So today we are down to:
5 town
3 mafia
3 coven
2 neutrals
This is going to be a strange game. We need to start putting votes out now. Fortunately I lucked into some information.
@Caboose30 is 99% likely the mafioso. I was lookout on my man @osens last night (RIP) and he was visited by Caboose. So if you are town, vote up Caboose. If you are coven and neutral it definitely benefits you to vote up caboose as well because it gets your enemy out of the way too.
I know it's a shot in the dark trusting me but town needs to get some lynchings or else we will lose considering we will be down to just 4 people tomorrow. Also, I will be asking for a town protective on me tomorrow unless a more important claim reveals.