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Ozzy Batty

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Everything posted by Ozzy Batty

  1. Talk about timing....as a retired history teacher gotta love these questions. 1) What's the most interesting book you've read recently and why did you find it so compelling? I just finished "The Lives of Brian" by Brian Johnson, the lead singer of AC/DC. I am a HUGE AC/DC fan and my daughter got me this book for Christmas. I have been going thru a tough time the last couple of months and this book made me laugh out loud. I needed something to smile about and this book did just that. Brian explains his background and how he ended up becoming their lead singer. He also addressed the rumors around the writing of the songs for Back in Black. I have been a HUGE AC/DC fan my whole life and this big made me feel like I was there as he grew up and found his way into the group. I cant wait to read his other books. I felt like we were just talking and he shared the story of his life with me. Great read! 2) If you could travel back in time to any period in history, when and where would you go and what would you do there? I wont lie, after just losing my Mom, I would go back to spend just one more day with her. As a history nerd I would also love to go back to so many times in history. There is so much I would love to be a witness to. I think if I had to chose one though, it would be back to Philly for the writing of the US Constitution. There were no records left of those conversations, the windows were closed and no one was allowed to enter. All we have is the results of these important conversations. 3) What's the best piece of advice you've ever received and how has it impacted your life? Once again, this would come from my Mom. When you say you are sorry to someone, are you sorry you did it or are you sorry you got caught? If you are sorry you did it, you will try not to do it again...but if you are sorry you got caught you will just get sneaker. Mom had all kinds of little nuggets like that. I was a young teenager when Mom told me that. But for the rest of my life I would ask myself that before I said those words to anyone. I think it was a cornerstone of me learning to put myself in someone else's shoes and really try to not to do things again. So for my three questions: 1. What is one sport you wish you could enjoy, but just cant seem to get into it? 2. If you could live anywhere else besides where you do right now, where would it be and why? 3. Obviously you are in the VHL, but how many sim leagues are you in? What do you get out of them?
  2. Will Anyone Take Notice of this Kid from Meath? Otis Boudreaux Jr. I still cant get used to calling myself that. For the 1st 13 years of my life I was Liam. But family traditions are very strong with the Boudreaux clan. Even though I have tried to live life my way, I still feel it. So the name change was made and the oddest thing was to see the smile on Ma's face. I didnt understand that. I was afraid to ask. So I packed my kit three years ago and went off to Galway. Ma and Dad would call me at least once a week, see how I was doing and ask about the games. Ma didnt really understand but she would congratulate me and make me feel so proud, in that way that only Ma's can do. When I first talked to them it was excitement that I made it on the ice. I remember telling them I was the Left-Wing on the 4th line and they were so excited. After Ma had hung up and it was just me and Dad, he asked if that was a big thing. I explained how the lines work and that the best players are normally on the first line but that coaches will mix up the first 2 lines to try to keep them balanced. I said it was a start and I heard him give me that grunt that I was never sure was in approval or acceptance. But as the months went by the conversations started to change. I would start to tell them about an assist now and then. I remember when I told them about my first goal. Even though Ma didnt understand all of the hockey references, that is a concept she completely understood and I think that scream was heard all around town. Dad gave his usual grunt but Ma later told me he was telling everyone around the local that I had scored. The first extended break of the season occurred and I asked to go back home for a couple of weeks. Uncle, oh man, I realize I didnt tell anyone his name, his name is Colm, so yea, Uncle Colm said he would drive me home. He didnt say much on the trip except to remind me that I needed to practice every day. I remember asking the coach how I was to practice when we didnt have a rink in Meath? I loved his answer to be honest, he said to use my roller skates. I was so excited to be heading home and couldnt wait to hit the pavement in our street with my pals. I forgot to share about life with Uncle Colm. He seemed to like having me there. I was staying in Otis's old room. Some of his gear was in there still. I was going through the boxes in the