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    Aimee reacted to Kendrick in rOOOKIE   
  3. Like
    Aimee reacted to der meister in Week of Theme: Rookie Leaders by Tracked Statistic   
    I generally find the theme week prompts to be creatively unsatisfying. I don't mean that as a slight against the originators or anything like that, but I don't like being pigeonholed in that way, so I usually struggle with it. This time, though, instead of writing some strange tale about Shevchenko meeting up with fellow rookies on a road trip in New York City or some nonsense like that, I thought it would be interesting to examine which rookies are the statistical leaders in various stats, and their draft position.
    Goals: 20 
    Player: Maverick Gonclaves
    I feel like I should get ready to see this name a lot in this article. Gonclaves is just over a point-per-game pace with 42 in 41, playing for the high-flying Moscow Menace. Honestly not that shocking with the supremely well developed Puck Handling and Defense skills, which are at 89 and 88, respectively.
    Assists: 26
    Player: Felicia Hardy
    H.C. Davos is in the upper part of the middle of the VHL pack, and Hardy's performance as a rookie defender is a big part of that success. Her Defense, Passing, and Puck Handling skills [notice a theme?] are all excellent, with 91, 86, and 85 ratings, in that order.
    Points: 42
    Player: Maverick Gonclaves
    Why am I not surprised?
    Plus/Minus: 43
    Player: Maverick Gonclaves
    He literally leads the league in this category, not just rookies.
    Shots: 216
    Player: Maverick Gonclaves
    Gonclaves ranks 33rd in the league in this category, a testament to the "high-flying" adjective I used in the first section.
    Shooting Percentage: ???
    Player: ???
    I dunno. This field wouldn't sort for me for some reason. I tried a bunch of times, both on a laptop and through the VHL app on my phone. 
    Penalty Minutes: 119
    Player: Andrew Skilton
    Atop the rookie ladder and 5th league-wide comes the 6'6" defender for the Toronto Legion, and a first-gen user, to boot. I was surprised to see that, while his Defense skill is an 85, his Checking skill is only a 65. With that PIM total, I wouldn't have been surprised to see that at an 85, as well. To top it off, he also has 23 points in 40 games. Very solid.
    Hits: 147
    Player: Maverick Gonclaves
    Dude is having a hell of a year, what else can I say? He's 7th league-wide here.
    Blocked Shots: 140
    Player: Lazlo Holmes
    Defender Lazlo Holmes of the Prague Phantoms is ranked 2nd in the league in this category. The 5'10" American also has 35 points this season, which isn't that surprising with his 86 Puck Handling skill. Fun fact: my player, Konstyantyn Shevchenko, leads all VHL forwards in blocked shots with 58. 
    Game Winning Goals: 5
    Player: Oh just piss off already, of course it's Maverick Gonclaves
    Moving on.
    Power Play Goals: 9
    Player: Lazlo Holmes
    Nine of his 11 have come with the man advantage, making Prague's power play seem almost shockingly effective given their place in the standings.
    Short-handed Goals: 2
    Player: Gonclaves
    Tied with a bunch for the league lead.
    Hat Tricks: 1
    Player: Gonclaves
    The only rookie to achieve this feat so far this season.

    Random image included to indicate what a NORMAL leaderboard looks like. Notice how there are different names? Settle down, Maverick.
    Users mentioned:

