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Ozzy Batty

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Everything posted by Ozzy Batty

  1. How would I apply? I am interested, even though I am on Saskatoon, lol
  2. Otis Boudreaux Jr, a name with a history and a player with no where to go but up. Yea, that is how I feel. I was drafted by the Saskatoon Wild and joined the team with so many big dreams. I figured that all I would need to do what I had been doing and the goals, the assists, the accolades and the wins, would continue. I joined a team of players who all wanted to get better and we felt that the world was ours to take. Then the season started. We just could not find our stride. Loss followed loss. Those close games just were not falling our way. Every team faces those 1 goal losses, but we seemed to be getting more than our fair share of them. I could not start to think if I was part of the problem. Hitting the net, beating the opposition goalie, used to be second nature. But every missed shot, every errant pass, they all seemed to eat away at my confidence. Then came that game against Mexico City. The arena at home was full. I cannot help but wonder why they were there. We just were not playing that well. But that night felt different, it seemed like I was in the zone again and my mojo had snuck back into me. The game was tied 2-2 and went into overtime. We all know the rules, if we can score 2 and maintain that lead, we win. But we know how the season has been, but tonight was different. Maybe part of it was the fact that not only had I scored 1 goal, I had actually scored 2. Both of the goals in regular time were mine. I just felt I couldnt miss. Monty Burns was our first shooter. He took the puck and moved swiftly down the ice, moving the puck from side to side. No one is really sure how he even did it, but the siren went off, the lights flashed in the arena as he gave us that all important first goal. Mexico City's Noel Roux Jr took the puck and tried a shot to Goalie Joseph Reed's stick side and he deftly knocked the puck aside. Then it was my turn, they were not going to stop me! I got the puck and smoothly moved it from side to side, it was like practice, I was back home, just me, the stick and the puck. I picked up speed and ducked my head to the left as I switched the puck to my right and tucked the puck into the open net. He had fallen for my head bob! I had done my part, now it was up to Joseph Reed again. He faced Mexico's Alex DeLuca and just like he had practiced it, smoothly snatched the puck out of the air with his open glove. I had my first multi-goal game and had earned the 1st star! What a game!! We went on to win the next 2 games, scoring in 1 and getting the assist in the other. At this point in the season I have 6 goals and 6 assists. But more importantly, we are winning now! I hope it continues, not only me getting points for the team, but being able to play my part in us getting those all important wins. Damn, I love this game! Word count: 568 Claimed: Week of 16 Apr
  3. Saskatoon Wild - Moving in the Right Direction? (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) The Saskatoon Wild have not had the most auspicious start to their current season. The league table sees the Wild occupying the bottom of their division. They have earned 15 points, with a record of 7-10-1 and a goal difference of -11. Things do not look well for the team. The only team with a worst record are the Ottawa Lynx at 6-12-0 and only 12 points with a goal difference of -17. From first glance, yes, there is concern with the team and its standing. One has to wonder if this is going to be another season where Saskatoon is just a road bump that other teams have to go over on their way to organizational glory. But things may not be as they seem for the hometown Wild. One of the biggest challenges with bringing a team together is to have them start thinking as one, have them skate, act, pass, defend and shoot as one. Yes, the Wild have 10 losses, but 6 of them have been by only 1 goal. As the team started to gel the hope is this would change. It appears this corner may finally have been turned. The last three games saw the Wild win a shootout against Mexico City followed by victories against Ottawa and Houston. The shootout saw 4 goals, but the highlight had to be how Goaltender Joseph Reed blocked both of the shots from Mexico City. The Ottawa game was another 1 point game, but this time the Wild came out on top of the 4-3 score line. The final game was a 3-1 victory over the Houston Bulls. Even though there are only 2 victories added to the overtime win, it is the longest win streak in this season. Every win gives the team an opportunity to build off of the previous one. And now, there are 2 in a row to hopefully propel the team to more victories. The team has been aided by the excellent play of Forward