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Everything posted by Toast

  1. 355 HC Dynamo 356 Meute 357 Bears 358 Express
  2. John Cena 10 Undertaker 10 The Rock 10 Jack Swagger 10 Macho Man Randy Savage 10 Jake the Snake 10 Hulk Hogan 10 Doink 10 Big Show 10 Dolph Ziggler 11 (+1) Road Warrior Animal 10 Mick Foley 10 The Hurriance 10 Chris Masters 10 Bobby Lashley 10 Jeff Hardy 10 Bubba Dudley 10 Damien Sandow 10 Daniel Bryan 10 CM Punk 10 Umaga 10 Ric Flair 10 John Bradshaw Layfield 10 Coach 10 Jim Ross 10 The King 10 Mike Tyson 10 Wade Barrett 10 Randy Orton 10 Big E Langston 10 Billy Gunn 10 Alex Riley 10 Alberto Del Rio 10 Big Show 10 Booker T 10 Brock Lesnar 10 Christian 10 Test 10 Edge 10 Diego 10 Spike Dudley 8 (-1) El Torito 11 Kane 10 Kofi Kingston 10 Sheamus 10
  3. Yeah I have no idea what you're talking about. IN OTHER NEWS, EMMA EMMA EMMA.
  4. Thank god for the power play!
  5. Two days ago, star Seattle defenseman Karsten Olsen made the switch to forward, making him one of the best wingers in the league in terms of practice hours. Since the beginning of Seattle's struggles, one of the things the team seemed to lack on was offense. The team wasn't able to get pucks to the back of the net despite putting a ton of shots on net, and with struggling discipline and a mediocre goaltender, that wasn't going to work. Since making the switch to right wing though, Seattle seems to have turned into a defensive threat. Over the course of two games against Vasteras and Calgary, the Bears won by a score of 4-0. Shutouts were a thing that no Seattle fan expected to happen, but suddenly Seattle was shutting down teams entirely, limiting their opponents over the past sim to just 24 shots. Olsen in those two games assisted on the game-winner over Vasteras and definitely is proving to be not only a threat on the blue line, but as well in the opponent's end of the ice. "Well, it certainly made things a lot easier on the ice for me," stated Seattle goaltender Steven Smyl. "We saw the result that we were hoping to see. Shutting down the opponents while our own offense took a turn for the better. If that can keep up heading into the playoffs, we'll easily make it, and honestly I think that we'll be able to make quite the statement there too." TL;DR: Olsen is better than you.
  6. That Ziggler promo gave me feels. Also Adam Cole is one of my favourites. National Pro Wrestling Day was one hell of a show. Check it out if you didn't have the chance today. CHIKARA CHIKARA CHIKARA
  7. On the plus side, this should mean Triple H vs. DB?
  8. Yikes, that really has to sting with the Road to Wrestlemania plans set.
  9. At the beginning of the seasons, fans knew that they would not be seeing the Brampton Blades even come close to the championship this time around. Following a failed run last season, Brampton had no assets going into the following season (who were all called up or left via free agency) nor any top picks that would help them going into the following season. GM Damon Wolfe made one of the most questionable moves of the off season when he traded the fourth-overall selection to Bratislava in return for their first rounder in the following season. Despite the odds being against them from the get go, waiver claims were made in an attempt to strength the roster. Azi Ali, who was named team captain, was the first of these claims and since then has showed potential to be a great VHL player in the future. Unfortunately for Brampton though, it just wasn't enough. They sit last in the league right now. "Things just really haven't been going our way," said GM Wolfe. "I am proud of the kids on the roster though. They certainly aren't letting it discourage them and go out there giving it their all every game. Brampton will be back on top soon enough, we just need to keep working on it."
  10. I enjoy the fast-paced finish in the Main Event. Elimination Chamber match should be good. Wyatts vs Shield I guess?
  11. With Bratislava bringing on an assistant GM, I believe that the other teams should be following suit. This is a wonderful opportunity to give members the chance to learn the ropes, which brings us to this post. Riggs recently returned to the site and expressed an interest in learning more about the STHS program as well as GM responsibilities. I'm hoping that with a management role that Riggs will stay active and help return Brampton to the glory that it had seasons ago. Riggs will be able to send in lines, talk deals, and all that good stuff. Ultimately I will have the last say of course. Glad to have Riggs aboard!
  12. >implying Bryan isn't going to open in a pointless match
  13. I was marking so hard for Roman and then they go with the obvious as fuck route. Dammit. At least Roman broke Kane's record?
  14. Anyone else interested? You got about 25 minutes to pick numbers!
  15. 26 already taken. Guys read the posts before yours
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