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    Aimee reacted to vincentlg2007 in Rookie Wefernardo Mackingikus   
  5. Cheers
    Aimee reacted to samx in Hyvästi   
    In case you were wondering, the title (according to Google Translate) means goodbye in Finnish. The reason being is I will be stepping down as gm of the Helsinki Titans at the end of the season. In recent months my life has gotten increasingly more hectic and vhl has slowly taken a backseat. I will stay around as a mod and recruitment as I know I can help with both these areas when I have the time and all people in charge of those areas are aware of my on-and-off nature with it. With gming I do not feel as though I have the time to put into it consistently and make the team as well as I would like to.
    I am also going to use this post as a little bit of life update and it will give context into this decision: 
    I have recently started the professional phase of my 6-year physical therapy program. This means the workload and amount of time spent in classes have heavily increased. As stressful and scary as this has been at times, it has also been tremendously fulfilling to finally start developing skills for my future career. I have learned a ton in a short amount of time and am excited to see how the next 3 years pan out.
    I also got a promotion at work this past spring which has added extra responsibilities as well as more hours at the job. Again, very exciting and has been wonderful but it takes a lot of time.
    In less happy news, for those who haven't heard I have been pretty sick for the last 7 months, and while it is still a work in progress, figuring out what is going on each day brings its own struggles. The process is currently at a halt as I wait to hear from neurosurgery and find out if brain surgery may be the next step to helping me. Although terrifying it is the first time I have had a lead on what may be causing my multitude of symptoms. If anyone is curious I will gladly talk to people more about what has been going on but it has been a rough few months. People here who I consistently talk to have seen the ups and downs and have watched this progress into a far more pressing matter. What started as what I thought was appendicitis has now turned into maybe brain surgery??? Which is crazy to think about as a 21 year old. But alas, we roll with the punches life gives us. 
    With that being said, I chose to step down now when the team is in a decent spot to develop and where I feel I have left the future GM in a place where they can make the team thrive. Although I am sad I never got to bring a cup home to Helsinki, I would rather hand it off to someone now than become known as the "IA GM". I am aware that I have reached my limits and this was something that had to give. I am so happy about the time I got to spend in Helsinki and a special thank you to the players who came through while I was there. A very extra special shoutout to @Triller for being my AGM through this all and literally being the best scout to ever exist. Your work and dedication did not go unnoticed or unappreciated
    So for now Hyvästi Helsnki.
  6. Like
    Aimee reacted to JCarson in Of course the Theme week topic is Rookies, just look at the talent in this VHL rookie listing   
    This season’s theme week is rookies. Which it obviously should be considering the depth of this seasons VHL rookie group. Although there are 2 season 95 players who have snuck their way into this rookie class (Konstyantyn Shevchenko(der meister) and Roger Eagles (Greg Di)) and a season 89 breakout star in Med (first generation player Med, drafted 36th) the bulk of the rookie class is formed by the draftees of season 94. For those that don’t remember that draft, I can only guess that you joined the VHL after that date or you have or very soon will be diagnosed with a brain disorder, because that draft contained the most depth of any draft in seasons. Of the 17 players who have made it to the VHL from that draft class it represents a powerhouse of talent that will be shaping the league for seasons. The interesting thing about that list is they currently represent only 8 teams. For full disclosure 9 teams drafted in the first round, but one player got traded afterwards. Not sure what the other 8 teams in the league are thinking but seriously you missed out severely on this draft. 
    Those benefiting from the season 94 draft being:  Moscow Menace (2), HC Davos Dynamo (3), Vancouver Wolves (3), Toronto Legion (1), Los Angeles Stars (4), Prague Fantoms (1), New York Americans (1) and Helsinki Titans (2). 
    Moscow Menace: General Manager Spartan was somehow able to position both the first and second pick in this draft and took 2 guaranteed superstars:  Maverick Goncalves (leandrofg(GM of Calgary)) and Jillian Woods (jacobcarson877(ex GM of London)).  Can we say max earning, highly engaged players who know how to build.  Does anyone remember the Calgary Wranglers in the 80’s.  Somehow everyone but Spartan forgot that outside Daniel Janser the Calgary Wranglers were built on the back of leandrofg and jacobcarson877’s prior players. It wouldn’t surprise me to see a repeat of those performances in the 90’ with these new players. 
    Vancouver Wolves: General Manager Frank must have been paying attention as he was able to pick up 3 players who, by the way sit 4th, 5th, and 6th in TPE within this group.  Pierre Marc Bouchard (Gaikoku-hito, drafted 3rd, AGM of Vancouver), Bollos de Trueno (Thunder, drafted 4th) and Soju (Frank, drafted 5th, GM of Vancouver) are all well-established strong earning players who will make any team better. Having all 3 will provide Vancouver a solid foundation to build on for seasons to come. 
    Toronto Legion: General Manager Moon may have taken a significant risk and gotten a magnificent reward with the 11th overall pick in the season 94 draft by taking first generation player Andrew Skilton (ace five), now sitting 7th overall in TPE this defender is going to provide significant back-end depth over their career. This may have been the steal of the draft. 
    Los Angeles Start: General Manager Instant Rock Star has four fearsome competitors in Erik Thorvaldsson (Tetricide, drafted 14th, GM of Prague), The Phantom of the VHL (Hogan, drafted 12) and Wally Lose (youloser1337, drafted 20th) and Pombo (Samx, drafted 8th, GM of Helsinki) .  The collective group may form the strongest depth picks.  These players now sit 8th, 10th, 11t , and 13th in TPE meaning they have worked their way up the charts and are prepared to crush anything that gets in their path. 
    Prague Phantoms: For anyone who is counting we have discussed the top 2 in TPE and 4th through 11th, skipping only 3rd and 9th.  Prague was able to pick up the player who now currently sits 9th overall in Lazlo Holmes (Gustav, drafted 10th, VHLM commissioner).  Now don’t let the current TPE position of 9th fool you because we are talking about the Gustav that wrote the book on how to build players.  A quick forum search and a few hours of reading very lengthy posts will let you know that they know what they are doing and will maximize every TPE they earn.  That will only help General Manager Tetricide in taking the Phantoms to the playoffs repeatedly. 
