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Everything posted by Eldredman

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  3. Stockholm Vikings Press Conference Week ending 6 Feb 2022 1. Season is supposed to start tomorrow, are you ready? Yes! 2. If you could pick a Viking to have a stand out season, who would it be? Lockness Monster ( @LuluSalesAway ) for sure! 3. Best logo in the VHL? Stockholm Vikings 4. What is your biggest fear? Heights. 5. What would be the first thing you do if you won the lottery? Buy my family an appropriate sized house and set everything else aside for utility expenses. 6. Do you collect anything? Movies and Lord of the Rings merch.
  4. PRESS CONFERENCE *For Week Ending Nov 21, 2021* 1. What is your player doing this offseason? Doing some R&R before getting back into things. 2. Does your player have any offseason hobbies? If so what are they? A lot of fishing and Dungeons & Dragons. 3. Where does your player live during the offseason? He spends most of his offseason back in his hometown. 4. Does your player play any other sports during the offseason? Nope. 5. What are some goals you have for this season you have coming up? To earn a captain position and protect his flock by continuing to be a Viking enforcer! 6. What is your players favorite offseason food to eat? Hotdogs. All day. Every day.
  5. 1. Indeed I did! I was on the Stockholm Vikings. 2. Excited to see how that all goes. 3. Some Strikers. 4. Holding onto it for later seasons. 5. Defending my teammates and score some goals. 6. The one with the most wins in the tourny.
  6. Great read. Keep it up!
  7. I’ll apply!
  8. The excitement is real!!!!!
  9. 1. I believe the STHS gods will do us good. 2. Aldwin likes to spend time with family. 3. I will be watching our team from the booth. 4. Honolulu Tiger Sharks. 5. Aldwin loved it here and Im glad to be a manager here as well. 6. The container holding it.
  10. San Diego Marlins to build $60 million hockey arena? SDC and RAM Collaborative are expected to design the project. ARENA AUGUST 26, 2021 STEVE GRADY, ASSOCIATE EDITOR A new 5,000-seat, $60 million hockey and skating arena is set to reportedly begin construction next summer on the San Diego Marlins Campus in San Diego, Ca The arena will be home to the Division I men’s and women’s hockey programs, the cities nationally ranked figure skating team, and the men’s club ice hockey team. The arena will also feature amenities such as a pro shop, beer rooms, food venues, suites, meeting rooms, broadcast facilities, and offices. Locker rooms and training rooms will also be included for all the teams athletes. Special events such as guest lectures, concerts, conventions, and other activities open to the community will be hosted in the building. Time will also be set aside for students, faculty, staff, and community members of local schools and universities to skate. Students studying in the areas of sports communication & media, sport management, and hospitality will be able to use the arena as a classroom and practice space. Five years in the making, in April, 2021 the San Diego Board of Regents approved construction of a multi purpose facility that will house the San Diego Marlins Hockey Team and serve as a venue for local universities hockey, wrestling, and gymnastics meets, concerts, and other numerous events. The design and sightlines will focus on hockey first. The San Diego Marlins Hockey Team will have priority when scheduling dates, and it will be the only team permanently housed in the arena. The project is slated for completion in 2023. 288 words, claiming week of 29 August
  11. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 29 August 2021 1. WE ARE GOING TO THE PLAYOFFS! Who is excited? 2. With one game left to play this season, Do you feel that this next game against Halifax will set us up for the Playoff games against Halifax? 3. What do you plan to do after this season is over? 4. Tell us what a typical dinner consists off after a game? 5. Do you have any thoughts on strategy for the upcoming Playoffs? 6. Now that we are at the end of our season, have we met your early expectations of the season? Why or why not?
  12. Press Conference Week ending 22 August 2021 1. What is your go-to side dish for any home prepared meal? Tater tot casserole. 2.What is your go-to fast food order? McDonalds large number 3. Double Quarter Pounder. 3. What do you think about this seasons theme week? There has been better topics but I look forward to reading the articles regardless. 4. What do you think about Toronto's collection of draft picks? Niiiiiice. 5. Are you looking forward to the VHLE starting soon? Very much so, yes. 6. Do you think we can play spoiler for a hopeful playoff team? Sure thang.