corner of the closet and found his old Houston Bulls jersey. It had some minor tears in it and I swear I could see a couple of blood stains even though Otis Sr (I guess I will call him that) claimed he never got into a fight. I closed the door to my room (his room) and pulled it over my shoulders. It looked so BIG. Even with my pads on it would have swallowed me whole. I felt like there was never going to be a time when I would be able to fill that jersey. Be it my own or the idea of who Otis Sr might have become. I had this room with a bed and a small side table where I had a little picture of Otis Sr on the ice for the Bulls. I dont know for sure if he scored in attempt, but if not he sure gave it one hell of a try. Uncle Colm had taken down all of the posters that I knew had to have been in there. It was just 4 plain walls, the bed and the side table. I actually had my own bathroom. He had a bathroom off of his room down the hall so the other one was just for me. I felt so out of place there, like I was expected to become a clone of Otis Sr. I knew that would never happen so would I end up disappointing everyone? I got my answer one day when I came home from practice. I had been there a couple of months and it was tough talking to m parents on the house phone. Either I had to call them or they called me and the cost of those calls started to add up. I had never had a mobile phone, my parents just couldnt afford one for me. We were not poor, but it was just something we never had. Meath isnt a big place, everyone knows everyone and if any of us kids needed a ride or anything there was always a parent there to pick us up. But being in Galway was different. It is much bigger and I didnt really know anyone. So any way, I came home from practice and just kind of tossed my kit in my room and headed to take a shower. Boy, those practices can be tough sometimes. Anyway, I headed back to my room wanting to just stretch out and what did I see on my pillow? Nothing more than a top of the line Samsung mobile phone! I couldnt help but let out a yelp. I heard this voice behind me, Uncle Colm was asking if it was alright? Alright, damn, yes it is! It is bloody awesome! He told me it had unlimited text and in-country calling so I could call my parents whenever I wanted to. I went over and gave him a half-hug. He is not the demonstrative type but I felt like he enjoyed it as much as I did. As time went by Uncle Colm added more and more things to my room. One day I came home to see a tv in my room. Another day a small desk and chair. Then it was a Playstation and then a laptop. I started to put posters on the wall, making the room my own. It felt odd when I went back to my parent's house. It seemed so odd to be in this "other" room that was mine. The first time I went back I didnt bring my laptop. I didnt want my parents to feel bad because I had one now. But after a few more trips, I started to bring it. It just was a thing that I took with me everywhere I went. So anyway, every time I went home it was the same. I would practice using my street skates and would have games with the lads around the neighborhood. I started to notice that I was getting better and better. At first, I was just a little bit better, but as time went by I got to where it was pretty much guaranteed that I was going to score whenever I wanted to. The other lads didnt get mad or anything, they seemed to enjoy it...at least they never acted like it bothered them. The cycle was set. I would spend the season with Uncle Colm. It was a steady routine of practice before and after school. I would try to fit my homework in when I could, but lets be honest, who likes to do homework? On the weekends we would play our games. There was normally one in the morning and then another later in the day. With 2 games a day I was completely worn-out by Sunday evening. But I started to see a difference. I actually could feel like I was getting better. Moving around the ice with the puck just seemed natural. The hockey stick started to feel like an extension of my body. I didnt even have to think about what to do, it just came natural. My parents became more and more excited by how things were going. I think they were proud of how I was getting better. My coach started to compare me to my namesake. I didnt really take any notice of it. I mean, of course he is going to say I am getting better, that is what he is paid to do, make me better. But I felt like I was actually getting better, I felt like I was getting to the point that I was the best player on the ice. I know that sounds arrogant. But I went from 4th line....to 3rd...to 2nd...then 1st. Not only was I on our regular 1st line, but the first line for Penalty Kills and Power Plays. I actually became our 1st option on a penalty shootout. For me, it all came together this last season. I was elected the team captain. I called my parents and showed them the "C" on my jersey. Dad grunted and Ma screamed her approval. Dad went down to the local