    New York Americans: Don’t ignore General manager STZ as they have the privileged of having Tommy Shelby (Will, drafted 9th) sitting at center for their team.  Tommy Shelby will be putting up steady numbers throughout their career. 
    Helsinki Titans: General manager Sam got in on Season 94 by picking up two magnificent players in first generation player The Mighty Ice Wizard (Royski, drafted 7th) and returning veteran Maple Dogwood (dogwoodmaple, drafted 13th).  Currently sitting 15th and 17th in TPE these two will provide a strong backbone for Helsinki to build on. 
    Lastly HC Davos Dynamo: General manager Alex picked up 3 players that are coming together on the team this season.  Felicia Hardy (JCarson, drafed 6th) Johnny Tsumani (Vice, drafted 18th) and Matteo Stefano (mmrs617, drafted 15th) may be the second biggest steal of the season 94 draft.  Currently sitting 3rd, 12th, and 16th in TPE they have merged in well with the Davos lineup.  I would expect you will see Davos finally holding a regular playoff spot in the European Conference and potentially contending for a cup in the near future. 
    Rookies can make a substantial difference in the VHL, with high performing rookies providing a boost to the team without a large charge to the salary cap. The noted 8 teams definitely hit it big in getting players from this draft class to fill out their rosters. I expect that only time will tell which of these players will earn Hall of Fame honors.  If I were a betting individual, I would suggest that more than one of the individuals on this list is destined to have their names added to the VHL Hall of Fame. 
    So you heard it here, the rookie class of Season 95 is filled with top talent to keep an eye on, to follow throughout their careers and potentially watch their induction into the Hall of Fame.  Rookies, a great theme week topic for a great group of rookies. 
    1004 words, will be claimed over 2 weeks
  7. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from ace_five_ in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  8. Fire
    Aimee reacted to LucyXpher in Three Rookies You Need to Know About!   
    Since this season's theme week is rookies, I'm excited for the opportunity to tell you about three rookies (one in each league) that have really left an impression on me and who I think will continue on to have fantastic VHL careers!  I'm very proud to be able to say that all three were-- or still are-- members of the Halifax 21st and it was in my capacity as GM of the team that I got to know them.  Each has had a unique path to where they are currently, but all three show incredible promise and have been a pleasure to have around the team both because of their production in the sims and their personality in the locker room.  So without further ado, here are three rookies you need to know about!
    VHL Rookie - Andrew Skilton @ace_five_
    In the S93 Draft-- my first as Halifax GM-- we were lucky to have the opportunity to select at 2nd and 6th overall and it was with our 6th overall pick that we selected Andrew Skilton.  As a first gen player who joined the VHL in the offseason, Skilton was a bit of an unknown quantity for GMs scouting for the draft, though he certainly impressed early on with high quality forum posts and regular activity.  During my scouting for the draft, I had the opportunity to chat with Skilton a fair bit and it was his great personality and desire to jump into the league with both feet that really sold me on him as a player and as a person.  While there were a lot of other great established VHL users available at 6th overall in that draft, I have no regrets about selecting Skilton there and he went on to have an excellent season in the VHLM with Halifax as the team's captain, collecting 54 points in 72 regular season games as well as 12 points in 11 playoff games.
    In the S94 drafts, Skilton went 7th overall to the Bratislava Watchmen in the VHLE and 11th overall to the Toronto Legion in the VHL. For Bratislava in Season 94, Skilton had a monster season racking up 27 goals and 58 assists for 85 points in 72 games which ranked him 3rd among all VHLE defensemen that season.  After another strong earning season, Skilton would be called up to the VHL for S95 where he is currently in the midst of his rookie season for the North American Conference leading Toronto Legion.  So far, Skilton has 23 points in 40 games, but don't let that distract you from what he projects to become in the future.  I have no doubt that Skilton, along with S94 rookie Gul Dukat @MSouthworth, are the future of the Legion blueline when Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer eventually retires.  Skilton in particular figures to be a huge part of the Legion's future as he only trails Dukat by 26 TPA, despite being drafted a season later.  At 599 TPE total, Skilton currently ranks 7th overall in his draft class and when you consider the earning reputation of the 6 players ahead of him ( @leandrofg @jacobcarson877 @JCarson @Gaikoku-hito @Thunder @Frank ) it's obvious to see that Skilton is in good company.  Five of those six players rank in the top 13 on the all-time TPE leaderboard for a single career and the 6th has a previous hall-of-fame career to his name.  I have no doubt that if Skilton's development continues on its current trajectory, he too will rank among the VHL greats someday.
    VHLE Rookie - Dorji Khan @Oddpurplefly
    As a 6th round pick at 52nd overall, there wasn't a whole lot of fanfare around Dorji Khan when he was selected by Halifax in the S93 VHLM Dispersal Draft.  Khan played part of S92 with the Philadelphia Reapers and actually won the Founder's Cup with the team before having his name called at the VHLM draft. In that first stint with Philly, Khan had 2 points in 5 regular season games and 1 point in 16 playoff games, and by the time he was drafted he had collected a modest 55 TPE.  By his own admission, the VHL took some time to figure out early on and it would take Khan A.K.A. the Mongolian Stallion a bit of time to build up some momentum.  In his first full VHLM season with Halifax, Khan produced 18 points in 72 regular season games, albeit playing on a very deep 21st team that finished 2nd in the VHLM.  In the playoffs, he would record 3 points in 11 games as the 21st would lose to the eventual Founder's Cup Champions in the second round.  It should be noted that his point totals don't tell the whole story, however, as partway through Season 93 Khan would go from earning an average of 6 TPE weekly to over 12 on a consistent basis.  Once he had the league figured out, there was no stopping him and Khan would earn his way quickly to 200 TPE in order to be a capped player for one more season with Halifax, his sights set on helping the 21st capture their first ever Founder's Cup.  

