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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Welcome @bens I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Benoit Moinet. Daniel Janser
  2. Splendid, A contract offer is on its way. In the meantime here is the invitation to our discord https://discord.gg/QdcUqNFA Welcome to the Pack Daniel
  3. 1. No not really. But I am never happy with what I have achieved. On the other hand I know I have given my all and the rest is RnJesus working its magic... by and large I wish to be more consistent. 2. I have barely used to old format, and with me being GM and doing articles and PC all the time I do not need the trivia... but I think it is better if every member has a random question so they really have to do something for it and not wait for someone to spam the replies in discord. 3. No I have not, I like my Mississauga GM spot. I have seen that Ben applied and since he is a Calgary prospect, the chance of conflict of interest is small... I am sure Ricer will make the right call. 4. I always have been a fan of aviatics and therefore plane all the way. 5. Difficult to say. I think we work very well as a team and the scoring rest on a lot of shoulders. Klamasteris has been a solid backbone for us and always gives us a fighting chance, so I think the call must land on him if I need to point a single player out. 6. Well since I learnt that my name means 'God is my Judge' in Hebrew I am more inclined to make sure I will find a mild judge when my time comes to stand trial for my actions and omissions. So yeah a given name can influence you, but this must not be necessarily true for everyone.
  4. At the time you posted this, Marcel Janser trails the Monster by 3 shots blocked. TBH if it wasn't my brother, I would not have cared to point it out and I take it, it took you some time to do this article and stats change fast, so please take this correction in the spirit it was intended... to give props to my bro and not to be nitpicking on your excellent review. Cheers.
  5. Welcome back @canucksaccess I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Stefan Teske. Daniel Janser
  6. I agree with the statement about Thad, on the other hand I have not seen anybody attacking him personally (the team as such yes, but that is collateral, I do not think anyone accused Thad to be a 'meta-goalie'. Again I am not saying that Nyko is fixing the tests at all (I would never do such a thing without solid proof). But to state that a GM who has won two consecutive titles with a meta-team (and is dominating the league in a third season) is NOT profiting from the status quo is a little blue-eyed. Nyko the BOG has an interest in getting rid of the Meta because it becomes a retention problem sooner than later. Nyko the GM of Vancouver has a high interest that everything stays as it is, so his team can continue to win titles. There is clearly a conflict of interest, and we can only hope that BOG-Nyko wins this fight. Just to make this clear, I cannot know which interests prevail and I am not saying that Nyko is putting his GM interest above the League's, but in my point of view it is a legitimate question to raise (again as somebody looking from the outside in). In my personal opinion, it would be an ideal scenario (at least PR wise) if Nyko took a Hiatus from GM-ing the Wolves. It would soften the above argument of conflict of interest. @Nykonax I am not accusing you of any wrong-doing at all, I just have a habit of questioning 'the man' - if that gives you any discomfort, I apologize for that
  7. Ok so I must have misunderstood previous postings in the past and I apologize if anything I wrote added to the confusion.
  8. Welcome back @Travis I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom four spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Travis Gibson. Daniel Janser
  9. I think what bothers some people is that the one who is running all the tests (as I understand it) is the one who at the moment is exploiting this meta the most (I am not saying he is the only one). Now, I am not saying that he does sabotage the testing or rig it or deliberately prolong the meta existence. All I am saying is, if you are from the outside looking in, it doesn't give you a fuzzy feeling about it, due to the apparent conflict of interest. Imagine Exxon gets a monopoly to find an alternative fuel, with everyone else being benched on the problem. So Exxon is working on this alternative fuel on a (perceived) snail pace, while everyone else is forced to watch and twiddling thumbs, while Exxon is still selling oil and makes a shitload of money. Every now and then there is a PC from the Exxon brass 'We are working on it, a solution will be ready when it's ready, we cannot rush these things', while ripping everybody and their mothers off at the pump. During my NCO training I was taught that a mediocre solution (or even a bad one) in time is a better solution than the perfect solution too late. I appreciate that BOG wants to make the right moves and to spare a 'trial and error' phase. And honestly I my self do not give a damn about the meta, I play my player as I see fit and do not define myself over success in a virtual sports league at all. I think there will be a point of no return where so many players will have meta builds, because they are sick and tired of being in the passenger seat when not doing it that we can as well throw a dice at the beginning of the season for all the trophies. At that point we can as well nuke the VHL and restart from square one. I hope it will not come to that.
  10. If you are referring to 'Snussu', Swiss people who are interested in Hockey know it as 'Snus'...
  11. Welcome back @Snussu I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Dens Oden. Daniel Janser
  12. Splendid, An invitation to the locker room and discord will follow in a separate mail. I will send you a contract offer as soon as possible, which kindly accept. In the meantime, please do not be shy to ask any question you may have concerning the league. Welcome to the Pack Daniel
  13. Welcome @Erik I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Akio Suzuki. Daniel Janser
  14. Generally the skill level on almost everything has increased compared to 20 or 30 years ago. A lot more players can pull of a Michigan nowadays for example. And they do. It is called evolution. To me skating is not meta for ice hockey it is a prerequisite. Also of note clutch and grab is gone because the implementation of the no tolerance rules. You cannot find a player in the NHL anymore who cannot skate. Of course if you can skate like McDavid this will give you an edge.
