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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Seriously though, between breaking the old site and school I've been a very shitty Commish and such, but I'll make an effort to get er done tomorrow. If not, it will depend if I'm going back to the farm this weekend or going on a bender or what. Monday at the very latest.
  2. We're doing Super Cup THIS off-season?
  3. What did you dress up as? What did you do? POST A FUCKING PICTURE. I went out Thursday, Friday, AND Saturday, but I only drank on Thursday because I had a midterm to study for, and I only dressed up on Friday because my costume was a rental and charged per day. I'd go into brief detail of each day, but I have to leave to a meeting soon. It's another one of those "I should have but didn't nail three different girls in three different days because I suck" stories that are beginning to define my life. I'll post a picture once they get posted on Faceboink.
  4. When we first got the SMF forum we at one point were getting 100s of bots registering a day. Then I found out I could add a security question. I'll see if I can do that again. Also, first.
  5. Yeah, he really started phoning it as early as #7, but it was still good for some ridiculous laughs until #22. Twan's entire existence is comic relief. And his name is Twan. And they literally all get HIV at the end. Everything after that is confusing and dumb and not really funny anymore. Pimp Lucius comes out of nowhere and they barely address the AIDS and they try to make it seem like they're doing a reality show interview thing about it and it was quite the waste of 40 minutes.
  6. Okay, jeez, calm down. You just needed to ask...
  7. Only seen a couple episodes, but easily Taco because Jon Lajoie. Also that scene where he dressed up in the full body cartoon suit and tried to scare that little girl or whatever.
  8. I happened to shave on the 1st, but I don't think I'll keep it. I have too many girls who I could reasonably have sex with, and I don't need any more help looking like a date rapist.
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