    In Season 94, Khan would finally have his VHLM breakout with 83 points in 72 games as the captain of the Halifax 21st, leading the team to a 1st place league finish and the 2nd best season in franchise history.  Unfortunately, Halifax would again fall to the Saskatoon Wild, this time in the Founder's Cup finals, though the Mongolian Stallion lit up the postseason scoresheets with 17 points in 15 games.  Funny enough, just like Skilton, Khan would be drafted to both Bratislava and Toronto going 24th and 22nd overall in the VHLE and VHL drafts respectively.  At the time of those drafts, it was already clear to see how his stock had risen from 52nd in the VHLM draft to 22nd in the VHL draft.  Clearly, GMs around the VHL world were taking notice-- though it's hard not to notice the 6'8", 240 lb monster when he's on the ice! At 429 TPE, Khan has climbed up the leaderboard to rank 18th among all S94 draftees.  This is no small feat as he featured in the same draft class as Skilton which was full of high end recreate talent.  Among first gen players selected in the S94 draft, Khan ranks 4th behind Skilton, Matteo Stefano @mmrs617 and THE MIGHTY ICE WIZARD @Royski.  Now in the VHLE playing his rookie season with Bratislava, Khan is 5th in the VHLE with 52 points in 38 games while also ranking 2nd with 22 goals and 6th with 30 assists.  He also leads the league with 2 hattricks so far! Known for his two-way game with Halifax, Khan has continued that with the Watchmen as he boasts a +22 rating which is the 3rd best in the league.
    VHLM Rookie - Steven Nichols @SlyDigi
    Selected in the 4th round of the S95 VHLM Dispersal Draft at 34th overall, Steven Nichols had the 2nd lowest TPE total of any player in the draft class, but that certainly hasn't stopped him from making a great impression in his VHLM rookie season!  Nichols currently has 12 goals and 22 assists for 34 points in 40 games so far this season which is an impressive total so far for a first season player with so much TPE to gain!  The way I see it, starting his career with Halifax at 32 TPE, Nichols has huge potential to be an important part of this team for at least this season and next before he reaches the 200 TPE cap.  My first interaction with Nichols was while scouting for the S95 draft and I was initially impressed with how he conducted the draft interview.  He was very personable and went over and above the samey boring answers that interviews sometimes elicit.  As Halifax had mostly later picks in this past draft, Nichols was near the top of our draft board and when we had the opportunity to take him with one of our 4th round picks, there was no hesitation.