Monty Burns as he leads the team with 10 goals and 8 assists, giving him a team best 18 points. Ben Lass with 5 goals and 12 assists and 17 points. Tord Yvel is the third highest point holder on the team with 15 points, 4 goals and 11 assists. The distribution of the points and the sharing of the goals shows how the team has started to gel. Every team needs a "face". That person who everyone associates with the team and personifies who they are. It appears that, with no planning, that player is Monty Burns. All that is needed to confirm this is to look around the city and see how people have latched onto this young Canadian. His face is on every billboard, on the sides of buses and his jersey is starting to appear on the backs of the young men and women of the city. People want a hero and Monty is it for the Saskatoon Wild. Now only time will tell if this team of young upstarts will continue to climb that mountain to victories. But it appears, no matter what, the people of Saskatoon are behind them. Word Count: 530 Claimed: Week ending 16 Apr
  4. 3-8-1, not the best start by any means. How can we turn this around? By sticking to our plan. Everyone getting the max TPE they can and all of continuing to improve our players, which will improve the team. Who was our most productive player last week? As I read through all of the game recaps, Monty Burns is doing great. Scuff, Thijs and Ben are also big contributors. Cant forget our Goalie tho, Reed is keeping us in the games. The OT win against Mexico City, he blocked both of their shootout goals. Which animal does your player resemble? I would like him to be like a fox, wily. Dont know where he is going to be or strike next How does your player overcome challenges or adversity? Not giving up. It is easy to keep going when things are going well, but when things get tough, digging in and working harder to get better Have you ever been to an NHL game? If so, how was your experiences at one? No, but I want to go one day. I have been to baseball, football, soccer and even cricket matches. But not to a hockey game...yet Around the league, has there been any surprises to you so far in the VHLM? I have to agree with the above post. I think we have. We had not been able to find out stride. I think the last few games could be a turning point for us. Quite a few of the games we lost was by 1 goal. So if we can find just a goal or 2 more a game our record would be much different.
  5. I taught high school history/government/economics for 15 years. It would turn my stomach to stand in front of my students and talk about the "Great Compromise" and the other monumental compromises in the history of the USA and then turn on the news and hear politicians treating it as a sign of weakness...that somehow acknowledging there may be a differing viewpoint from theirs was some sort of act of weakness or desperation. I remember President Reagan working with House Speaker Tip O'Neill on plans to help the country, not 1 party over the other, but the whole country. I remember Pres Clinton working with House Speaker Newt Gingrich to move the country forward. But not anymore. Everything has become a 0-sum game. That someone being given a right somehow takes it away from another, or diminishes the value of another's rights. It doesnt. Human rights are not a pizza that has to be shared amongst a select few...it is an unlimited pizza buffet where all can eat as much as they want. But for that to happen there needs to be an acceptance that, just as one side is entitled to their opinion and belief, so is the other side. But the way the country can only move forward is if we do it together, not by sacrificing the other side. I normally stay out of political discussions in sim leagues. But I want to applaud you for how civil this has been. That is what will be the difference, civil exchanges where everyone walks away feeling like they were heard. When conversations occur in a bubble, people can create their own reality, their own "truth" if you will. No one questions, no one challenges so there is no growth. Hearing what one wants to hear is not empowering, it stunts growth. The objective is to teach people to think for themselves, to give them the skills to view all sides of an issue and then decide how they want to proceed with it. Learning is intellectually painful, expanding what we "know" causes discomfort....but it also leads to growth...to forming new beliefs and being inspired to push the envelope of what is the "reality" for the rest of society. Sorry, got on a coffee fueled sermon...but rock on folks! My generation has made a mess of some things...but I believe that you will look at history the way it should be looked at and see the good...and the bad, while learning from both. That is the way to move forward...looking back to see what can be learned...applying it and taking those steps...one at a time.
