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Everything posted by Tetricide

  1. I did a thing.
  2. 1. Our GM, Cole, just made an incredible trade, giving us Nikolas Kauppi for the next couple seasons. Are you looking forward to what Kauppi can contribute to the team? Kauppi seems like a pretty cool guy and doesn't afraid of anything. 2. How have you been doing with the weekly game predictions for TPE? Ooo...ahh...yeah...about that. I haven't been doing it. 3. If you could play one professional sport, what would that be and why? I'm not sure everyone considers it a sport, but poker. Hundreds of people from around the world compete in the WSOP for the final table and you never see the same faces. Hold 'Em has been a game that I've played most of my life. 4. The season is just over half way and Mexico City is tied with Houston. Are there any changes we need to do in order to jump ahead of Houston and chase Las Vegas? Score more. Allow less goals. Easier said than done, but I'm hoping Kauppi will help in that department. 5. What NHL jersey was Cameron wearing in the movie “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off?” And if you know more, who’s the player? Detroit Red Wings, but I couldn't tell you the player name. If I had to guess -- Yzerman. 6. Is it OK to put ketchup on steak? Why or why not? NO! Stop putting sauce on steak. You season that meat for flavor.
  4. Sig soon to come. Eventually. Maybe.
  5. 1. Are you satisfied with your player’s performance so far? Kauppi has definitely picked up more points over the past week, but I really need him to pick up more on scoring. 2. What’s the hardest aspect of Hockey in your opinion? It's easy to judge from the stands or the couch how a play should've gone, but you don't have that same view playing on the ice. 3. If you could choose any pet to adopt what would it be? A barn owl. 4. If you could choose any superpower, what would it be? Teleportation. 5. How does your player overcome challenges and adversity on the ice? He's a big guy, so he'll let a person know what they just did isn't OK. Physically. 6. Other than hockey, which other sport peaks your interest? None that get me as excited at hockey. Closest would be basketball, but I don't follow it.
  6. Oop. Thanks for the correction.
  7. After 16 games, the Saskatoon Wild find themselves near the bottom of the standings. It's been a tough uphill battle for the Wild, but it hasn't broken the spirits of one particular player. Nikolas Kauppi, a forward for the Saskatoon Wild, has 13 points with 4 goals and 9 assists and is here with us today so we can pick his brain a little bit. Welcome to the league, Kauppi! How has the season treated you so far? Thank you! I wasn't expecting to get drafted as early as I was, but I'm proud to represent the Saskatoon Wild. The season has definitely been tough for us. Some games have been incredibly frustrating the way we lost, but we still have plenty of opportunities to rise to the top by the time the regular season ends. The season has no mercy for mistakes and I've been learning that the hard way, so I'm working on getting more shots in net and assisting a teammate with a pass so we at least have a chance to make it to playoffs. Anything is still possible at this point! Speaking of points, you recorded 3 assists leading up to the Wild's 5th game where you scored your first goal. How did it feel when you saw the puck hit the back of the net? There's just absolutely no words to describe everything I was feeling in that moment. It wasn't a home game, so the arena was pretty quiet with the exception of my teammates and the few fans, including my parents, in the stands. It was also my first powerplay goal, but I couldn't have done it without the passing plays from Astro Singh and Robert Overmeyer. That's awesome that your parents were there to see it. I bet they were very proud! Are you proud of your progress so far in the league or do you think there's some room for improvement? Oh, man, I have two of the most supportive parents I could ask for! They've been to every game. As far as my performance I'm not gonna lie, I feel it has been pretty disappointing. I think Jesse Teno has given me a little more credit than I deserve in that last press conference. There's definitely a lot of room for improvement on my end and hoping my practice sessions with Singh and Overmeyer help bring my A-Game to every game. I just need to push myself a little more and maybe cut down on the penalties a bit. I'm not doing them intentionally, of course! Of course! I don't condone violence, Kauppi! The other guy is just in the wrong place at the wrong time, right? Also don't be so hard on yourself! I think Teno is right in their praise for your scoring chances for that first week. You're right about wrong place, wrong time. Sometimes, my stick just gets caught up in another player's jersey or their face somehow ends up in the boards. I swear that's not on purpose! You're probably right about me being hard on myself. I can't help it sometimes, but I think it also pushes me to be a better player. Teno's a good person and and even better teammate, so praise from them definitely boosts my ego a little bit. What team are you most worried about right now and why? The Las Vegas Aces, hands down. They're dominating the league in points and wins. It's kind of funny, actually. The Aces GM was the only one who approached me before the draft with interest in drafting me, but it was the Wild who actually drafted me first. So, now I have more determination to beat them every chance I can get. It's nothing personal against them. If anything, I just help deny league points so someone else gets to the top. Wow, if I hadn't known any better I'd say it was personal, but I'll take your word for it! Nikolas Kauppi, thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk with me today. Is there anything you want to say to the folks at home listening in? Thanks for having me! I could get used to this whole interview thing. To the people at home, thanks to everyone watching our games. Your support is appreciated! I'm hopeful to see someone with my jersey in the stands one day, and even more-so hopeful to raise the Cup this season! 743 words, using for PT week ending July 10.
  8. 1. His performance has been pretty good! I would love to see him put more points up and PIM down... 2. Astro Singh (@8Ovechkin8) for sure with the most points. 3. He didn't get his first goal, but he did get two assists. So he was pretty excited to get his first couple of points in the first game. 4. The Canes home alternate because I love the colors and the flag logo. 5. I LOVE traveling. My dream vacation is anywhere with sights that countries like Switzerland and New Zealand have to offer. I'd probably just never leave. 6. Hamburgers, ez.
  9. 1. Kauppi mostly can't wait for the first game to show what he's got and learn how to play better against the other teams. 2. The players. The speed and skill they put on the ice every game day is electrifying. 3. It's about time! The Avalanche have an incredible lineup jam-packed with talent that were able to win as a team. That's how they became Champions. 4. Pepperoni, Italian sausage, meatballs, and bacon! 5. Jason Robertson. 6. Faceoffs. It's been his focus in the practice facility lately.
  10. 1. Surprised, but excited! 2. Unsure how to feel about it since I'm still new to this. 3. Kauppi scoring his first career hat trick in the first game. 4. Clearly the best answer here is hockey pucks. 5. I think we should be cautious of all of them, but not afraid. 6. Kauppi's first sighting was at the Dakota Dunes Casino at a Hold 'Em table wearing his draft jersey.
  11. Thank you! I'm pretty excited about being drafted. I don't really watch or listen to any, but I have seen a few snippets of Critical Role sessions. I have recently been playing in a Pathfinder (1e) campaign though and we're on the 16th session tonight. One of the PCs died last campaign and it was wack.
  12. Player Information Username: Tetricide Player Name: Nikolas Kauppi Recruited From: Member (Trunk) Age: 21 Position: LW Height: 76 in. Weight: 200 lbs. Birthplace: Finland Player Page @VHLM GM
  13. Hello, everyone! I'm brand new to this, but a friend told me this is like D&D hockey. I like both D&D and hockey, so I'm excited to create a player out of thin air with an interesting background and see where he goes.
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