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Tim Robinson

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Everything posted by Tim Robinson

  1. wango tango
  2. Transaction ID: 6VE06461RM279835S $10
  3. Review: The fade between the person and background is done very well. I like the text style and the curve added to it, the white outline around it really makes it pop out from the background. I feel there is a lot of empty space on the left and right side of the graphic. Maybe adding a logo or having the text stacked so the graphic could be cropped in more could look better, but other than that everything looks great. 7/10
  4. G - Boris Tsezar Draft is done. siq.
  5. D- Jake Thunder F- Nils Godlander @oilmandan
  6. F- Vasile Lamb F- Tomas Sogaard @oilmandan
  7. I think you skipped @oilmandan
  8. D - Brian Payne @oilmandan is up
  9. Review: I really like that two players are desaturated which matches the grey of the team logo. Though the player in the bottom left is desaturated and the logo on his jersey is in color which is a little distracting. The use of the team colors for the background and text looks really nice and matches the aesthetic very well. The city is a nice addition and takes away from potential dead space of the graphic. 8.5/10
  10. Review: I like the noise added to the photo, makes it look a bit more rough and old. The colors for the text is nice and go very well with the colors of the rest of the graphic, but I feel like the black box around Grimes is a bit jarring in style compared to the rest of the graphic. The logo swap on the jersey was done well and adding the logo to the pants was a nice touch. 8/10
  11. @Spaz
  12. Transaction ID: 7CP30749206483140 Doubles Week 5 Uncapped TPE
  13. 1. Discover a new city or Chill in the countryside for sure. 2. I went to a Luau in Hawaii once and they had some amazing food there. 3. Probably the Luau haha, it was really cool. 4. Idk, I was supposed to go on one like 7 years ago, but I couldn't make it. Never been. 5. I bought a Ukulele in Hawaii at a local Uke shop. I don't play it too much anymore, but it's the most I've ever spent on one thing when traveling. 6. That's tough. A snowboarding trip to Japan would be awesome tho.
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