  6. Not sure if I am doing this correctly, but we will see: Thanks for donating $15.00 CAD to Victory Hockey League Transaction ID: 1US590982W743834R Doubles Week (Week ending 4/9/23) 5 TPE $1M Cash
  7. When will Otis Boudreaux Jr Finally Score? (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) Otis Boudreaux was an exciting player who seemed to be taking the VHL by storm and he seemed to disappear as quickly as he appeared. But in the short time he was on the ice, he could be counted on to be a scoring threat and even if it was not him finding the net, he was assisting others in adding to the score line. So when it was announced that his namesake, Otis Boudreaux Jr was hoping to find a home in the VHL there was hope that he would carry on this legacy. Otis Jr caught the eye of GM of the Warriors in the World Junior Showcase and was quickly signed as a waiver selection. But he struggled to be a positive influence in the ice, getting more penalties than anything else. But that didnt mean he was being ignored for the upcoming VHLm draft, far from it. In the days leading up to the draft he was contacted by half of the VHLm GMs and seemed to have good conversations with them. On Draft night, the Saskatoon Wild called his name and moved to Saskatoon. When contacted for comment about his new home and asked how he felt about the different path that he was taking from his namesake (Otis Sr played most of his VHLm career in Houston before being traded to Halifax) Jr replied, "Well, it is colder than I expected but parts of it remind me of home. As far as Otis Sr, he went to where it was hot and I dont really like the heat, so it is nice to be here, writing my own story." The VHLm season has started and the Wild sit in last place at the end of the first week. Otis Jr has not scored. He seems to be unsure of what he is supposed to do and when to do it. He has had 1 assist, but except for a penalty, his name has not appeared in the stats. The fans in Saskatoon are very patient when it comes to new players on their team. But as the season progresses, how long before they start to show their displeasure and demand more from the youngster from Ireland?
  8. 1. Sorry I didnt see this until after the season had started, but I feel like we need to not lose the winnable games. I know that may seem confusing, but some games just dont go our way and we have to accept those losses. But there are those games where we outshoot the opposition and we cant lose them, cut down on the penalties and get quality from the shots we do take. 2. At this point in the season, clumsy and erratic. I dont seem to be adding any quality to the team. I guess at this point I am a "neutral" not hurting so much, but definitely not helping out. 3. Goalie is our strength, that can be seen with the number of saves he makes. Weakness? I think depth at F. We have a couple of players who are scoring, but not there are not enough options. We need to get quality depth at F so we are a scoring threat no matter what line is on the ice. 4. I have never played, but I think trying to do all of the things that must happen while balancing on 2 thin metal blades while sliding on something that is best known for people falling on it. I cant even ice skate, let alone do the things I see happen every time I watch a game. 5. Not really. I guess at my age, shit just happens. I think superstitions seem to give people something to worry about...and I have enough to worry about the way it is! 6. I have to say soccer. I think the size of the field helps and the fact the refs ALLOW them to celebrate. I used to really love some of the NFL celebrations, but then they were deemed unprofessional and were toned down quite a bit.
  9. Saskatoon Wild - A Story in the Making Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. A city of just over 250,000 people along the South Saskatchewan River. The city that loves its hockey and can not wait to see the puck drop on the start of a new season for their home team, the Saskatoon Wild. The crowd was there, the team was dressed and there it was, the first puck drop of the new season. The Wild were hosting the Mississauga Hounds in their season opener. At the end, the difference between the two sides was apparent as the Wild lost 0-2. Wild goalie, Joseph Reed, could not be faulted as he stopped 33 shots out of 35. But the skaters just could not find the net on the other end of the ice. The crowd went home disappointed, but even in the defeat, there was a positive buzz surrounding the team. The Wild have a young team. They did not have the chance to meet until after the draft. None of them had been on the ice together. So while trying to improve throughout the season they will also be working to come together as a team. There have not been any noted team leaders in this young season, but it is still early and hopes are high that the team will not only gel, but will be able to transfer that to gametime situations. The second game of the season saw The Wild travel to Ottawa for their first meeting of the season against the hometown Lynx. This contest found the Wild on top at the end of the game. The final score was 1-2 with the Wild getting goals from Thijs Mooij and Darko Alexander Malkovich. While the team was disappointed to have given up the second period goal to the Lynx's Lucky Mitts to tie the game, the winning goal by Darko sealed the victory. Saskatoon then traveled to Halifax to take on the 21st. Where the Wild were exposed in a 1-4 loss. The only Wild goal came courtesy of Tord Yvel. The Wild seemed to be confused by the tactics of the 21st and never seemed to be playing on their level. The final game of the week saw Saskatoon on the road once again as they traveled south of the border to take on the Las Vegas Aces. The Wild had traveled 4,351 km to get to Halifax with the stop in Ottawa. They then had to go another 5,384, literally from one side of North America to the other so they could get to Vegas. The Wild did not seem to show any jet-lag as they were competitive in the game but came out on the wrong side of the final score of 2-3. Montgomery Burns of the Wild scored their 2 goals in a nice display of puck movement. At the end of the week, Saskatoon find themselves at the bottom of the conference with a record of 1-3-0. The goal difference of -5 is something to keep an eye on as the teams improve. Word count: 502 Claimed: Week ending: 9 Apr