pub to buy everyone a round because I had reached this milestone. The season started and we were picked to win the league. I was team captain and was looked to as the leader on the ice and in the locker room. My parents had come to see a couple of games over the last 2 years and I seemed to get an extra little lift when I knew they were there. I also started to notice as the season went on that our home games the stands were just a little more full. There were not as many gaps in the stands as I was used to seeing. My first season we were last to bottom in our local league. Then my second season we were picked to be mid-table but ended up finishing third....not bad for a 10 team league. But this season, yea, we were picked to finish top of the league. No pressure huh? Well, the season ended last week. It is hard to believe. We won the first game and never really looked back. I led the league in goals, ironically that is not something I ever had on my radar of things to accomplish. But the team was so tight. We skated and acted as one. We practiced so hard. But we saw the results on the ice. We had a pattern going throughout the season. We would win 2 or 3 games, then lose 1 or tie 1 or 2. We were not really challenged for the title. We ended the season 26-8-4. Our goal difference was +26. I remember that last game so clearly. At the time I didnt know it would be my last one with the Galway Stallions. Well, I now hope that it is my last. Is that bad that I hope I dont go back to that team? I feel almost like a traitor saying that. But my send off was so grand. So back to the beginning of that last game. In the locker room before the game, the coach asked me to give the team talk. I remember I talked about how important the concept of "team" was. I remember I never talked about the title, I never talked about my winning the scoring title, nothing about all of that. I just wanted us to enjoy our time on the ice. I wanted us to just have fun because no matter what...this was going to be our last time on the ice together as the Galway Stallions. When we were on the ice, I wont lie, it was like poetry in motion. We moved as one, we thought as one, we acted as one. We scored at ease, we defended as one. Yes, it was against the team that would end the season in second place, but there was a massive gap between us. The season was one that we just knew it was going to be our year...and we played like it. The game ended 6-0. I scored 2 and had 2 assists. My goal tally for the season was 20 with 16 assists. Not too bad, even if I have to say so myself. The trophy was presented, the cheering was over. I hadnt told anyone that I had gotten that call. I didnt want to break this "zone" we were in. I hope that if things dont work out, I can come back here and be accepted like nothing had happened. I was out on the ice by myself. I skated around the circles, along the blue and red line and took, what I hope, are my last shots at the empty net. As I skated towards to locker room I looked up one last time and saw a shadow. I slowed down and tried to focus on what I was seeing, but there was someone sitting up there. He was there until I left the ice. Could it be? I mean, could that be Otis, my namesake? No, that would just be too much. I went back to Uncle Colms and told him that I had gotten a call to try out for the Junior Showcase Tournament. I am going to be given my shot, my chance for people to see what I can do. My chance to hopefully catch the eye of someone from a professional team. My chance to move to the next level. I told him how nervous I was. I even told him how I felt seeing that person at the arena. I was kind of scared to be honest, who was that guy? That is when I got the bombshell, it was Otis. Otis Boudreaux had come to see me play. Uncle Colm told me that he had actually see me play more than once. Otis and Uncle Colm had met for a pint after the game was over and Otis told him that he was very proud of me and what I had done. He knew that I had that "it". Even though no one can tell me what "it" is. So yea, no more pressure on me there. I am on my way to the tournament site. I feel like there is so much weight on me....now....I know I have Otis's approval. Maybe one day I will get the chance to talk to him. But yea...that is like thinking that I would be able to talk to a ghost...a mirage...a dream. What else can I ask for? Yea, that list is pretty long, HAHA. Word count: 2,428. Claimed: (was told I could claim 4 times since it is over 2,000 words, please let me know if this is not true) Week ending 12 Mar
