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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. This one was rigged.
  2. Oooh, just. GG Wolves.
  3. BOOM


  4. Hard not to with that roster.
  5. Do you get a message when trying to run CS6? Have you tried running it in compatibility mode? Give us whatever info you can on the issue.
  6. 1 2 3 The ahl stars Thanks Titties.
  7. I'm glad someone does. The Asst GM is useless.
  8. By the way, thanks for posting these Flyers.
  9. Crushed...err, I mean rigged.
  10. That Quebec Kool-Aid.
  11. Thanks
  12. Wesley closing the gap.
  13. Did you keep track of the number of "F*ck" and C*nt" uses?
  14. Of course he can...he's a New York American.
  15. Congrats to everyone who participated in this, from the very beginning to the final. Some great sigs came out of this.
  16. Yes, it seems he was quite a good goalie. Nice write up Draper.
  17. Where are my 3d glasses?
  18. Riggery twice in a row. Tsk tsk.
  19. It's OK man, it was rigged.
  20. True, fighting attribute only increases your chance of winning a fight. It doesn't increase the frequency of fights occurring. Well that's what I understand anyway.
  21. Well look who's woken up.
  22. Well played New York.
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