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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. At least it's not blizzarding though. And my iPhone insists it's supposed to be beautiful this weekend. Speaking of which, I'm coming to Calgary this weekend.
  2. It was 2.1. And I don't doubt one could play with the settings/fighting attributes until it becomes less dumb, but just a straight up switch yields this. Tis funneh
  3. The only alcoholic in this league that I update is ME!
  4. Could they finish with a win on the season? Quite possibly not.
  5. You goofed on the dates of which I'd be partying/Christmas-ing. Not New Years and the days following, but Boxing Day and the days following!
  6. Actually I missed the Stamkos trade and Sound's position conversion. I've had a chip on my shoulders about Seattle ever since they traded me to Vasteras. And I didst in fact update the VHLM before the season started, so if I missed anyone they should let me know.
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