  3. And so the Journey Begins... When I decided to pick up a pair of skates instead of football boots everyone in my school in Meath made fun of me. Who plays hockey in the middle of Ireland? Especially not some bloke who trips over every blade of grass they come across. But it is what I wanted to do. I guess you could say it was in my blood. I had followed the career of Otis Boudreaux with such excitement. To think, a member of my family was getting their chance! He had went to America and played for the Houston Bulls and had even been drafted to play in the majors. But then something happened. He just disappeared as quickly as he had appeared. We all talked about him almost every Sunday after our dinner. When he first went to America Dad mentioned him every day. He would stay up late to watch the games, even though he would never admit he didnt understand it. He said it was similar to football so it wasnt too hard to understand. But one night, I acted like I couldnt sleep and watched the game with Dad. Wow, it was so exciting! Up and down the ice, taking the shots at the goal, nothing but non-stop action. The next Sunday as Dad was talking about Otis I told him I wanted to play hockey, he nodded and got another scoop of potatoes. I knew this was his way of saying that he was okay with it, but it didnt think it would come to much. I knew I had to prove him wrong. So I started training. There were no ice rinks near me so it was just a pair of skates. I was back and forth along the pavement, trying to keep my balance and handle the stick. But it didnt feel natural. I had to fix that. So practice, practice, practice. That is what I did. I found a local team that played street hockey. It wasnt on ice, but at least it was hockey. I never missed a game, or a practice for that matter. I was getting better and I even got the occasional nod of approval at Sunday lunch. That is when the first telephone call came. At the time, I wasnt sure what it was about. I just heard Dad talking in that fast-paced hard tone he always uses and the call was quickly over. All I knew was I heard my name alot. Then there were more and more calls. I heard Dad saying my name but I didnt know why. One day though, it all made sense. It is funny who watches you when you are not even aware. I guess that could be creepy at times, but in this case it was a good thing. Coaches had been calling Dad about me, wanting me to play for them. They wanted to train me how to play on ice. But as I said, there were no ice rinks near us so I wasnt sure how that would even happen. I came in from practice and Mom and Dad were there with two men. I remembered one from family get-togethers, he was the father of Otis. I found out later what had happened to Otis and his hockey career. He was notified that his Mom was sick and he went home to help take care of her. She had passed away and after that he had lost his fire for any sport. But there was another man there that I didnt recognize. He was introduced as the coach of a hockey team in Galway, where Otis's dad lived. He wanted me to come and play hockey for him. He felt I had real talent but it was raw (whatever that meant) and I needed to be on the ice (which terrified me because I had never been on ice skates before) and he felt I could be a star. That shocked me enough. But then the other piece of it, I was asked if I would change my name to Otis Boudreaux Jr if I made it out of my local team. I was speechless. Mom and Dad agreed. They felt it was appropriate to honor Otis this way. No one had told him though so I wasnt sure how he would feel. But I agreed, I mean, I was only 12 at the time. So here it is, almost 4 years later. I learned how to skate, and score. I lived in Galway with my uncle (that is what I decided to call him) and became a local favorite. All the time known as Otis Boudreaux Jr. I finally got the call I was waiting for though, my chance. I was signed to play for the Warriors in the Junior Showcase Tournament. It is going to be my chance to show what I can do and hopefully start my journey in the VHL...just like my namesake did... Word count: 828. Claimed: week ending 12 Mar
  4. Thanks for all of the support. Yea, It is nice to be back. I decided to re-create so we now have Otis Boudreaux Jr, also know as OB Jr. Hey, that sounds familiar! Anyway, appreciate it folks. Now lets see what I can get done
  5. Player Information Username: Otis Boudreaux Player Name: Otis Boudreaux Jr Recruited From: Other (email) Age: 16 Position: LW Height: 70 in. Weight: 180 lbs. Birthplace: Ireland Player Page @VHLM GM
  6. First off, I want to explain why I left so abruptly. My Mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and asked me to help her with her treatment. I left all sim leagues except one and went to spend time with her and my Dad. She went thru horrific chemo and a devastating operation. But along the way, we had some great times, going to the beach for a week after her chemo was over, spending Thanksgiving, Christmas and even were able to celebrate her and Dad's 61st anniversary. But it was all too much and she sadly passed away about a month ago. I have slowly started rejoining the sim world and this is a league I thought about, but I wasnt sure about rejoining because of the decision I made to leave like I did. But as I was going thru my Spam folder, I saw an email asking me to come back (thanks to Thad for that). Now I know it wasnt just sent to "me" but I figured I would give it a shot. I tried to join the Discord server, but the link in the email didnt work. I am not sure if I have to create a new player or if "Otis" is still a viable option. If I need to create a new one, I can do that. Just wasnt sure. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Is there a list of the retired players? I was looking at the links that were shared in the original post. Thanks
