabi DT Diamond Ace Frank Probably more I forgot
  11. #Frank4commie
  12. woo playoffs
  13. Great final game before the playoffs! Nice win boys
  14. I'm glad we are unleashing Jackson Miller before the playoffs
  15. Bratislava claims Lucas Villa and free claims Brandon Lapham JR.
  16. Quebec Calgary series will be good
  17. Lucas Villa is available
  18. gud podcast again phillip Your facebook noises made me think I get a facebook message
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