  15. I do not think that it is fair to compare a one in a million irl skater with the meta-cancer that we have right now. McDavid has a god-given talent (insert superior being of your choice) and I do not even want to know how many hours of practice and how many injuries he had to endure to get at the point he is now. Meta builds though do not require skill and only limited amount of time. The vexing thing is that it does not even require extensive effort (read: Max earning) as you deliberately neglect an IRL essential skill (Passing) and therefore can invest the tpe in the big four. It is in fact the opposite of what McDavid had to do to get where he is now. McDavid's meta (if it is one) is acceptable, because there are maybe 10 people on his level in the best league in the world and not dozens or hundreds. And in the NHL a player like him makes 12.5 Million a year (i.e. 1/7th of the cap for the whole team). So you can not dress a full squad on his level (even if that many players on his level existed). By my account for a fully fledged meta player you need around 780 TPA. You never need to go beyond that. As per the rule book for a veteran player of that skill level you pay minimum 4 mill p.a.. Which means you could afford 10 maxxed out metaplayers (ignoring the need for a goaltender for a moment). So if you have a compassionate max earner assembles close to 1500 TPE in his career, this meta players never ever need to buy a regression fighter as they can simply replace the skill lost with the spare TPE. Hence there is no need for the GM to raise the salary in order for the player to be able to buy a 'Jagr' & Co. as same are simply not needed. Also if Connor was as meta as you want us to believe, how come he has not won a Stanley cup yet?
  16. Welcome @ctots I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom four spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Baxter Arcanum. Daniel Janser
  17. Welcome @ThomasSyster I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Jocke Jockesson Ronaldono Ronaldono. Daniel Janser
  18. Welcome @MINNESOTA4EVA I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Tom McLaughhlin. Daniel Janser
  19. Welcome @ccliffy44 I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise in a rebuild phase and we can offer you a bottom six spot. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Whopper Tuesday. Daniel Janser
  20. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Please find a quick summary of the results and stats of the games the brothers played since our last report on them. 3-2 In this game the Red Wolves started hot and scored thre consecutive game until the 23rd minute. A handicap the Eagles were not able to compensate, despite pulling the goalie in the dying minutes of the game. Marcel had 0g, 0a, -1 and 1sb 5-6 (SO) In the second match, the Eagles would face Cologne in a 6-5 shoot out win. The first period was a rollercoaster, with a total of seven goals scored. The game remained tight as well as exciting to the end. Bonaparte scored the game-winner in the shootout. Marcel was noted with 0g, 2a, -2, 2 PIM (High Sticking, no effect on the score) and 1sb 3-6 In this third encounter Geneva scored five goals in the first half of the game, with only one goal from Vasteras. This comfortable lead proved too much for the Eagles to overcome, despite a herculean effort from their netminder Utonium. Marcel logged 0g, 2a, -1, 1 hit and 3sb 1-5 In a game where Vasteras could only compete in the first frame, Rome secured the victory in the second period for good. Marcel recorded 0g, 0a, -3 and 2sb 3-1 This game was not played but fought in the trenches, resulting in a Game Misconduct for Hagel. Marcel scored the game winning goal at the halfway mark, which earned him a third star and Utonium had a career game with a whopping .976 saving rate, securing the second star. Marcel achieved 1g, 1a, +0, 3 hits and 4sb 5-3 This game was decided when Cologne scored four unanswered goals, which was too much to handle for Vasteras. Marcel had 1g, 0a, +0 and 4sb to his name 2-3 (SO) This game was a nailbiter to the end with the Storm taking the win in the shoot out. Marcel recorded 0g, 0a, -1, 1 hit and 5sb 4-7 Vasteras was leading in this match in the first period, but lost the game in the second frame when they allowed four goals, without scoring themselves. Cologne was able to nurse the lead home and secure the win. Marcel was noted with 0g, 1a, +0 and Major for Fighting (a loss to his former team mate Simeoni, no power play as both players were sent to the sin bin to cool off) 6-3 Daniel's Wranglers were facing off the Malmo Nighthawks in a 6-3 defeat. After winning the first period 3-1, Calgary looked like a certain winner for the longest time, until Malmo scored five goals (Minion with a hat trick) within fifteen minutes during the final frame. Daniel was credited with 1g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (High Sticking, lead to a goal against), 6 hits and FO% 47.22 0-4 The next match was against the Phoenix who stubbornly refuse to re-ignited their fire. Klamasteris with a shutout and Jokinen with three points were elementary in this win against Chicago. Daniel had 0g, 1a, +1, 5 PIM (Major for fighting, a draw with Taylor, no power play), 4 hits and 54.55% efficiency from the hash mark 6-4 The third match of this series was very entertaining, as the Phantoms and the Wranglers took turns scoring against each other. Reinhart with a hat trick and again Klamasteris with a very solid performance saved the day. Daniel logged 0g, 1a, +1, 6 PIM (Tripping, Hooking, Tripping, no effect on the score), 7 hits, 1 sb and a face-off win-rate of 45.45% 4-3 (SO) A very balanced game, where Perry snatched the win as the sole player scoring in the shootout. Daniel registered 0g, 1a, -1, 1sb and FO% 48.94 1-2 (SO) This game was dominated by very disciplined and focused defenselines on either side, matched with