  8. It was odd to fly from Philadelphia from Ireland. I was on my way to the practice facility for the Reapers. I had already told the staff that I would be fine staying in the dorm there while we were training. I didnt know where I was going to go, what I was going to do, but I knew I would be able to find the ice at least. At least there, I felt at home. After stowing my gear I headed to the ice. I needed to feel my skates sliding across the ice as I worked my way towards the net as I passed the puck back and forth with whoever was there. I found myself on the ice all alone, it was so eerie, the quiet, pierced with the sound of my skates slicing across the ice. I stopped at center ice and looked around, trying to soak it all in. That is when I saw him, our General Manager. He waved me over, shook my hand and welcomed me to the team. We talked about what was going to be different from my time in Houston and Halifax and asked how I honestly felt about knowing that my last season in the VLHM was going to be here. I am excited. Things were good my first season, but seemed to bounce all over the place. I was looking forward to having a stable season. He then asked me how I felt about being the Assistant Assistant GM. As I had told him when he asked me, I was excited and was looking forward to learning how to fulfill my duties. Then he asked me another question that I am still struggling to comprehend, he asked me to be the Assistant General Manager. Our current Assistant had accepted a new position with a upper level team and the spot was open. He wanted to know if I was interested in a promotion myself. Of course my answer was YES!! So within a few days, I was drafted by Philly, promoted to Assistant Assistant General Manager, had arrived in the City and promoted to Assistant GM! Yea, lets get this season started!
  9. The last few weeks saw Otis and Odette go through quite a few changes. We had decided to head back to Galway to wait out the draft. We both wanted to head to the same place, but we knew that was probably not going to happen. As the draft started, we both looked at the television, holding our phones in our hands as we hope it would ring soon. Mine rang first as I was selected by the Philadelphia Reapers. I had some fantastic conversations with the staff in Philly, like I had with every other team. Now we waited for Odette to get her call. It finally came, but not from Philly. She was selected by the Mississauga Hounds. We discussed how we would work things out and make sure we would be able to spend some time together. As we were winding up the conversation, my phone rang again. It was the front office from Philly. They wanted to know if I was interested in being the Assistant Assistant General Manager. I didnt know what to say, besides YES! I knew I would have alot to learn, but I was more than eager to step up. We knew there was an additional series of drafts coming up in 2 days, so we had to wait and see where our careers would go after our time in the VHLM was over. We were not sure, but we knew that at least in the for this season it was going to be odd with me trying to score as my wife was defending the net. We didnt think much about the next part of the draft, well, we didnt discuss it anyway. On Monday night, well, Tuesday morning for us, we found out that Odette would be joining the Cologne Express and the Calgary Wranglers as her career continued. While I would be joining the Vasteras Iron Eagles and the Moscow Menace. We started out careers together, almost a fairy tail story to start with. But since that beginning, things have presented some interesting challenges. I was traded to Halifax, then she was cut from Houston while I was released from Halifax. Now we know that at least for the next 3 seasons we will be on opposite sides of the ice. Luckily we will have the breaks during the season to spend time together, but when we get on the ice, it is "the best team win" and we both have pretty strong opinions about who that is!
  10. Sorry I missed. D Battre Sandstrom
  11. Hello, I wanted to introduce myself to you and welcome you to the league. I am the newly appointed Assistant GM for the Philly Reapers. We are in the midst of rebuilding the team and if you havent settled on a VHLM home, we would love to have you join us. I dont have the fancy pitch or graphics, but I am pretty easy to get hold of if you have any questions, either on here or Discord. Feel free to reach out if you need anything. Either way, welcome and I hope you enjoy your time in the league!
