I thought one of the draws of two players was GMs could now have a little bit of freedom from their own franchise? Now the popular opinion is the opposite?
Before we go making more decisions based on half-baked logic, I just want to point out that I don't think Player 2 is responsible for harming rivalries. Sure it would have a little effect, I'd certainly be less inclined to hate one other team in the league. But that leaves 8 other teams yet. Sure my teammates might have players on those teams, but as I always say, fuck those teammates! I'd even say that removing rivalry games contributed just as much to the dulling of rivalries than Player 2 did. #bringbackR5
Rivalries have been slow for a while now. They most only existed because of our more bitchy members quite frankly. Like, Phil and I aren't going to incite a rivalry any time soon, but Pablo and DT might, and have. Rivalries are slower because we don't hate each other as much, and best rivalries form when the stars align and all the pieces of shit in the league form on one team, like New York every season. Or just cocky overconfident superteams in general. And then those pieces of shit incite Kendrick and Bushito, and then we all decide to hate them because nobody likes Devise and ADV and Jericho and their stupid Rogue 1 players on their stupid New York team because fuck New York.
If you want more rivalries, start being dicks to people. Not like Anderson did, but there's definitely an acceptable ground in the middle.
And unfortunately, no, giveth then taketh away is never a good strategy, and that includes contraction. I'll say this every time it gets brought up, but VHLM already proved that contraction is useless. The exact same arguments were made every time the league got contracted, but lo and behold it never actually helped that much. It's a terrible Band-Aid idea that needs to die. You'd be better off rebooting the league. Which is also a bad idea.
Also if you wanted vintage, nostalgia VHL, almost none of the major changes in the last 20 seasons should have taken place. We didn't want to live and die by the old VHL format, so now we're forced to keep pivoting to find what works. Unfortunately we can't really backtrack to classic VHL at this point.