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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Overall not bad for town at all, transporter and amne are not among the most important roles IMO so I'll take it. Was anyone witched, roleblocked, attacked, transported, or any other fun activity that I missed last night? Also, I jailed @gorlab last night, and I am choosing not to reveal his role claim for now
  2. Why you do this again. If you are trying to vet bait its just as likely you kill a town protective who isn’t picking up what you are putting down
  3. Please tell me you are just messing with me and not actually claiming jailor again ?
  4. @Ricer13 Jailor is incredibly hard to fake. If there is a real jailor out there who isn't me, they can easily just execute me on night 2. Or if this game doesn't have a jailor it will become quite obvious when no one has been jailed for 4 nights. You guys can trust me this time
  5. I am eagles I shall remain chatfan until chat is returned to us
  6. if you insist
  7. Good news town, I am the jailor If you are a town protective (doctor or bodyguard) please protect me tonight, and if you are a lookout please go on me so we can confirm who any town protective are. If you are an escort who wishes to confirm themself, feel free to roleblock me tonight as well. If you are a crusader please make sure to stay off me for now. If you are not any of the above roles, do not visit me or you will look suspicious. There is no need for town investigative to look at the jailor, as it will soon become obvious if I were lying about my role.
  8. people actually actively decide to be VHLM lifers?
  9. 1) Josh is the main culprit behind taking away chat. Did you know that chat costs the VHL around $100 a year to operate? That may seem like a lot of money in a vacuum, but considering how large our league is and how many people donate that money is nothing. Many of the VHLs finest members including myself and Victor use chat, and without it I am afraid we will return to cave man times unable to communicate without going ooga booga booga 2) Josh posts the trivia results so stupidly early. Sunday is always my day to get done all of my tpe earning opportunities, and I used to do trivia at like 11 PM. Josh started posting trivia at like 8 or 9 PM and I grumbled but I adjusted. Now he is just screwing me out of tpe personally based on some kind of vendetta against all things chat related and posting it at like 2 PM. I would wager Josh has personally cost me around 20 tpe over the past calendar year.
  10. @GustavMattias I would like to change my vote to any all
  11. @Victor @tfong why tf was this posted so early
  12. @Beaviss @GrittyIsKing09 @gorlab @Victor @flyersfan1453 @Ahma @Munk sign up
  13. New Questions: 1) What do you think about the GOMHL Welcome Drive we are doing? Too much tpe or a good way to get new members? 2) In your opinion, is there ever such thing as the VHL having too many members? Like if we get to 32 teams full of members is that good or bad 3) How has playing for Moscow been different from playing for other teams? Or is it pretty similar? 4) Describe Victor in 3 words 5) While Gritty is obviously your second favorite mascot, who is your 2nd favorite? 6) What is your go to method for scratching that spot in the middle of your back that you can't reach?

    1. Quik


      everyone else has it, we only disabled it for you

  15. I am in
  16. I'm a first gen give me tpe
  17. Thanks for running gustav but lets not do this mode again it sucks
  18. Someone is going to be offended no matter what I pick lol
  19. So if I sat here and did nothing, mafia would win only way coven or town wins is if I help them Therefore as a neutral I am just going to reward the team that should be winning without outside interference, and making this game end faster
  20. the problem was with so many townies dying night one, there was no point for anyone to even try to blend in as town, which in my opinion is the most fun part of the game in weeding out who is not town. Having an afk jailor also did not help
  21. why does this benefit you though? And honestly there is no way town deserves to win this game lol
  22. vancouver got robbed
  23. go on, convince me why that is better
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