  12. Hello and welcome to the VHLM. I am the newly appointed Assistant GM of the Philly Reapers. I dont know what your plans are for your player, but I wanted to offer any advice or assistance I might be able to give you. I dont have a fancy pitch, or graphics, but I can promise you I am pretty easy to find, either on here or Discord. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions. Either way, welcome to the league and no matter where you go, I hope you enjoy your time in the league!
  13. Just wanted to say Hello. I am the newly appointed Assistant GM of the Philly Reapers. I dont have all of those fancy graphics and stuff, but what we do have is a desire to help and to build a team that is to be reckoned with. If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to me on here or on Discord. I am pretty easy to track down. No matter where you decide to go, good luck and enjoy your career in the league!
  14. Press Conference Questions Week of June 20-27, 2022 (Only have to answer 6 for 2 TPE) 1. With the draft completed and a busy off-season over, what do you think was the biggest surprise for the Reapers? 2. What do you think was the biggest shocker of the draft and why? 3. Looking over the current Reapers team, what do you think is our biggest need? 4.Given the way the rosters look now, do you think the Reapers will make the playoffs? Why or why not? 5. How do you feel overall about the upcoming season? 6. If we could trade for any player in the VHLM, who would it be? 7. Let's move out of the sim world for a bit, any big plans for the summer? 8. Do you have any pets? If so, what are they and names? 9. Lastly, bold predictions, who is going to win the Championship this season? Hope you enjoy the upcoming season with the Reapers and please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Your Reapers Assistant General Manager, Otis Boudreaux
  15. Here we go.... 1. Since I am in the draft I have to say that. But I am also a GM in the upcoming WJC tourny (Go World team!) so I am looking forward to that as well. 2. I will be in the draft. I am not sure where I will be, but I am looking forward to another exciting season. Getting traded part-way thru the season was tough, but in a way it was a good thing. I knew I would be in this draft so it kept me from getting attached to one team. 3. Sure. I mean, I was a high school history teacher, I made a career of writing questions that people complained about having to answer, lol 4. Why did you chose to create the type of player you did? 5. Oh man, just one? Wow, guess I would say Bath England. Long story with my connection there, but yea. I would say there. 6. My wife says tomatoes, I would say a fresh onion, that way people stay away from you and then you can eat all of the carrots!
  16. The crazy thing about sim life and real life is sometimes they conflict with each other. That happened with Otis. Sim life was rocking along and real life was doing its thing, but then things got crazy. Real life threw Otis a curve ball and things got crazy really fast. Otis ended up having to step aside for his real life commitments. In real life, my parents are in their late 70s and had moved to Nashville. I had made a quick trip over there to help them get settled, but there was more to do. So I headed back over, this time for a week. I tried to help them, work full time, and do some stuff with my Dad. He is 78 and has had multiple strokes. He has not been able to attend any sports events in 6 years due to his health. It just so happened that the USFL was playing a game that Saturday, so we went to a football game. I then found out the Nashville Sounds, the minor league team in Nashville, was playing at home that week. I was able to get us tickets and due to the weather and a game getting rained out, we got to see a double-header. The smile on his face was priceless. Their internet wasnt working so I had to get that sorted out as well, plus move things around for them. That wasnt the easiest thing to do with a partially torn rotator cuff! But I finally got everything taken care of, at least this time, and was able to come back home. Yea, that is what happened to "real-life" Otis. While all of this was going on, Otis was traded from Houston to Halifax, leaving his wife in Houston. Sadly, it wasnt the best thing for Otis as he seemed to lose his mojo. Halifax made a great run at the title, but the strength of Las Vegas and San Diego made sure they didnt win the title. After the season ended, Otis was released from Halifax. His first season in the VHL didnt go as he had hoped it would, but he made a name for himself. Sadly though, he seemed to appear to flame out as quickly as he appeared on the scene. But the truth is, he has not gone anywhere. He had to deal with life, but it doesnt mean that he is gone, it means he chose to spend time with his aged parents. Will the story lines return? You bet! Will the saga of he and his wife possibly being on different teams grow? More than likely! But the truth is The Irish Kid isnt gone, he just had to deal with something, but he is back and cant wait to see what happens next! Plus, I need some stuff to write about!