    Since joining the team, Nichols has shown qualities similar to Skilton and Khan before him.  He's reached out personally to see how he can improve his player development and take his game to the next level, and on top of that has actually followed through and begun completing extra weekly point tasks starting with press conferences.  In the locker room, he's one of the players who remains most consistently active an that kind of activity and leadership is not only inspiring and encouraging for other teammates, but also for management.  It's exciting to see players who care and want to be involved in the league and that gives me a boost to keep on in my role.  So far, Steven Nichols has been everything you could ask for from a player who is new to the league and the sky is the limit for where he can take his career!  VHLE and VHL GM's take note: this is a player you don't want to miss!
    In my first 3 seasons as a GM in the VHLM I've learned that there is no particular box that you can fit all successful players in.  Sure, there are tell-tale signs that give you an indication of how effective or active a player will be in the long run, but sometimes the most exceptional players are those that are overlooked or maybe take an extra season of conditioning before they're ready to take the VHL by storm!  My favorite NHL player of all time is Joe Pavelski, who was a 205th overall pick in the 7th round of the NHL draft.  In my opinion, he was the greatest Sharks captain ever and is undoubtedly one of the top American-born players in NHL history-- he didn't earn the nickname Captain America for nothing!  I'm including this anecdote only to say that a player's draft position doesn't always tell the whole story.  Of course, 1st round picks are very valuable as evidenced by the trajectory of Skilton, but there is plenty of electric talent to be found later in drafts and it's one of the most rewarding things to see a player develop far beyond their draft projection, as in the case of Khan.  Going forward, my hope as a GM is to be able to continue to support players-- especially first gens who are learning the VHL ropes-- so that they can experience the same enjoyment in the VHL that I have had to this point.
    1700+ words
    1st Claim for 09/01/2024
  9. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in I don't know what to write for theme week.   
    I have no idea what to write for theme week. Like I’m honestly lost. Ahsoka doesn’t have her rookie season until the next one and I really want to leave Jesse Teno behind as I move forward. I also don’t think I personally know anyone at the moment going through a rookie season. Maybe I do? I’m honestly not sure lol. I probably so and I just don’t realize it.
    So again, I’m struggling with what to write. It’s weird because I have always come up with something for theme week, even during my first season I was able to come up with something thanks to the help of Shindigs. But I’m truly blanking. I’m just thankful that I have most of the week to come up with    something. I just don’t necessarily have the rest of the week to write something. And I don’t do good enough graphics to try something interesting.

    153 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  10. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  11. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in I don't know what to write for theme week.   
    I have no idea what to write for theme week. Like I’m honestly lost. Ahsoka doesn’t have her rookie season until the next one and I really want to leave Jesse Teno behind as I move forward. I also don’t think I personally know anyone at the moment going through a rookie season. Maybe I do? I’m honestly not sure lol. I probably so and I just don’t realize it.
    So again, I’m struggling with what to write. It’s weird because I have always come up with something for theme week, even during my first season I was able to come up with something thanks to the help of Shindigs. But I’m truly blanking. I’m just thankful that I have most of the week to come up with    something. I just don’t necessarily have the rest of the week to write something. And I don’t do good enough graphics to try something interesting.

