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Gaming Ringleader

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Everything posted by Gaming Ringleader

  1. Istanbul Red Wolves PC Week Ending 2023-02-26 1) How did your week go in the VHLE? 2) Whats one thing you would change about your player 3) Goals or Assists? What do you prefer? 4) Is it important to have an active LR? 5) Who is one teammate you love playing with 6) Was the SuperBowl rigged with the holding call?
  2. I love the theme you were going for with this graphic! Its a cool thought that I have not seen done before. The purple and black jerseys are also a nice touch then with the red and purple border. There is a few suggestions I have for this graphic, The Flames logo is still there in a VHL themed graphic? Even just a basic logo swap would elevate this graphic a lot. The back of "Gonclaves" is a nice touch though! Next time also use a different font and keep it more consistent that way its easier to read! Other than that its a cool graphic! 7/10
  3. This graphic is amazing from the first look I took at it! The colors on each side then with the fire collision at the middle makes it into an amazing graphic. Then to see its both goalies makes it that much better! This is one of the best graphics I've seen since I have joined the VHL so I give you credit for that. There is nothing I can really suggest other than to keep doing these amazing graphics. For those reasons you are my 69/420 also known as the 10/10!
  4. Theme week has proved to be amazing as I love this graphic, the split is done amazingly and the names of the players make it that much better. The team colour overlays look amazing as well as the textures. The one thing that's driving me nuts is my personal OCD the hound's side is SLIGHTLY bigger than the lynx making me cry internally. Other than that great graphic! Always love to see yours. 7.5/10 Nice work!
  5. Love the face off feel between the two teams here. It really gives that standoff rivalry feel to the graphic. My one suggestion for this would be you have a lot of dead space. Maybe fill it in with a VS or even a VHLM Logo to remove the space. Once you do that it will take the graphic to the next level that your looking for to add depth and field of view. But other than that I dont have a lot to say! Overall nice work! 8/10!
  6. v very proud of these logo swaps
  7. Istanbul Red Wolves PC Week Ending 2023-02-19 1) We are at the halfway point in the season, How do you feel its went, How can we improve? 2) If you could change anything about the team, what would it be? 3) Whats the worst PT? 4) Are you exited to play in the VHL? 5) Do you prefer the new trivia format or the old trivia format? 6) Who do you think wins the SB, Chiefs or Eagles. If you are doing this after, Who did you want to win?
  8. Love this graphic, it really gives off an american star spangled vibe after just taking a glimpse at it! No supruise from one of your graphics. Anyways this is just executed perfectly, from the player to the fine details with the particals makes it into an incredible work of art. The font goes amazing with it and how you warped it a bit to flow into the image, the bottom text is also perfect. The background also uses team colors in a way I have not seen before, huge credit for that. Overall one of the best graphics ive seen, so for that I gotta give you the honnor of 69/420 also known as the 10/10.
  9. You had a great idea with this graphic! The idea of the trade having a split logo of the former team and the team that you went to in the trade. But there are also many flaws in this graphic for the details, some more noticable than others. Firstly the hat on your draftee is still related to an NHL team, something like that only takes a few miniutes to crop out and replace with a logo! Also a minor detail is the pins on the GM's jackets still being team related. One thing you could do to take it to the next level is remove the NHL DRAFT and TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS from the background to make it more VHL related instead of NHL with VHL logos. Good Work 6/10
  10. Istanbul Red Wolves PC Week Ending 12/2/2022 1). How do you feel about us getting a goalie in The Red Menace 2). Who do you think will win the VHLE Championship 3.) Who has been the M.V.P for the team so far this season 4). If your player had to play any other sport what would it be 5). What is the hardest position in any given sport? 6) Apple or Android
  11. Welcome to Istanbul The Red Menace. S88 BRA 3rd we thank you for your time here. You were a great player.
  12. I love the split on this graphic using the logos with a jersey of each teams and then even including the VHL team on the jersey! (Also kind of bias as the red wolves AGM). The text on this graphic is also super suiting and amazing, I love the bit of shine you added to it also. Blends in so well. One of the best graphics ive seen in awhile! Great work! 10/10 or 69/420
  13. Pretty nice graphic you got going here, I love how you added a nighthawk logo fade in to it to really give it another level. It took me a minute to notice it because of that red helmet, Leading me to a suggestion to possibly next time either crop the helmet out or change it to a Malmo color like green or blue! I love the fade font you used for the name and the defenseman font. Its overall a great graphic. 8/10
  14. applied.
  15. Istanbul Red Wolves Press Conference Week Ending 2/5/2023 1) How do you feel about our slump, what needs to be done. 2) Do you think we will make the playoffs this season? 3) What is the best point-task 4) What VHLE Team has the best logo? 5) What position will your next player be? 6) What is your players pre-game meal?
  16. Istanbul Red Wolves Press Conference Week Ending 1/29/2023 (Will have a graphic for next week) 1) How do you feel about the new AGM (Me ) 2) How did your player start there first few games? 3) How do you think we are going to do this season? 4) What Attribute are you going to focus on upgrading this season 5) How do you feel about playing in the VHLE 6) What is your players Pre-Game Ritual? (If they have one)
  17. Just noticed I did the right one this week. 1) Seeing my players first full season. Gonna be fun. 2) Graphics, love looking through them to see what I can add to mine. 3) Just this one so im gonna have to say this one. 4) If I can avoid it no, GM's are much more spotty there, I had one who didn't even communicate in the LR 5) I prefer to stick with teams but if I know the GM I dont mind a trade. 6) Monopoly or Chess probably.
  18. https://imgur.com/a/ZDhzvqt
  19. Pretty sweet draft day graphic here! I loved how you incorporated the two teams into a split tone type of graphic and making it look like its a single draft. It flows very very well! You also added a lot of detail to this and your logo swaps are amazing! My only piece of advice for you here is to either crop out the black side border or resize your graphic that way you don't have that interruption! Other than that great graphic! 9.5/10
  20. as my agm, im forced to review this, and dont think il go easy on you (; So... I love the movie format you brought to this graphic, you also executed it very well with the marlin fitting it perfectly with your theme. So props to you on that! My small issue is the text is kind of small to read. I understand you didn't have a lot of room to work with but maybe next time increase the size of the total graphic to fit in some larger text so its easier to read. Other than that great work! 8/10
  21. 1) hot. because im on it. just like the gif 2) i like them medium, find medium rare is just too raw 3) speed, im fast as f boiiii 4) the cup, i need a legacy (pun intended) 5) because this is my last player (NOT EVER IN THE GAMING SERIES) 6) city! more to do, less social awkward interactions lol
  22. Like how simple yet effective this graphic is! I love the setupand how you let the colours flow with the picture making it into a work of art. Your logos fit in relaly well and were formed down nicely with the player. I also love the helmet sticker addition. You also did a great job creating a theme for the player and sticking with it. Next time mabye use a different font the the cursive that way its easier to read and move the "Leandro" text over just a bit so its not inside of the visor! But overall this is a sick graphic! 9/10
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