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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. As much as I'd like to process all of these tonight, I uhh... don't know what the fuck is going on...
  2. Went to gay bar last night for the very first time. Received handjob (sort of) in bathroom stall.
  3. Only the best members drunkenly post as Guests.
  4. What kind of irresponsible human being do you take me for? I totally used my phone for such practices. Here's my station today.
  5. Holy dickballs am I ever late to this thread's party. But anyway, since I've started simming, I've found no evidence of the Penalty Shot attribute adjusting automatically. Only the Morale does as far as I'm concerned. So unless you're actually referring to these sliders (which are another thing I'm not certain actually do what we've always thought, but that's a different bag), I have indeed been manually adjusting them casually, more or less for my own entertainment. At any rate, it's a null point. You'll notice that back in the day, on one of the more archaic versions of STHS, PS wasn't even an attribute that existed. Ditto for Endurance. It does now with the newer versions, but considering we still run off the original 1.1 setting, I'm inclined to believe that the PS (and EN) stats literally do nothing, much like Coaches. I literally adjust them for shits and giggles, very roughly based on age, position, scoring, puck handling, and whether or not the player is European (especially Finnish). I could just leave them at 40, or 99, or whatever, but that added extra bit of monotony would literally SHATTER MY MIND AND DESTROY ME AS A PERSON. Just kidding. But seriously, it doesn't make a difference, except probably in the ASG and occasional pre-season. I'd be willing to test/prove it one day, perhaps in a month where I'm not fully submerged in a pitfall of alcoholism.
  6. Double simmed. Have to go now, someone ought to post the games for me.
  7. Not even a TD retirement, you're a sadist!
  8. Where is this fucking guy anyway?
  9. I know Hrynyk wasn't made up either. Feltersnatch was probably original. Not sure about Slobo and Heidt though.
  10. I'm sorry everybody, Thursday happened. #5of7 #ImSorry
  11. That's two shots at 1:00am. Pushes the pussies over the edge. Men like me don't even faze.
  12. It's new to me I've only just seen it. The irony of being alcohol intolerant is that I can actually tolerate it better than most. I do two shots and I mind the auto correct while talking to my internet friends. Everyone else can barely talk after, lolz
  13. My favourite part of the new Wagon Wheel video The guy from Duck Dynasty goes up to Darius Rucker and he's like "look feller we don't take kindly to your kind 'round here" and he's like "nah man I'm a country singer I swear" and then some hot bitch comes up and is like "Hey aren't you the guy who sings Wagon Wheel?" And they go off and dance or whatever and Macklemore's all like "aw yea" So good
  14. Where you been Seth? How was Hanukkah? Do you get presents for that or something? I'm unfamiliar with the traditions of it. Describe what your emotions would be like if JT scored the Gold medal winning OT goal against Team USA. Or maybe just ask Jason what that felt like 4 years ago. Holy shit I just realized I've been in this league for over four years. Do you drink? What's the highest number of times you've been intoxicated in one week? I could reasonably pull off four this week . Oh man I already did four consecutive days earlier this month. I think I have a problem... Are you in college? What are you studying? How often do you visit sim leagues during class? I'm writing these questions in class.
  15. My setup is wherever my laptop is. Usually around here, in my living room. My laptop's seen better days, the battery's about fucked so it basically needs to be plugged in at all times. During finals I live in the student lounge at school.
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