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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. I do what I want what I want with my body, faggit!
  2. Naw, Coach is actually too cool for that to be possible.
  3. ... Pretty sure that's almost exactly what you said. Or at least that's how it came off. It's done, but everything (Index, games, etc) is uploaded at once, so it's not on there yet. We don't have a magical technology where everything is done the very second you soapbox about it. Your attitude here is so fucked. I'm no proper adult, but I can tell this is childish. Again, why don't *I* just say "I have no desire to change the way I do things, so you can please fuck off."? It's the exact same thing. You admit being difficult for the sake of being difficult. That's fucked up.
  4. If someone makes them we can give them teepz
  5. Watched this today. That was pretty fucked up. I was way too excited when I realized that little girl was going to get executed. I was just like "Fuck yeah she's about to kill a small child!!"
  6. Less than three weeks. *hype intensifies*
  7. First off, I don't know if this is exactly clear or not, but it's not as though the VHLM is exclusively not updated in the sim. Everything is done at once. If the VHLM players aren't updated, neither are the VHL players. Second, you seriously need to adjust your approach with these complaints/suggestions. "I always come at things like this, just is how I am... check the picture and understand who I named my player after and you'll get my personality." Oh okay, that's fine then. In response maybe I should just say, "Well I'm a lazy fuck who hates change, that's just how I am. I'm just lazy. I'm just rude. It's how I roll. I even named my player after the most recent subject of My 600lb Life. Everyone else has to deal with it." Does that seem acceptable to you? I get your frustration, and I'm glad your bringing up points like these, because changes like these can only be good. In fact normally I'd probably just be attempting to sleep right now because it's almost 2:00am, but I now figured I'd do a chunk of updating first. Except deep down I feel awful for responding like that to shit like this. It's like, "Hey, some drunk asshole is shouting obscenities at us. Let's listen to that guy." Like seriously, just the MOST MINOR of adjustments to almost every post you make is the difference between me wanting to punch you, and me thinking you're the best new member we've had in a long time.
  9. I am now living the worst day of my life.
  10. So YOU broke the last site! F'in hackerz.
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