  17. Rumors are swirling around the Houston organization concerning the plans for the team's star players, Otis Boudreux and Doug Britton. One of the top players on the team, Nine, had already been traded. Are Otis and Doug on the move as well? The Front Office staff of the Houston Bulls are tight-lipped on any possible moves for these players, but it would make sense to see them shipped out for draft picks. The Bulls had sold their future in an attempt to win the Cup last season, and they fell short. So they didnt get the silverware and now they are relying on Free Agent signings to carry the team. Boudreaux and Britton have been outstanding signings for Houston and have been a vital part of the climb of the team out of the bottom of the overall league standings. These two, along with recently traded Nine, as well as other signed players, have helped make their success possible. The recent signing of goalie Odette Boudreaux, wife of Otis, has made an immediate impact on the success of the squad as well. How would Otis and Odette feel about Otis being moved to another franchise? Could the disruption in the locker room lead to turmoil in the newlywed's home? Probably not, but it could lead to some interesting dinner-time conversations.
  18. 1. I am not worried, this is just the nature of the beast so to speak. I hope I dont since my wife is on the Bulls, lol. But if it does happen then I will just pack my skates and stick ad head off to my new home. Once I get there, I will do my best to win as many games as I can. 2. Can I say Doug? I mean, he really isnt, lol. It is probably Acre! 3. Otis, yea, he is too young to go...and I am too old. So yea, just stay in and relax. 4. I get frustrated, especially if I see something that I could have done better. But then it is all over and on to the next one. 5. I am not sure what you mean by that one to be honest. 6. Okay, going to sound cheesy, but my top 3 movies are: 1. Its a Wonderful Life, 2. Patton and 3. Saving Private Ryan
  19. Odette and I have finally settled into our married life. I am pretty sure we have one of the most unusual starts to a marriage that has ever occurred. She is the goalie and I am a Winger for the Houston Bulls in the VHLM. Yea, I think that has to win some sort of prize. But it works for us and that is all that matters. At least once a week she cooks a big traditional Irish meal for dinner. We invite the rest of the team over. She has 1 rule though, no talking about the games, or watching the tape to study how we did. She wants that one evening to be a "hockey free zone". But we offer to do the washing up so she can go rest after cooking, and well...we sneak a word or 2 in about it when she isnt listening in. At least that is what I thought, until the last time the guys were over she made a comment to me after they had left that I needed to keep my head up, that is why I am missing those shoot-out goals, yea, that is what we had been talking about in the kitchen. We are only 40 games into the season and I have 20 goals and 21 assists. I am pleased with that, but I wanted to lead the team in assists, not goals. I know that sounds odd, dont get me wrong, I love scoring goals. At least that is what I thought. I mean, slapping that puck or sneaking it into the net behind the opposition goalie, the horn going off, the lights, the cheering of the crowd (or jeering, whatever the case may be) and the sound of "Otis, Otis, Otis"...I mean, who wouldnt like it? I am currently tied with Nine at 20 goals and 3rd on the team with my 21 assists. So who knows, maybe the coach wants me to be a goal scorer more than he needs a setup guy. I just practice the way he wants me to. Goals, assists, I dont care just as long as we get those wins! Speaking of which, in 8th place. I know the season is barely halfway over, but it is a hell of a lot better than 10th! I just want us to keep getting better...as a team. Well, time to hit the ice again...work in my passing some more...