  13. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 22 August 2021 1. How do you think you did during this weeks games? 2. We're 8 points ahead of Ottowa; the current 9th place team. What line pairs would you like to see during the next few weeks of the season? 3. What do you think the strategy should be to make us more competitive with higher teams like Mississauga, Mexico City, and Saskatoon. 4. Who do you think is our Locker Room MVP at this midpoint of the regular season? 5. How do you feel about going up against Halifax in the first round of playoffs? Assuming the standing stay the same. 6. How did you end up in the position you currently play?
  14. 1. Toronto is in fire-sale mode. Do you think you'll be traded? I sure hope not. 2. What do you expect from the S80 and S81 drafts? A good base of players. 3. What do you think of our 'sim luck'? Lets hope it holds. 4. Which trade were you least expecting? Myself lol 5. What would your reaction be if Toronto somehow made the playoffs? I believe an "Oh Yeah!" would be in order. 6. BONUSES are on the table next off season... what would you like from the player store? I'm not sure yet.
  15. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 15 August 2021 1. We are half-way through the season, how do you expect the season to finish? 2. Who do you think will be the biggest impact player for the remainder of this season? 3. What areas do you think the team need to improve? If so, where, and why? 4. What kind of miracle do you think we need to complete to make it to the playoffs? 5. What is the routine of your player, what does a pre-game ritual look like? 6. Which team in the VHLM, VHLE or VHL has your favorite logo? Why?
  16. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 08 August 2021 1. What are your opinions on our current 6-13-1 record? 2. Do you have any favorite players in the VHL? 3. Who was your inspiration for becoming a hockey player? 4. Do you have any game day superstitions? 5. Do you plan to go to the VHLE when it opens up? 6. What is your goal to accomplish this season?
  17. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 25 July 2021 1. Who is excited about this upcoming season? 2. With all the Covid restrictions subsiding, are you ready for fans to be back in the stands? 3. What have you been up to during this break between seasons? 4. Do you have any pre-season rituals? 5. @thadthrasher and @Juice's duet is out! You listen to it yet? 6. Who else thinks our GM has the voice of an angel?
  18. NEW YORK AMERICANS PRESS CONFERENCE Week Ending July 4th 1. New York was sadly eliminated from the playoffs, what are you going to do with your time this offseason before training camp? Enjoying San Diego's time in the play-offs. 2. The third and final VHLE team poll has been put out asking you to pick 3 team to possibly be named apart of the VHLE, what were your choices? I haven't participated. I'm looking forward the surprise of the team names. 3. If you are in USA or 4th of July, any special plans for the celebration? If you don't celebrate 4th of July, why not and what are your plans for the weekend anyways? Spending the whole weekend with family. 4. The Stanley Cup Finals are here, Montreal v Tampa, even the US president and Canadian prime minister are getting into it, who do you have winning the finals? Tampa. 5. If there were a board game you’d have to play for the rest of your life what game would it be? Risk. Hands down my favorite. 6. Though we may be out, is there a team you would prefer to win the championship in the VHL, or maybe the VHLM? San Diego Marlins!
  19. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 4 July 2021 1. Play-offs are underway! Who do you think is going home with the Trophy? 2. Are you excited or nervous now that we beat Philly and on our way to the next round? 3. At what stage of rareness should a steak be cooked to? 4. Why is the Sky blue? 5. @thadthrasher and @Juice's duet will be made soon. Excited? 6. What did you think of the nail biter first round of our play-offs?
  20. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 27 June 2021 1. How are you feeling coming towards the end of our regular season? 2. We tied with Yukon 4-4 this season... What do you think should be a tie breaker? The one where there is a tie - League Voting - Victory Hockey League (vhlforum.com) 3. What is your plans for an "End of the Season" extravaganza? 4. Who is excited for the Play-Offs? 5. Nicholas Mariani @Mistxh J ended the season as our highest scorer, who is surprised? 6. Did you find Waldo?
  21. Eso!! This was awesome! I've been playing for about 13 years and DMing for about 5! If you have questions, id love to talk with you.
  22. Beautiful! Just beautiful! Well done and informative. I enjoyed it thoroughly.
  23. San Diego Marlins Press Conference Week ending 13 June 2021 Theme week edition 1. Are you excited to see what can happen with the VHLE? 2. Have you congratulated @Acydburnand @Victor on their new commissioner roles? 3. Will you be looking forward to going into the VHLE with your next player? 4. Are you having negative thoughts toward the new league? Do you think it was necessary? 5. Did you get the chance to vote for teams to be created in the VHLE? There will be 6! 6. The newest episode of Inside the Fish Tank is all about the VHLE! Have you listened to it yet?
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