    153 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  12. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from sadie in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  13. Like
    Aimee got a reaction from Triller in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  14. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from Alex in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  15. Fire
    Aimee got a reaction from kirbithan in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  16. Like
    Aimee reacted to BOOM in Thorv........sson   
  17. Like
    Aimee reacted to Smarch in Season Ninety-Six VHL Entry Draft First Gen Players   
    Season Ninety-Six VHL Entry Draft First Gen Players
    With this week’s trade deadline and theme week being announced earlier this week, the VHL community was tasked with highlighting those that are newer members of rookies in the league. Although I have highlighted many of those members that are first generation players over the last few seasons, I thought this week we will look at the first-generation members that are VHL draft eligible in season ninety-six.
    Slava Kovalenko – D (10th Rated Prospect)
    The top-rated first-generation prospect in the upcoming VHL Entry Draft, Kovalenko is the tenth rated prospect and the fourth highest TPE earner amongst draft eligible defenseman. The nineteen-year-old Canadian born defenseman has been earning TPE at a very high pace since joining the league as he currently sits at 202 TPE and has been hitting the maximum weekly TPE cap since first earning TPE back for the week ending July 7, 2024. Kovalenko is enjoying a great season in Mississauga and looks to be quite a steal for the Hounds after being drafted fourteenth overall in the season ninety-five VHLM Dispersal Draft. This season in thirty-eight games played, Kovalenko has nineteen goals and thirty-seven assists, good enough for fifty-six points, which currently leads VHLM defenseman. With defenseman always in demand in the VHL, one has to think Kovalenko might find his name called well before the tenth pick in the upcoming draft.
    TIJ Davies – RW (13th Rated Prospect)
    TIJ Davies is the next player on the list, currently finding himself as the thirteenth overall rated draft pick in the season ninety-six VHL Entry Draft. Davies is also the fifth highest TPE earner amongst forwards in the draft and third highest TPE earner amongst draft eligible right wingers. Davies is currently in the middle of his first full VHL season, after seeing action last season in seven regular season games with the San Diego Marlins. Davies was drafted eighteenth overall by the back-to-back defending Founders Cup champions, the Saskatoon Wild in the season ninety-five VHLM Dispersal Draft. Davies has played in thirty-eight games this season for the Wild and is currently sitting slightly under a point per game, with seventeen goals and seventeen assists. Off the ice Davies has managed to put together 166 TPE and outside the first week in the league has constantly been pumping out media spots and graphics, hitting the TPE cap each week. With three goalies currently ahead of Davies on the prospect list of draft eligible players, he might find his name being called higher than thirteenth overall, as many VHL teams are currently set in net, but will always need more top end forwards.
    Dog Jagr – D (15th Rated Prospect)
    The third first generation player on the draft eligible list, sixteen-year-old Czech Republic born defenseman currently finds themselves as the fifteenth rated prospect available.  Jagr was drafted twelfth overall in the season ninety-five VHLM Dispersal Draft and unlike the previously mentioned prospects, didn’t have to pack his bags and move cities as the Miami Marauders selected Jagr after he played in eighteen regular season games as a waiver pick up in season ninety-four. In his first full VHLM season, Jagr has been having an outstanding season, putting up nine goals and twenty-five assists in Miami’s thirty-eights games. Off the ice Jagr has been putting in the work to better himself every week, currently sitting at 154 TPE. While Jagr has yet to complete a media spot or graphic since joining the league, the young defenseman is averaging about 8 TPE a week to date, which is only 4 TPE off the weekly cap. While Jagr is actively earning TPE each week, one must wonder if VHL teams might be a little timid to select the sixteen-year-old afraid he might not be earnings at the level as other prospects in the draft.
    Victory Hockey League – D (16th Rated Prospect)
    Next on the list is a player that enjoys causing chaos as the sixteenth rated prospect in the season ninety-six VHL Entry Draft, has the same name as the league he will be drafted into.  Seventeen-year-old defenseman Victory Hockey League joined the league just over two months ago and has to date put up forty updates so far. Draft fifteenth overall in the season ninety-five VHLM Dispersal Draft, by the Halifax 21st, League is another first-generation player that is playing close to a point per game level this season in the VHLM. Currently in thirty-eight games played this season, League has put up nine goals and twenty-seven assists. Along with a plus minus of plus five. After putting up just six assists in seventeen games last season as a waiver pick up for San Diego, League is showing the entire VHL what he is capable of. Off the ice, as we discussed already League has put up 40 updates so far for 140 TPE and is another first-generation player that is currently claiming welfare for 4 TPE a week. While there is nothing wrong with welfare in my opinion as it allows even the busiest members to partake in the league, teams might be a little gun shy at selecting League in the first round if players behind him in TPE are completing point tasks each week.
    Kurt Bachmann – D (17th Rated Prospect)
    Kurt Bachmann is the next player on the prospect list and is the first-generation player that if all players above him are selected in order, would find themselves selected in the second round of the VHL Entry Draft. Bachmann joined the VHL back on June 24th, 2024, and currently has earned 134 TPE to date. Last season in season ninety-four Bachmann was a waiver pick up for the San Diego Marlins, where he saw action in seventeen regular season games and eleven playoff games. After finishing the season upon the Marlins playoff exit, Bachmann was selected twenty-second overall by the Mississauga Hounds. Bachmann has appeared this season in all thirty-eight games the Hounds have played in to date and has performed very well in those thirty-eight games. Bachmann has put up four goals and twenty-nine assists for the Hounds in half a season with the VHLM club. Another impressive stat for Bachmann is that he currently sits second in the VHLM with 123 hits on the season. Off the ice Bachmann has been using welfare to get to his 134 TPE that he has earned through his forty-four updates, earning about 7-8 TPE a week through welfare, trivia and practice facility. With half a season and then a little bit of the off-season before the VHL Entry Draft, will Bachmann be able to get himself in to the first round to be the first round VHL draft pick?
    Feka Ohi Kau – D (18th Rated Prospect)
    Next on the VHL draft eligible players that are first generational players, sixteen-year-old Feka Ohi Kau is another first-generation defenseman that will be selected in the season ninety-six VHL Entry Draft. Last season Kau saw action in eighteen games for the Houston Bulls after being picked up off the VHLM wavier system, where he put up two assists in those eighteen games. At the conclusion of the season, Kau was picked back up by the Bulls in the VHLM Dispersal Draft, selected twenty-seventh overall by the Bulls. Now in his first full season in the VHLM with the Bulls, Kau has been much more impressive offensively, as the 6’8 defender has put up five goals and twenty-eight assists in the Bulls first thirty-eight games of the season. Off the ice Kau is another draft prospect that is earning TPE currently through the VHL welfare system. Kau has completed thirty-nine updates to date for 112 TPE. Like those ahead of him in the prospect pool, as the season continues on he finds more time to complete a point task here and there to boost his TPE as we head closer to the draft.
    Xhekajs middletoe - RW (22nd Rated Prospect)
    A little bit further down the draft eligible player list we find our next first-generation player Xhekajs middletoe. Middletoe is another VHL draft eligible player that joined the league near the end of June, as middletoe joined the league back on June 24, 2024. Since joining the league, middletoe has played in a total of fifty-five VHLM games between two VHLM franchises. Last season as a waiver pick up middletoe saw action in seventeen games, where he put up two goals and twelve assists for the Ottawa Lynx. Now this season after being drafted by the San Diego Marlins thirteenth overall, middletoe is showing the league what he is made of, as he currently sits just over a point per game with eighteen goals and twenty-one assists in thirty-right games. On top of the impressive point total so far this season, middletoe finds himself near the top or at the top of two individual leader categories. Middletoe currently sits fourth in the league with a plus thirty-eight and is tied for the league lead of shorthanded goals with two short handed goals on the season. With 104 TPE to date on the season, hopefully middletoe continues to grow off the ice as the season progresses.
    Luc Moreau - RW (25th Rated Prospect)
    Next on the list of draft eligible first-generational players we have Luc Moreau who joined the league recently on August 18th. As Moreau joined the league after the VHLM Dispersal Draft, Moreau was picked off waivers and has played in sixteen games for the Miami Marauders this season. In the sixteen games played with Miami so far, Moreau has been impressive offensively putting up six goals and nine assists in those sixteen games played. Off the ice Moreau has been equally as impressive as Moreau has completed 10 updates in under a month, however seventy-two of those TPE did come from the base TPE new players will obtain when joining the league later. However, we cannot discount that fact has earned 25 TPE in just over two weeks in other TPE, including welfare, press conferences, practice facility and fantasy zone. While Moreau might be a longer project player for the VHL franchise that will select him in the season ninety-six VHL Entry Draft, hopefully Moreau can showcase his talents on and off the ice for the remainder of the season.
    Kyle Evans – RW (26th Rated Prospect)
    Next on the list right behind Moreau is Kyle Evans as the twenty-six rated first-generation player available in the upcoming VHL Entry Draft. Evans joined the league back on June 24th, 2024, which allowed him to get a taste of VHLM action last season as a waiver pick up. Evans was picked up by the Ottawa Lynx with sixteen games left in the regular season last year, where he put up two goals and two assists. Evans must have left an impression on the Lynx franchise as they used the twenty-fifth overall pick in the season ninety-five VHLM Dispersal Draft to bring Evans back for season ninety-five. This season in thirty-eight games played for the Lynx Evans has drastically improved his offensive output as he has put up fourteen goals and seventeen assists for the Ottawa based VHLM club. Off the ice Evans has been pretty consistent earning 6 TPE each week through welfare and the practice facility. With room to improve both on and off the ice, hopefully Evans can continue to grow up until draft day.
    Doc Hudson – RW (27th Rated Prospect)
    The last prospect we will look at today in terms of first-generational players available in the season ninety-six VHL Entry Draft, is forty-year-old Doc Hudson. The third oldest draft prospect in the draft eligible pool this season, Hudson joined the league on August 6th, 2024, to show the world even at his advanced age in the world of sports he’s still got it. Hudson was picked off of waivers by the Philadelphia Reapers, where he has played in all thirty-rights games for the team so far. In those thirty-eights games, Hudson has shown that age is only a number, as he has put up seventeen goals and twenty-six assists. Now with 92 TPE under his belt from welfare, trivia and the practice facility, hopefully Hudson can continue to earn TPE each week and prove his quick start was not just pure luck.
    2,046 Words. 
    Sept 2-8
    Sept 8-15
    Sept 16-22
    Sept 23-29
  18. Cheers
    Aimee got a reaction from OblivionWalker in The Truest of Rookies   
    Thanks to @Alex for the idea.
    The Truest of Rookies
    I thought I would take this Theme Week of Rookie and focus on the top 2 true rookies in the VHL. What do I mean by a true rookie? I mean the first gens who are sitting pretty for the draft. While they will probably struggle to break the top 10 due to every incredible recreate ahead of them in TPE, I still think that these guys are working hard and might be able to earn a good draft spot.
    Slava Kovalenko ( @OblivionWalker) 
    D, 6’8”, 218 lbs., Age 19
    Current Stats: 40 GP, 20 G, 41A, +14