  10. So I guess this is the place to show my age, haha. After high school I spent 9 years in the USAF as a firefighter. I spent 7 of them living in Europe. Due to injuries I couldnt be a firefighter after I left the military. So I moved into law enforcement where I was the Assistant Jail Administrator for a facility with 400 inmates. I did that for 4 years, then decided I had enough of working for the government and joined corporate America as a Training Supervisor for a company that processed credit card transactions. That company was bought out and I moved from Nashville to NC where I currently live. I switched careers again and became a high school history teacher which I retired from in Dec 2021. I wasnt ready to call it a career yet so I looked around and now work as a Learning Experience Designer for a company that uses Salesforce. Yea, I never heard of Salesforce either until I got this job...now it seems everywhere. Hahaha, so if you count my jobs as a teenager...been working for over 45 years. I plan on 6 more years, max. Then going to join my wife in that happy world of 100% retirement.
  11. 1. Jumped around the room! LOL, seriously, I told my wife and Dad. My wife said "Cool", Dad said, "Ok". But yea, it is pretty cool. 2. Head to the rink! I want to get a feel for the ice and see where my home is going to be. 3. I want us to be competitive. Since we had so many draft selections we may have a youngish team. So as long as we compete, then we can build on that next season. 4. I cant really say yet. I am still evaluating the other teams. But what the hey, I will say Halifax. Otis spent part of his VHLM season there and, even though it wasnt terrible, it was a huge let-down from his experience in Houston 5. I want to get better! I see how poorly I have played in the Junior Showcase and I dont want to be a hinderance to the Wild. 6. Carolina Hurricanes. Is it bad if I admit that I am not a hard-core fan? HAHA. But yea, they are leading their division. I think they may make a good run in the Cup. Who knows, may even win it!
  12. Selected in the VHLM Draft As Draft Day approached, I sat in my room at the boarding house looking at my phone. It seemed like it would never ring. I had been practicing and hitting the ice as a member of the Warriors in the Junior Showcase Tournament. But as the tournament progressed my lack of skills became glaringly apparent. I was not getting much ice time. To make matters worse, I was not making the most of the time I was being given. I only had 1 goal, 2 assists and 7 penalties. I realize that I had work to do, but the gap between me and the others appeared larger than the Grand Canyon. Every day that went by without any contact confirmed that I just wasnt at the level the VHLM Managers were looking for. There are 10 teams in the VHLM and I was not hearing anything from them. I was not sure what would happen if I was not even on any of their draft boards. But then I got an email, a team wanted to talk to me about the upcoming draft. I answered the questions as honestly as I could, but it is always tough to gauge how these types of exchanges will develop. I knew that any team that did select me was getting a project that both of us would have to be willing to commit the time and work to so I could be an asset, and not a hinderance, to the team. I wasnt sure how things would go from there, but at least I knew there was a team interested. Then I got another email. I answered it as well. Yes, they had me on their draft board, another good exchange. Then there was a third, then a fourth and finally a fifth interview request. Five of the teams had me on their draft boards as the big night approached. I knew I wasnt going to be a top pick, I have too much work to do so I can be a valuable part of the team. But whoever selected me was going to get a player who wont give up. Draft night finally arrived. I watched the first round. I saw players coming off of the board. I had seen their names, recognized them as some of the best rookies in the league, of course they would go quickly. The GMs on the draft did a great job discussing the players and the things they would bring to their teams. But still no "Otis Boudreaux, Jr" had been called. The first and second rounds were over and I was still waiting for my telephone to ring. Then it happened....my phone rang, it was the Saskatoon Wild, they wanted to take me with the first selection of the third round. I almost threw my phone against the ceiling! Then there it was, my name on the board. I had a team, a home. So now the next chapter in my career is starting. I will be on the Wild and hope to be able to do more good than bad for the team. Thanks to the Manager and staff at Saskatoon for taking the chance on me, I hope I dont let you down!
