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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. If DAV G would have dropped this game for us... And this is the first game we've won where Naomi hasn't scored a point.
  2. Embarrassingly enough, this is basically the correct answer. Ever since Sasktel installing fibreoptic cables in our house I haven't been able to get good wireless in my room upstairs, which is where I swam last night. So it'll be good after today's sim.
  3. Today my best friend of 20 years texted me to come over ASAP. Said he couldn't explain why over text but he didn't want to be alone. Turns out his dad committed suicide this morning. So that was a pretty fucked up afternoon. Wasn't really able to garner up as many tears as I probably should have, considering I was always rather close with his parents before moving away after grad. So apparently I'm also a robot, which I never really knew. Mood: Sad, Angry. This coincides with my cousin/roommate's birthday today. All of my/her friends are girls, so I went to supper as the only dude in a party of 11. Mood: Studly Parents phoned to touch base on earlier mentioned tragedy. We all promise never to kill ourselves. Mood: Blessed Then tomorrow I have to prepare to MC for my class' grad ceremony, which is on Friday. Mood: Excited OVERALL MOOD: ¯\(°_o)/¯
  4. Coach's pep talk: "You guys remember how you ran the powerplay against Seattle? Well tonight I want you guys to go out there, and DO THE EXACT OPPOSITE!" *cheers*
  5. I'll sort out payment when my feels return to a regular level tomorrow.
  6. Welcome to the a season of mediocrity boys! I can only rig for so long.
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