    Kovalenko was selected off of waivers in S94 by the Ottawa Lynx where he had 2 Goals and 7 Assists over 16 games. Obviously, we all know that these stats mean nothing when you’re in for barely half the season and you’re just starting out. But for the draft, Kovalenko was picked up 14th overall by the Mississauga Hounds and continues to play for them. Along with the above stats, Kovalenko also has 3 Game Winning Goals and 8 Power Play Goals. He is certainly proving himself a great player.

    OblivionWalker as a member has been max earning with the exception of one week and shows no signs of slowing down. He has produced media spots which have been enjoyable to read and has been participating in Fantasy Zone as well as doing extra point tasks like Biography. I think any team that drafts Kovalenko is going to have an amazing player and an active member to enjoy.
    TIJ Davies ( @Mack71)
    RW, 5’10”, 205 lbs., Age 17
    Current Stats: 40GP, 17G, 19A, -16

    Davies was picked up on waivers by the San Diego Marlins in S94 where he had 3 goals and 1 assist over 7 games. Not a big sample size but certainly shows some ability for a new player. For the draft, Davies was selected 18th overall by the Saskatoon Wild and is putting up decent numbers for being on a team that is truly struggling this season. Over 40 games, along with the above stats, Davies also has 1 Power Play Goal. Being on a struggling team as a new player is hard but he seems to really be showing his best in an attempt to boost his own numbers.

    Mack71 as a member has also been a max earner since he started. He has created an interesting graphic and has been working hard on Media Spots almost every week. He participates in Fantasy Zone as well as team Press Conferences. I think Mack71 has a lot of potential as a player and as a contributing member to the forum. If you see his Media Spots pop up, make sure to give them a read. 

    I think these two rookies have a long way to go before they are ready for their VHL debut but I feel like we are already seeing some hard working members trying to boost their players as best they can. I think this is all we can ask and hope for from our first-gens and I hope they both keep up the good work. I can’t wait to see where they end up and how they fare going forward.
    542 words for week ending 9/1/2024
  19. Like
    Aimee reacted to Tate in Theme Week Ramble   
    The great news about theme week is that I get to write about my player, Mad Villain. The good news is that Mad Villain’s journey in the VHL has been nothing short of an emotional rollercoaster, a rich blending of chaos and charm. Don’t you just love it?
    From the moment he was drafted by the Las Vegas Aces, his time in the league has been marked by unpredictability. Initially a tool in the Villain’s grand plan for domination, Mad Villain’s innocent nature and pure joy for the game has quickly won over the hearts of fans. SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME- SAY IT!
    Despite the Villain’s attempts to mold him into a fearsome competitor, Mad Villain’s positivity shines through, with a heart that captivates the audience and leaves everyone guessing what he will do next. His growth, both as a player and a character is bringing a refreshing energy to the league that no one has done before, at least not to my knowledge, and certainly not with the kind of commitment to acting that I have undertaken. So, take that, naysayers and nonbelievers, just try and stop us now!
    191 words
  20. Like
    Aimee reacted to Ozzy Batty in Ozzy B Checking In   
    Man, what a busy few weeks! I went back to Mississauga and got my old room back. I have a great view of the park near our practice arena. It is a corner room so it also is a little bit quieter than most of the other rooms in the complex. I like it that way. I like to have the time to read and unwind. I know most of my teammates like to go out at night to enjoy the nightlife where ever we may be. But for me, give me a quiet park and a good book…yea…that is what I enjoy.

    Leaving home was tougher this time. I had met someone, a girl named Kelly. Well, she is not a “girl” per se. She is a student at the local university. She is studying to be a teacher. She loves literature, especially Shakespeare. I am not sure what will happen in this relationship, but I like talking to her. She lets me “nerd out” and enjoys talking to me about history. So that is another reason I like the quieter rooms, I can talk to her. We try to talk every day that I can, but sometimes the internet isn’t that good, so I write to her. I  think she is pretty special, so I guess we will see.

