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Everything posted by thadthrasher

  1. Just a resume update because I’m still interested: S76 WCoH Team USA GM
  2. Probably some time next week. We still have to decide.
  3. The VHL is an organization that continues to grow and foster some of the greatest athletes that any sport has to offer. The hardest working, most dedicated people come from the VHL, and every two seasons we get to see the best of the best play in one tournament... ...The World Cup of Hockey Not only does every young prospect long to be drafted into the VHL, but they work hard for the chance to play in the most ELITE tournament in all of sports. These are not your average athletes, these are the best the world has to offer. We all know and understand that the United States of America produces the GREATEST athletes to ever have existed, and our crop of players for the S76 World Cup of Hockey continues to prove that. While the list of potential players was extensive, only the BEST of the BEST were selected. So, without further adieu, here are the future winners of the World Cup of Hockey: Stone Wolski - @DollarAndADream Benny Graves - @STZ Thomas Landry II - @Doomsday Robin Winter - @Sonnet General Zod - @Matt_O John Merrick - @Steve Kevin King - @IamMOOSE Calvin Harvey - @Mrpenguin30 Isabella Campbell - @Banackock Randy Marsh - @oilmandan Lester Green - @Smarch Jolly Greene Giant - @DoktorFunk Team USA, let's show these losers why America is the greatest!
  4. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 7 March 2021 1. What's your favorite hobby? 2. Does your player have another job at all? 3. Who do you think will win the Founder's Cup? Mexico City Kings or Houston Bulls 4. If old enough to drink, what is your favorite beer/wine/spirit? 5. How fast does your skater skate? 6. If you could pick one other language to speak fluently, what would it be and why?
  5. Hey there, @Charlie! Welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! Right now we are nearing the end of our Season 76 (S76) playoffs, so teams aren't able to pick you up yet. As the playoffs end we will hold a draft, which you will be eligible for. The more active you become now the higher the chance will be that you are drafted. However, if you end up not being drafted there is still a chance that a team could offer you a 1 season waiver contract. There is a lot to this at first, but it quickly becomes easy to navigate. If you have any questions then feel free to message me here or on Discord (which is where our league does most of it's communication) xTHADTHRASHERx#6217
  6. Hey there, @Joey Smitherson! Welcome to the VHL! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! Right now we are nearing the end of our Season 76 (S76) playoffs, so teams aren't able to pick you up yet. As the playoffs end we will hold a draft, which you will be eligible for. The more active you become now the higher the chance will be that you are drafted. However, if you end up not being drafted there is still a chance that a team could offer you a 1 season waiver contract. There is a lot to this at first, but it quickly becomes easy to navigate. If you have any questions then feel free to message me here or on Discord (which is where our league does most of it's communication) xTHADTHRASHERx#6217
  7. Thanks to whoever nominated me, I really appreciate it! Good luck to this amazing list of people!
  8. thadthrasher

    Two New GMs

    But what about the other 4?!?!
  9. @Omariusbryant123434welcome to the league! I'm thadthrasher, the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins! We are in the middle of playoffs right now, so teams won't be able to pick you up yet. However, that doesn't mean you should sit and wait! The best thing to do right now is start earning TPE and learning the league. It's especially important to get your name out there. We will be having our draft soon, and if your player happens to not be drafted (which is unlikely) then you can be picked up by a team on a 1-year waiver contract. It's a lot to take on, but I'm here to help! If you'd like to connect on Discord (xTHADTHRASHERx#6217) send me a message! I'll be glad to answer any questions you have and show you the ropes! All the best, Thad
  10. Hey there @nhlbeastmode_7777, welcome to the VHL! We are currently in playoffs and teams can't gain new players yet. Once the playoffs end we will have our draft. Your player could be drafted, and if they aren't your player can be picked up on waivers to join a team. So, for now, try earning some TPE and growing your player! I'm the General Manager of the San Diego Marlins, and I'll happily help you learn about the league. Go ahead and send me a message on Discord (xTHADTHRASHERx#6217) and I will send you an invite to our team's locker room, that way you can get to know some other people! If you have any other questions, let me know!
  11. As many of you are aware, I was once the GM for Team USA for WJC. Nothing would be better than for me to man the helm of Team USA for the S76 World Cup! I am an incredibly active guy around the league, love hyping people up, and I have GM experience. My ultimate goal is to make my way up to the VHL as a GM, and I think this will help me. I think we all know that I, thadthrasher, am the best choice for Team USA!
  12. Ayyyy congratulations to a great guy! @Ricer13
  13. Your work literally never disappoints. I love how you can see your style throughout all of your graphics, it makes them unique! The visual texture of the graphic is great, and it adds a bit of a retro feel. Very well done! 10/10
  14. Check out my review of @.sniffuM latest article For Your Consideration: A Deep Look at the Season 76 David Knight Trophy Race

  15. Well, it's here in media spots, so I suppose it deserves a review. @.sniffuM, this is by far the greatest media spot I have ever seen. Your title is catchy and it pulls people in; they long to know more. As one clicks on the article they are at first caught off guard by the content, but quickly they are overcome with a sense of awe and wonder. Your writing here is so succinct and persuasive that you didn't need to elaborate over the course of 500 words, but simply one. The formatting of this media spot is appealing to the eye, and you have ALMOST PERFECT spelling and punctuation (you forgot a period at the end of your sentence). If there were a media spot Hall of Fame, this would be my vote. 10/10, absolutely brilliant.
  16. I know that @Flames1Fan really loves boats, so that's a good start!
  17. I'm still interested in being considered!
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