  20. The Houston Bulls, my team, has had a disappointing season. If the games were won on heart, we would be beating everyone hands down. But sadly, that isnt the case. We all know that games are won by the number of goals that are scored. One team scores more than the other to determine the outcome. Sadly, we have been on the lowest number scored in more matches than I want to count. We knew this season would be tough, we lost our goalie right before the season started. We finally were able to get a replacement (you can read all about that saga in my media spots) but when a rookie is brought in during the season, yea, it is like racing uphill with a pack on your back, it feels like you will never catch up. Yea, we are making progress, but then so is everyone else. I have to say at least we are not losing by 6 or 7 goals now. The losses are by 1 goal, but they are still losses. However, the random wins that we have been able to get have somehow moved us into the final playoff spot. I love that we have moved out of the basement. That was such a lonely place to to be. With the addition of our goalie, we were able to get out of there, thank goodness for that. We have gotten into the playoff spots and now we need to keep improving. We have the scoring threats, all over the attacking side of things, even Doug is getting into the act. But now we need to stop the other side from scoring on us! One game that really stuck with me, overtime, I am taking the puck up the ice during the shootout...and it is blocked...thus...we lose another one. Yea, I am sure that some people remember the scores...but I remember the misses...
  21. 1. No, hockey is it, I eat, live and breath it. 2. Seeing my teammates score after I gave them a beautiful setup pass 3. Read a history book, but really, is there really such a thing as a day off? 4. If I answer that, it wont be hidden would it? 5. Cold 6. 1979 Pontiac Trans Am! Black with the gold eagle and accents, of course! I also would love a black Chevrolet extended cab customized pickup
  22. Sorry I havent written much in the last few weeks, but holy !@#>#@# things changed real fast and in a hurry for me!! The Bulls have continued to struggle, but somehow I was able to....okay....let me start from the beginning, or at least earlier than where things are now. Back in Ireland, for pretty much my whole life, I had dated this lass named Odette. We were in primary school together, then part our secondary school years before I moved to be closer to the rink to practice. But along the way, we sort of became a couple. We both enjoyed hockey, watching, and playing, especially on the same side. We were at the rink together so much that she ended up actually playing! One night, our goalie just didnt show up. I mean, it wasnt a super important match or anything, but we had no one to put in goal. There was Odette though, sitting in the stands, ready to cheer us on. My coach called me over and asked if she wanted to play, how would I know? I skated over and asked her, she just about jumped the glass! We got her in the kit and wow...she was good! So we ended up teammates. Everyone thought we would get married, but I left to pursue my hockey dreams while she stayed in Galway to finish her education (she wants to be an English teacher). Little did I know that she continued to play hockey...and improve. I was leaving the ice after practice a few weeks ago and the coach called me over, said I was wanted in the GM's office. All sorts of things were running through my mind, especially when I saw he was on the phone. He cupped his hand over the receiver and told me I was wanted on the phone. He mouthed to me "I think we found a goalie" as I took the phone. I didnt know who to expect, I couldnt think of any reason he would want me to talk to anyone, until I said hello. It was Odette, that lovely voice from my memories! She told me they wanted her to come to Houston and become the goalie! I was over the moon, but (isnt there always a "but") her Da wouldnt let her come to America on her own. He is very old-fashioned about some stuff, I am still shocked that he let her play hockey in the first place. I stumbled over my words as I asked what I could do..and then I heard "welllll...." (I can hear her saying that in my head all of the time!) she had a plan. Her Da would agree if she was married. Yea, she was asking me to marry her! She is 18, I am 17, yea, it is young! But, we had always talked about getting married but I wanted to see what would become of my hockey career...is it possible I could have both?? I said YES! But then I needed to talk to my Da, talk to my coach, talk to the GM...yea, lots of conversations. To cut to the chase...I flew back to Ireland, got to se my Da and Ma, and while I was there, attend a wedding, my own!! So here we are, Odette, my wife, living in a small apartment near the practice facility. I miss Doug being down the hall, but it is awesome to have Odette here with me! And oh yea, we have a goalie for the Houston Bulls!! Now to start winning some hockey games!
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