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Head Moderator
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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. This isnt how democracy works either. Or do you perhaps need a lesson in what that means or are we going the "this is free speech" route? If the US was actually a democracy Roe vs wade cant be overturned.
  2. I wont be participating in this poll in particular because I see no real need to. Personally aside though and not as a moderator, I dont like you and feel you are not the right fit for this community.
  3. And if you were sincere about it then you wouldnt be "pro life". Hence the term crocodile tears.
  4. We dont need crocodile tears here.
  5. Vaccines do affect those around you as well so thats not just an individual well being imo. Its more like a social responsibility to help eradicate and reduce spread of infectious disease so those more vulnerable are not endangered by it. Not having a vaccine scientifically endangers other people's lives vs giving someone the choice is not guaranteed effect to endanger others. From a pro-life issue of fetus = life, which of course unless they are vegan mean they take life anyways somewhere so its already moot point if thats the line they want to draw. The argument being a fetus is sentient or self aware is also a major focal point and the pro life crowd is scientifically wrong here anyways given gestation periods and safe time of abortion.
  6. Having a child when emotionally and financially ready among other things harms the quality of life both for the mother and the child and also continues the cycle of economic disparity of society. Among other things its not just a "well they can get an abortion elsewhere", it has a cascading effect as already noted that if the people feel they were "right" on this issue they are going to go after same sex marriage and other social science functions. Or other effects as we've seen where people try to sue the party for abortion from a different state. Its debatable whether abortion is wrong only in the case of homicide in the taking of life from a sentient being but to place that onus on the fetus it would require it to be able to process sensory information so thats 18-25 weeks at the minimum, or in most cases 30 weeks. This part is debtable on how you want to define it of course. So why do you think abortion is wrong? What ISN'T DEBATABLE, is thinking you get to choose what another person does to their own body that affects their livelihood. Also it brings into question what your actual principles of life are if you're willing to embark on this route. Also who are the people that will complain about the babies needing healthcare? Who pays the adoption systems? Who pays for the therapy of the mother who was raped, who pays for the education of the extra children? You know who complains the most about social services and avoids paying taxes the most? You got it right. Its pro lifers.
  7. Honestly short of an actual war the two sides have just been getting farther and farther apart that no real change feels enough get them to meet in the middle.
  8. Your mom was pretty upset as I understand it.
  9. 345765868R191160U S84 Dono 5 TPE Doubles Week 1M
  10. Transaction ID: 04R64958SS682000E S83 Dono 5 TPE Doubles Week 1M
  11. User @Jack Johnson has been suspended indefinitely due to violation of the VHL Code of Conduct. User has been harassing and trolling members (1.4 and 1.5) of the site on the forums and in DMs despite requests from moderators to cease. User had forum posting privilege's suspended in order to answer inquiry from mod team however has chosen to ignore messages and not respond. This suspension will remain in effect barring a direct appeal to the head moderator. Update: Jack Johnson will be suspended from posting in the forums until June 9 along with a TPE ban until June 13, 2022. Update 2: due to circumvention of forum ban posting, Jack Johnson has been suspended from the site until June 24, 2022. The TPE ban is effective through June 26, ending June 27.
  12. You broke rules and got punished for it. So I don't understand why this is ongoing. I don't really care if you are 13 or not right now but keep in mind if you are under 13, you cannot be on our discord because of discord TOS. You can still be on the forums.
  13. The same as its been for the last 13 years. Source: Me.
  14. Its Fong I just stopped using my real last name recently lol. But most people still know its me. Just for future as I phase out that name.
  15. Are you ever going to come on discord so we can like catch up again? Also I'm going to be in vancouver in June if you care to meetup
  16. Man this is like going so deep, at what point does one just take the L?
  17. I feel like this particular issue couldve been resolved if you just spoke to your vhfl group manager and maybe talked out a solution rather than making passive aggressive media spots.
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