two netminders performing at the peak of their profession. No wonder the decision was sought in the shootout Jokinen and Perry succeeded. Daniel achieved 0g, 0a, +1, 1 hit and 48.57% efficiency at the draw. 2-3 (SO) Perry scored both goals for the Wranglers in regulation. The match went into shootout, with the bitter end for Calgary. Daniel was noted with 0g, 0a, +0, 3 hits, 2 sb and FO% 59.18 The Jansers' stats sofar: Marcel: 30gp, 3g, 19a, 22pts, -19, 19 PIM, 25 hits, 83 sb, 2gwg, 1ppg Daniel: 28gp, 12g, 19a, 31pts, +24, 66 PIM, 86 hits, 15sb, 1gwg We will revert with the missing two VHLE games in due course. Stay tuned. https://vhlforum.com/topic/116272-a-tale-of-two-brothers-vhl-only/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116301-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116343-a-tale-of-two-brothers-thats-a-hatpick/ GM 90: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 96: Cologne Express vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 100: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Geneva Rush (vhlportal.com) GM 103: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com) GM 106: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 112: Cologne Express vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 114: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 119: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Cologne Express (vhlportal.com) GM 182: Malmo Nighthawks vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 192: Chicago Phoenix vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 197: Calgary Wranglers vs. Prague Phantoms (vhlportal.com) GM 206: Calgary Wranglers vs. Malmo Nighthawks (vhlportal.com) GM 216: Prague Phantoms vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 223: Calgary Wranglers vs. Warsaw Predators (vhlportal.com)
  21. All good then. It is completely fine if you are protective/enthusiastic about your player. I would be disappointed if you were not. You remained respectful and made good points to justify your position. I appreciate the exchange of ideas we had on the topic. Cheers
  22. As long as there is no rule against sarcasm, that is perfectly fine, this is how humans work. There is a rule against baiting/trolling though...
  23. Nylen is in the unlucky position that he is in the same team as the top goal scorer (at least that is my opinion). If you can name me one NHL All-Star game where the then-top goal scorer was not in the first ballot (other than due to health issues) we have a base for a discussion, why Nylen should get preference over the Number one Rocket Richard candidate. For me a forward who is leading the league in goals MUST be in the All-Star game. As a further remark, I was not aware that the stats are distorted/unreliable, I noticed that you can look at TA and GA but they are all '0', so I tried to look at those relevant data, but they were simply not there. I am sorry if I came across to snub your player, that was certainly not my intention. I based my reflection upon the data available and drew my conclusion from it (which certainly are biased to a degree as I was a very hamfisted defender myself, but a king along the boards and defensively reliable (stay-at-home-defender)). So please take all I wrote with a pinch of salt, as the intention was not to downtalk your player but find reasons why Nilsson's production was not considered as much as you would have expected/hoped for.
  24. Well I cannot dictate what you are reading into my texts. I never said offense does not matter. Let's put it that way: if you asked a coach of any sports whatsoever what he want first and foremost from a defender 9 out of 10 will tell you tackling/infights/defensive positioning/shutting down the opposition were the paramount skills they are looking for and the odd one may say 'playmaking abilities'. I am fully aware that modern defenders play the 200 foot game and are to be found in all three zones of the ice. The classic 'stay at home' defender does not exist anymore (or becomes more and more rare). As to assists... I have looked at some sims and most assists I was looking at were not deliberate passes but failed shot attempts. And it is my believe also in RL that assists are 'made' by the one scoring the goal. In other words, if the receiver of the pass does not score the goal, the passer does get nothing tangible on his score sheet for his efforts. There are unassisted goals but no ungoaled assists, after all. I agree with you that it should be a balanced two-way game for a nomination to an all-star game. Yet here you are low key demanding an Allstar spot for Nilsson when all he has going for him to be counted to the top ten in your position is offense. Do you not see the inconsistency there? To elaborate my point: As per the index Nilsson is 26th in goals for defenders, 1st in assists, 2nd in points, 4th in +/- (which I trust we can agree is a team effort), 6th in PIM (I leave that up to interpretation whether this is good or bad to be in the top ten), 24th in hits, 54th in shots blocked (Madison who you stated plays in the same line i.e. is facing the same shots as Nilsson is, ranks 24th in that rating), 16th in power play goals, 2nd in power play assist, shot efficiency 40th. So Nilsson is in the top ten of the defenders in penalties taken, assists, points, +/-, and power play assists, all (except for penalties of course) directly related to offensive stats. All the 'traditional' defensive stats are not all-star worthy in my eyes. Yes Nilsson is a very productive offensive defenseman, but with deficits on the defensive side of play (at least that is the conclusion I draw from the stats available, if you think I omitted relevant ones, I am happy to hear your suggestions). As I said, best of luck with the poll.
  25. Yeah it means 'noble wolf' in antique German... and now one person ruined for everyone...
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