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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. no one else said anything
  2. If it can work with Jardy it can work with anyone
  3. no we won't cause Devise decides what happens to us
  4. there is so much wrong with this post I don't even want to waste my time fixing it
  5. I'm glad you pay attention to who wins now a days
  6. Davos must be rebuilding cause they traded an older player for picks and then traded for a younger player - Kesler logic
  7. that's how I remember it but doesn't really matter everyone deserves a 2nd chance if they want it
  8. Helsinki doesn't have a GM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Didn't Mike go inactive as a GM as well?
  10. To (S36) C - Damon Tyrael To (S34) LW - Mikey Blade (S33) C - GIYGAS I accept Thanks IR for all your time in Seattle and good luck in Riga
  11. Only Stewart had term on his contract which I think ends after next season
  12. Miller Ott for C.Stewart Halak Carrier 1st '15 3rd '16 1st '14 (if Miller resigns or St.Louis gets to the Western Final) pretty good trade for Buffalo
  13. free asset for Davos on a guy who should be a FA. Good move davos
  14. New goal - don't actually try to have a good roster
  15. I'm calling bullshit cause this shouldn't of even been close Davos has to be the most sim lucky team in VHL history
  16. From watching Canada to watching the Leafs was painful..
  17. what did they expect? they haven't added anything to make them better
  18. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Gillis must stay with Vancouver forever so he never comes to Toronto Vancouver isn't even that far outside of the playoffs and yet the media makes them seem like they're Edmonton bad
  19. That makes sense thought seeing as Quebec is a better team Please end this in 5 Toronto
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