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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Fuck you LSU!
  2. First Reddit and now Instagram...FFS, stop dragging me into your modern world.
  3. The message has been updated since S36 and the reason I asked who sent it, is because there are multiple guys in recruitment capable of doing so.
  4. So this wasn't in your PM(I have no idea who sent it, or what version it was).....
  5. Practice Facility, TC and welfare were explained pretty well I thought.
  6. Old fart.
  7. Rigged....obviously.
  8. Yeah, Saskatoon's OK.....I guess.
  9. Watch out world!
  10. Hope you enjoy your time here Alex.
  11. BOOM


    Nope, definitely not. What's "icing" again?
  12. mmmm, Subway. Thank you sir.
  13. Good. I hope this concept works. Good luck RED.
  14. Odin Tordahl - Herring
  15. Use the new improved player store to change positions...it's great value at only $4,000,000!
  16. I've already lost one job recently! No, kidding about recruit crew, but I think we have a pretty good system in place right now thanks to all those who contribute to the introductory messages sent to new guys both formally via PM and board posts. We look after you.
  17. I suggest "Pirate" recruiting. We have members in the SHL right? So let them keep an eye on the new guys joining the SHL and have them send a VHL link and description. I'm only half-kidding. Fuck em.
  18. BOOM


  19. It's the first thing I'll mention when I sit down. Thanks for the tip!
  20. Thanks. Obviously my main gig is Asst GM so I'll just be moonlighting in banking
  21. Thanks a lot Arkansas State! This is Avi Cohen all over again.
  22. Happy because I have a new job interview tomorrow. Same industry, much better employer,
  23. BOOM


    That's a nice offer eQ. It's something more of the GFX guys could do for newbies that are making an effort. Class move man. Welcome to the VHL Alpha. You're the first to make the move from USCHO so congrats on being a trailblazer, lol.
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