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Posts posted by gregreg

  1. Well that was a joke of a game on Canada's part. Yeah the Drouin penalty likely shouldn't of been called but Canada was acting like a bunch of spoiled children. When they finally settled down and played the game they still were getting out hustled by Finland who looked like a reincarnation of the old trap New Jersey Devils. Finland played smarter and out worked Canada when it mattered. What is that now 6 years for Canada without a Gold in World Jr? 


    I know I'm a terrible Canadian hockey fan but I always like it when we get humbled. Because I want it to humble our god damn fan base. We aren't the only hot shit in the hockey world and this Country needs to wise up and learn that. Although I am excited to see Canada vs Russia again for the Bronze. 

    I know a couple people like you and you sir are an asshole :P 

  2. Amy: "Why does Ohio State have pot leaves on their helmets?"

    Joey: "Oh goodness".

    to be fair is does look like that a little if you are seeing them for the first time 


    S36: $1 500 000 +($1 500 000)


    S34 - STEVEN SMYL [R4]
    S36: $2 000 000 +($1 000 000)
    S34 - MIKEY BLADE [R4]

    S36: $2 000 000 +($1 000 000)

    S36: $3 000 000 *NTC +($1 000 000)
  4. We did? That seems to be all lies seeing as only one of your guys was unsigned going into the off-season and they are allowed to talk. 

    that is pretty much tampering. Just because it isn't a rule doesn't mean it isn't wrong.


    I feel for Kendrick, he would have a cup by now too if he has given a 2 superstars in FA 

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