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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Check out episode 1 of From the Fish Tank with me and @Eldredman! ----- Claiming week ending 11 April
  2. Hey there @InfraRed! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! Im reaching out to you because our team could use a player of your talents! We are need of a backup goaltender to play a few games each week. As you continue to grow your player you’ll have a chance at even becoming our starter! Id love to work with you (as a goalie myself) and show you the ropes of our league! If you’re interested then quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  3. Hey there @Links21! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! Im reaching out to you because our team could use a player of your talents! We are need of a backup goaltender to play a few games each week. As you continue to grow your player you’ll have a chance at even becoming our starter! Id love to work with you (as a goalie myself) and show you the ropes of our league! If you’re interested then quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  4. Hey there @Ron Gorgonzola! Welcome to the VHL, it'll be exciting to see where your career goes from here! This league can be a lot to learn and take on when you are new, but I am here to help you! I'm the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins, and we absolutely could you use a player like you on our team. We have a great group of players, an interactive locker room, and the chance to win big this season! Our defensive lines are competative right now, but I think you've got the chance to excel with us! If you have any questions feel free to message me here or on discord (xTHADTHRASHERx#6217) If you are interested in coming to San Diego, quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  5. I'm sure Milk Jugs is just fine with that
  6. You've recruited a beautiful, beautiful monster of chaos. I love it!
  7. This was a great write up! It's funny, entertaining, and best of all it's about a great player! We are glad to have you on the team and look forwarding to seeing all that you will do in the VHL! Also, ...amazing. Yuck-on better look out. They're about to be #DeJuiced in S77!
  8. This is amazing! The jersey swap is great, and I like that you changed the jersey number as well. My only issue is the black font on the bottom right, it's just a bit hard to read. Of it all though I love the helmet design. It's clear that Tot stuck to their name and made an amazing custom helmet! 08/10!
  9. I have never had an issue with any graphic that you have made. They are always clean looking, professional, and inspirational. One of my favorite features is how it looks like it's a painted image, such a cool effect! Overall, 10/10!
  10. Hey there @Spaz! Welcome back! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We would love to have you as a backup goaltender. I can promise you a few games a week, and since you are so close in TPE to our starter there is always the chance to move up! We’d love to add you on. If you’d like to join us then quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
  11. I honestly shouldn't be surprised at all. I work hard each and every day to ensure that my family is fed, my bills are paid, and the community that I know and love (the VHL) has an atmosphere of dignity and respect. I honestly shouldn't be surprised at all that @Juice just had to ruin it. @LuluSalesAway and I had a delightful morning at church. After a great service we ventured down the road to grab some lunch and spent time together, out in the world. Upon my arrival home I grabbed the leash for our Bloodhound, Abraham, and I took him on a wonderful walk. It was calming, and perfect in every way. When I got back home after our walk, and my phone reconnected to the WiFi, I was delighted to see an email that Juice had tagged me in something. "Oh, awesome. I wonder what kind and wonderful thing Juice said!" I happily opened my phone and went on to the forum site, and my heart sunk. A man that I would have happily called a friend, nay, a brother, openly and violently attacked not just my character, but the character of the entire San Diego Marlins organization. While I was out living life, Juice was taking on the role of a keyboard warrior, crying out to an audience that, frankly, is tired of hearing his complaints. In his article (or more appropriately a smear campaign), Juice went on complaining about how I am far better at recruiting new players than he is, how my team is already easily beating Yuck-on, and how he was secretly heartbroken that he was not selected as my AGM many moons ago. What I saw in this post was nothing more than the lamentable and miserable musings of a man who let his diary leak on the internet. Up to this point, I have been nothing but kind to Juice. I've offered my assistance with both VHL related issues, and real life struggles. In fact, here is a more recent conversation we had in which I offered my advice after Juice again complained about me recruiting another defender... Well, enough is enough @Juice. You have issued a challenge to me and my beloved San Diego Marlins. As it stands, per your challenge, whoever has the better record between our two teams at the end of S77 gets to watch as the losing GM uploads a video of themselves being pied in the face. While I find your challenge to be juvenile, I shall accept it, as we in San Diego never back away from a challenge, no matter how soft and delicate that challenge may be. I could spend the next few paragraphs degrading your character like you've chosen to do to me, however, I shall be the bigger person in this situation. Simply I shall share to you, and the VHL community, the truth. Frankly, my friend, this is what the entire community thinks whenever you issue one of your "challenges"... In this image you can see a poor child who is traumatized by Juice. This child, much like the VHL community, is disgusted by the toddler-like tantrums of the Yuck-on General Manager. It has gone on for far too long, and I'm determined to help him realize the error of his way. In closing, I respect Juice for issuing this challenge in the most public forum possible, though it will prove to be at his own downfall. But, even if none of you take my word for it that San Diego will easily crush Yuck-on this season, I'll let Juice speak for himself... I, @Eldredman, and the entire San Diego franchise accept your silly challenge. I hope you're ready for some pie. --- 623 Words, claiming week ending 4 April
  12. Hey there @cool mcgee! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins, and welcome to the VHL. I’m here to offer you a competitive position on the San Diego Marlins, and I think you’d fit right in to our young team. If you’re interested then quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory!
  13. Hey @MOOSE_! Welcome to the league! I’m thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins. We are currently full on forwards in San Diego, but I’m here to help! Feel free to shoot me a message on here or discord if you’d like! xTHADTHRASHERx#6217
  14. Hey there @NerdyCowz! Welcome to the VHL! I’m thadthrasher, the Genera Manager of the San Diego Marlins. As a former teammate and co-worker of @Prout, he can assure you that I’m a guy you want to play for! If you’d like to join our ranks, quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
  15. Hahaha it’s all good man, it happens. And easy content is sometimes great content
  16. Are you talking about you? Because you accepted a contract already to the Marlins lol. You played today in games for us lol
  17. Let's go SDM! 2-1 on the day! Hey @Juice...
  18. That my friend is why you would be a perfect fit for San Diego!
  19. Hey there @Jayrad28! Glad to see you creating again. I'm thadthrasher, the GM of the San Diego Marlins, and we'd like you to join our roster! We are looking to add some competent and strong defense to our team, and we know that's you! We have an active locker room, some great people on our team, and the only thing we are missing is you! You are not far behind our 2nd pair of defenders, so it's incredibly competative! If you'd like to join us in sunny San Diego, quote this with #MarlinsTerritory!
  20. Hey there @Abe Roque, do you know who could use a strong Center of your caliber? San Diego! If you quote this and say #MarlinsTerritory I’ll send you the best contract offer you’ve EVER received! Good luck, hope to see you as a Marlin!
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