    But back to the hockey! Well, I am not sure about how I should feel about this season. We started off really strong. We rocketed to the top of the Eastern Conference and it looked like we had a solid hold on it as the season progressed. But then we hit a tough patch have now dropped to 3rd. Now, it is only by 3 points, yea, the top of the conference is tight, but we have still dropped. I am hoping that we continue to keep it close. I mean, yea, if we end the season in 3rd place we would make the playoffs. But I think it would be awesome if we are able to win the conference on our way to the championship.

    The reason I have mixed feelings about this, yea, it sucks that we have dropped to 3rd, but as the team’s position got worse, I started to get better. I didn’t want to spend another season in the VHLM to garner any personal accolades. But I am not going to lie, it is pretty cool to see your name up in the Leader Board. When it is coupled with team success, the personal success is like icing on the cake. 

    So while I am enjoying seeing my personal success, I would gladly swap it for a couple of more team wins. I know we cant do that, but as far as I am concerned, it would be fine if that could happen.
    I know the season isn’t over so there is still a lot of stuff that can happen. But I would prefer to get the team back on top of the conference before the season is over and then to make a run for that title! 

    Yea, lots of hockey left to play so let’s make the best of it!
  21. Like
    Aimee reacted to der meister in Under the Wire   
    It doesn't take a rocket scientist to look at the D.C. Dragons' roster and come to the conclusion that the squad isn't going to win a lot of games this season. That said, the Dragons are dreadfully bad. Officially halfway through the season, they've accumulated a total of 6 wins. Considering how early their draft pick was in the most recent VHL Entry Draft, it's also not surprising that the team has struggled to turn it around. Bright spots are few and far between, with only a handful of entries in the League Leaders lists playing for D.C. Forward Tom Dufour is tied for the league lead with 2 shorthanded goals, and Theo Allard has been on the receiving end of the 4th-most hits in the entire VHL. Dubious distinction.
    On the other hand, young goaltender Herald Benson's 0.926 save percentage is second in the VHL, behind only an obnoxiously-long string of W's. Benson has also faced the most shots in the VHL by over 50, a true indicator of the Dragons' defensive incompetence. 
    And then there's rookie winger Konstyantyn Shevchenko, the 4th overall selection in the Draft. With only 13 points in 36 games, it's fair to say Shevchenko has been underwhelming. He's also leading the team in the worst way - a negative 34 plus/minus rating. But the raw potential is evident, as well. His 11 goals place him third on the team, and he's shown a surprising willingness to sacrifice his body for the good of the team, pacing the Dragons in Hits and the forward corps in Blocked Shots. He also leads the team in shooting percentage, with a 12.22%. With so much gloom around the franchise, including the pending retirement of popular General Manager FrostBeard, it's good to see a sliver of hope in the form of the young Ukrainian's contributions, who looks to be growing into his massive frame and could end up as the VHL's premier power forward before all is said and done.
    Elsewhere around the league, the Prague Phantoms are neck-and-neck with the Dragons for the VHL's Cellar Dweller award, as both teams have 15 points on the season. Obviously the Dragons have a lot of holes to fill on the roster, so it seems a given they'd be excited to be adding another top end player in the next Draft. With no defensemen under contract for next season, they're in a position to immediately give whoever they select a chance to crack the VHL, bypassing the European league, and that could be a good selling point for some prospects who might otherwise be skeptical of landing on such a beleaguered roster.

    The Dragons are ass this season.
    Defender Eurydyka Sklodowska Dudzinska is said to be contemplating retirement after this season, though some sources indicate there might be enough in the tank for one more season. Right winger Dufour has one more season left on his contract before he's set to hit UFA, and undoubtedly he'd like to see what direction the Dragons are set to go before he decides whether or not it's worth returning to D.C. to potentially close out his career. 
    A lot of plates are spinning, a lot of balls are in the air, and a lot of decisions remain to be made. But one thing's for certain: change has to come to D.C., and the sooner, the better.
  22. Like
  23. Fire
    Aimee reacted to kirbithan in Kirby is Purple (REBOOTED)   
  24. Like
    Aimee reacted to Spartan in Addicted - Loveless   
    I make a brief appearance for 2 TPE while I wait in a customs line after leaving Vancouver.
    Cruise was nice, I read a couple books on our balcony in some pleasant weather and got to hang out and get plenty of drinks with friends. Still out and about for a couple more days before I get back home, and I'm looking forward to being home. Although it seems the Moscow lads have been quite motivated during my absence to go on a ridiculous win spree. Big props to @jacobcarson877 for manning the ship while I've been gone and keeping the weirdos on the team in line.
     I've finally recruited another person to the VHL, hi @Bea! It's been too long since I've been able to claim some recruitment TPE and also bring a good friend into the league, so hopefully Cysteine becomes a solid player over time. We're both happy with the start so far and hope to keep seeing improvements.
    Lastly, I have covid again (I think). Have a nice weekend and drink some beers for me.
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    Aimee got a reaction from Triller in Another Level - Jesse Teno HOF Article   
    I love you, my friend! Thank you for an incredible article. I smiled the whole way through and I proudly read it aloud to my wife. I couldn't have asked for a better tribute. 💜
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