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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Yeah I found that mildly frustrating during my time in Oslo. It felt that there were two 'real' players at the start of the season (Nezuko and me) and the rest basically better bots. In one instance a player was dressing for Oslo as well as a VHL team (cannot remember the details anymore) and I addressed it in the locker room. Now that was a very special situation as Oslo was just being promoted and had to find players in a jiffy, I understand that. But maybe we should consider still an 'IA rule' similar to the VHLM (maybe with longer time frames). Because on one side the E does need a certain player pool and lets be honest, addicted committed max earner recreates can time their 'reincarnation' in a way that they will make the jump from the M to the VHL directly. So they are lost to the E. On the other side it is not exactly motivating when your team's topscorer is a player who is that IA that they do not even fight regression anymore, which for me is a prime indicator that the user just does not give two fucks anymore about their players and/or the league.
  2. In real life I am on the fence about fighting. I would rather see some solid, legal checks are proper icehockey then players trying to fight on a slippery surface which is bound to cause some severe injuries. At the other hand I do understand that it is a physical sport and that sometimes emotions get the better of a player (especially after conceived or real foul play suffered by the respective player/team). As to the SIM side of fighting: I can tell you that my player had the second most fights in the VHL this season (I am rookie) with eight fighting majors. And I did not invest a single point into fighting. I have a physical build though (I am going for a two-way center) so maybe this enhances the chances for a fight, I do not know.
  3. must be with an uneven number.... I had 8 fighting majors in the season and that is without putting a single point into fighting...
  4. we had two players in the Wranglers this regular season who did not take a penalty until the very end... around the same time you lost your plot, Nasherov and Perry took a five minute major for fighting each....
  5. It will create a choirboy if you ask me
  6. Paris is very lovely. If you need advice from the locals though it is sometimes difficult if you do not speak French (luckily I do, so I had no problems)
  7. 1. of course, it is my first playoff series in the big show. 2. There are other teams? On a more serious note, I think Vancouver will do anything humanly possible to profit once more from the established meta before it ceases to exist. It will be our job to stop them dead in their tracks (or Seattle's for that matter, as they came close twice already). 3. Hmm, I am still a little heartbroken about resetting my player with the new hybrid attributes. 4. French and German (and Swiss German which technically is a German dialect, but practically is a language of its own, as Germans do not understand us if we speak it in our normal tempo). 5. No, I used to play floorball, but now I am to old and too can't-be-bothered to play. 6. Trick question, Phil will step in and stop any such nonsense.
  8. Unless it is it is for comic value, the 'A' does not stand for 'ass(istant) captain' but for alt(ernate) captain.... but yeah I would be interested to know about this leadership attribute as well because I spent some points in it before I found building guides, as I wanted my player to be a leader on the ice...
  9. Swiss Central Gazzette (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The regular season has ended and while for Marcel's Vasteras Iron Eagles the season is prematurely over, Daniel's Calgary Wranglers will wrestle with the LA Stars for a spot in the conference finals. The Bookies do not rate the chances of Calgary making this leap all too favourably, but we think they give the team too few credit. In Calgary's roster, Funk is the only one who has not at least scored a point per game. Apart from that, the scoring was evenly distributed amongst the skaters in Calgary's roster and whenever one player had a slump, they others stepped up to the plate and contributed to the team's success. The Wranglers had three 100+ points scorer in Reinhart, Eagles and Nasherov. Veteran winger Perry was only three points shy of a triple digit as well. Eagles beat his own scoring record by 30 points (from 75 to 105), without neglecting his defensive duties. Reinhart set a new point record for herself as well and more than doubled her previous goals scored record from 27 to 56 (5th of the league). This cannot only be attributed to her change of position from defence to wing. Nasherov improved his record from last year a tad (from 101 points to 103) and Johnson improved from 76 to 92 points scored, with no negative effect on his defensive play. Admittedly the numbers of checks decreased significantly, however the numbers of his two previous season were insane (359 and 403 checks respectively). No sophomore slump could be noted in Kotkakoivu's game either. Leading the first line, he improved his rookie season's numbers from 59 points to 81. Klamasteris was the usual safe backbone for the Wranglers posting a solid .923 season. The only remarkable fly in the ointment was that he lost 11 games in shootout (albeit one does not lose these kind of games on one's own). Now for Daniel, he scored 73 points in 72 games, and has a +40 statistic. He was also amongst the top 20 centers with 53.45% success rate at the face off. Certainly not a bad statistic for a rookie. We do not think that Daniel will be in the race for the Stolzschweiger, as there are too many high scoring prospects in this year's rookie class (and that is not even considering netminders). London alone occupies the top three scoring rookie positions and we think that Daniel's numbers are too low to be noticed. The bane of a non-meta two-way center, we believe. We think to write Calgary off right now, might be a huge error of judgement as this team is on fire, despite five straight losses towards the end of the regular season. Marcel on the other hand did what he has always done: blocking shots. He stopped 202 attempts this season, which puts him on the first spot, 15 blocked shots ahead of the next best blocker in Monster. Also he was a rare guest in the sin bin with only 37 PIM served, which certainly is a rare feat for a defensive minded defenseman. Despite his offensive limitations he achieved 53 points in 72 games and scored four times the game winner for his team (second of his team, behind Young). Here a brief overview over the brothers' stats at the end of the regular season: Marcel: 72gp, 9g, 44a, 53pts, -53, 37 PIM, 35 hits, 202sb, 4gwg, 6ppg Daniel: 72gp, 23g, 50a, 73pts, +40, 112 PIM, 198 hits, 36sb, 1gwg, 1ppg, FO% 53.45 https://vhlforum.com/topic/116272-a-tale-of-two-brothers-vhl-only/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116301-a-tale-of-two-brothers-a-quarter-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116343-a-tale-of-two-brothers-thats-a-hatpick/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/116462-a-tale-of-two-brothers-quick-wrap-up/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/117076-a-tale-of-two-brothers-playoffs-in-sight/
  10. That is clearly a specimen of a Red Long Snout Bear, which is very prominent in the arid regions of the US Southwest.
  11. Yeah, it does not really fit (especially since the Suisse Romands (Frenchspeaking Swiss)) are not exactly known for rushing anything (except talking maybe). Something related to the CERN might be more appropriate or something like the Geneva Vaults (due to the amount of banks located in Geneva), or something related to the Geneva Motor Show (one of the most important shows of its kind)... The Geneva coat of arms depicts an eagle but with the abundance of various birds of prey already in various leagues, I do not really like that approach...
  12. so I thought I give my two cents... I am very ambivalent on what I am listening to, here some things which come from top of my head right now: Guns'n'Roses, Johnny Cash, German Punkrock (mostly 'Die Toten Hosen'), Queen, ABBA, most of the 80's in general... And of course Oz's biggest export ever AC/DC...
  13. I have... must be my Swissness coming through... we are basically the Canadians of Europe... or at least that is my impression (experiences may vary)...
  14. JK folks I would not call any of you 'idiots' that is just rude...
  15. That even pre-dates the Boomer generation.... a forum in ancient Rome was a focal point of the social live, be it economically, religiously, politically or judicially (or all of the above)... comparable to a marketplace in medieval Europe or a Thing of our Northern Brethren....
  16. congrats to @adison once a Hound, always a Hound
  17. As far as I can tell @Shindigs is a sucker for all things statistics... if I misjudged you, Mea Culpa...
  18. I goofed around and put all my money on Calgary players...
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