  13. Claiming for 4 out of 4 weeks. Ending 2 April.
  14. Super excited to be selected by the Saskatoon Wild in the VHLM draft. I appreciate them taking a shot with me. I wont let them down!

  15. As we get closer to the M draft, I have had 5 teams reach out to me....and that is 5 more than I thought would be interested in me. It is nice to have the chance to be a part of this league again.

    Yall are good people and I am looking forward to making my mark here.

    1. jacobcarson877


      sounds like 5 teams too few! but any is always exciting.

    2. Masu Chan

      Masu Chan

      Happy to have you here! Also glad to hear that the M GM's are still awesome :D

  16. I think this is awesome!! It gives me hope that things will continue to go well for me, in spite of me having to leave like I did. I am REALLY glad you are the GM of the Warriors and I thank you for so quickly offering me a spot in the Showcase Tourny. It has helped me settle in better. Keep up the great work!
  17. Good way to show your tenacity! If you hang around while not really playing much or contributing much to the Showcase team you are on....just think how active you will be once you are drafted and have improved!! At least that is what I keep telling myself! HAHA
  18. I am new to the league, even though this is my 2nd time, my first go-around wasnt very long, but I have been an owner and or gm in a couple of other sim leagues. I recently told a plyer that as the owner, I dont feel I have the right to just treat the players as I would in a traditional sports sim league. As was stated earlier, this is not OOTP, there are real people behind these players. So I think that is where the "management" side of things becomes even more important. I feel a way to possibly alleviate some issues is to have constant and open communication and conversations with the team as a whole and the players individually. Over my tenure in these various offices I have been forced to trade a player I wanted to keep and not-resign someone who was really an asset to the team. Part of the responsibility of being in one of these positions as an owner, GM, Asst GM, or any other front office staff, is to keep the members of the team in the clear about what decisions are being made. With that said, I am not saying that all possible roster moves be discussed in the LR. However, there should be on-going conversations with the players. As much as possible reaching out to them, checking in, and keeping them in the loop as the season evolves about possible moves. One thing I found that worked really well when I was looking at the possibility of not being able to keep someone is to discuss it with them and suggest possible options for them and after they expressed their interest in any of the teams, I would reach out to the GM/Owner of that organization. I would gauge their interest and let them know the player was interested. At that point, I would step back and let things happen. Sometimes the player would have a new home found before FA even opened. Sometimes they didnt, but I felt it was my obligation as the Owner/GM to try to give them the best experience possible. The limit with doing things that way were making sure to not violate any tampering or other rules or limitations. Even if there could not be any conversations, I would at least let the player know of possible locations for them to reach out to once they became a Free Agent. In the years I have done this, I have yet to find the Magic Sweet Spot where I was able to manage the real person's experience while trying to manage the organization to become a champion. But I found that by communicating with everyone as much as possible, it lessens any blow from what the organization just had to do. Just my 2 cents...or maybe a nickel...this one is kinda long...
  19. 1, Left-over fried chicken. With just me and my wife, buying a "family meal" means we have dinner for 3 or 4 days. 2. Oh wow, pick jut one? Hm, we are planning on taking a 20 day cruise through the Panama Canal, so yea, I would like to be there. But in all honesty, that list would be VERY long. 3. I like 2 parts actually, getting to know people and as hocky as it sounds, I like to write. My questions... 1. Do you actually follow hockey or is it just a VHL thing? 2. Meal of a lifetime, what is it? 3. 7th game of the World Series, the Super Bowl, 7th game of the Stanley Cup or World Cup final?
  20. Otis Boudreaux Jr Finally Scores His First Goal! Otis Boudreaux Jr has a name to live up to, well, sort of anyway. His name-sake had a fantastic season in his only full season on Vasteras and scored 30 goals and had 68 points! Not bad for his only season there. It is really tough not to wonder what might have been if he had been able to continue his career. But what "if"s dont sell tickets! Otis Boudreaux Jr, it is still tough not to think of Otis "Sr" and see his essence in "Junior" as he has that same quiet determination to get better. Yes, it will take work and will take time, but Otis Jr has already shown he is willing to put in the hours. He is at the doors when the practice rink opens and the staff has to chase him out every night. The only days he doesnt follow this routine is on game day. On those days, he gets to the rink by 10 AM and skates around the ice, almost like poetry in motion, he moves so effortlessly across the ice. The work has been there, but he still hasnt been able to find the net....until the latest game against the Brigade. Otis Jr was moving across the ice, trying to set up his teammates, yes, this is another area that he knows he needs to improve on, but after a set-up from Mark Calaway and Ronald Johnson MacWallace, Otis Jr found the back of the net with 12:20 gone in the 2nd period. It appeared he was more shocked than anyone else at the game! After the game was over and the scoreboard showed the final score was Brigade: 3 and Warriors: 4, yes, the Warriors were victorious. Otis Jr was the last one on the ice, doing that slow, methodical circular skating that he does when he is deep in thought. He finally made his way to the tunnel where a few reporters were waiting. The first question, which became the only one, was very simple, "How did you feel with finally scoring your first goal?" Otis Jr smiled and replied, "We won, so yea, nothing else really matters." And with that, he made his way into the locker room with the reporters watching him disappear into the fading light. But they all agreed, that this was one to keep their eyes on.
  21. Claiming for 3 out of 4 weeks. Week ending 29 March
  22. Even though I am still relatively new (again) I am interested in getting my foot in the door in any area needed
  23. Draft or Free Agent Waiver Claims, Which is Better? The Junior Showcase Tournament is just what the name implies, a chance for Junior, or new, players to showcase their talent and hopefully catch the eye of a VHLm team and either try to find a home or move up in their team's longer term plans. Players are added to the squads using two different methods. For players created before the Tournament draft window, they are entered into a draft pool. If the player is discovered (created) after this draft-eligibility window closes then they are eligible to be signed as a waiver-claim. This claim only applies for this tournament though. They will be free agents and in the VHLm draft held after the tournament is over. So which is the better way to build the squad? Try to fill every spot in the draft or target those players who are wavier-eligible? Actually, both methods have their benefits and can elevate the team and the player at the same time. By using the draft, a GM can add seasoned (well, seasoned for "Juniors") players who have improved some. These players can really stand-out because at this level, even a minor increase can separate players from those around them. But the draft can also be a frustrating endeavor. Anyone who has ever been in a draft comes into it with a list of players to add. Only to see them taken by the teams that select before them. Even if they are able to get one, there is the risk that everyone else they have targeted have been targeted by every other team. So while the opportunity to get better players through the draft can be a game-changer, the risk of them being taken by another team and the strategy has to be constantly changed. The other option is waiver claims. These appear to be first come, first served. The advantage of this type of player is they are more than likely new to the league. This means they will be active and chasing those opportunities to get better. The down-side? They just are not that good. The GM can be more selective in who they try to sign. In this case, they have to sell the idea of their team to the new player and hopefully convince them to sign. While these players are not very good, the odds are they will get better and will show they are much better than the ghost players they replace. So while the draft provides players that have some improvements under their belt, the waiver claims provide a chance to replace the ghost players and get these, new and eager, players on the ice. Maybe the best way to do it is a combination of these two? I guess we will know once the tournament is over. Good luck to everyone! Let's take this Warriors!! PS: Sorry, this should have been a vhl.com article. I will make sure to put them in the correct place next time. Word Count: 471 Week claimed: 19 Mar
  24. 1. I have to stick with the local team, Carolina Hurricanes 2. I dont really go into them much anymore. I guess I am more of a casual browser when I do. Nothing in particular draws my interest 3. Oh wow. I have alot of things I treasure, but most prized? I cant say. I guess I can be soppy and say my wife. I have had some tough medical issues over the 20 years we have been married and she helped me every step of the way. So my 3.... 1. March Madness is in full-swing, so who wins it all? My bracket is shot to hell so I cant even answer this now, haha. 2. Who is the best fighter in the heavy-weight division in your lifetime? 3. That one binge-worthy show?
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