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Everything posted by sadie

  1. almost playoff time, ottawa is coming for that cup 😎

  2. I love the colors! Really good job with the logo and just a W graphic
  3. Hello everybody and welcome back to the show! Today, the DBC is interviewing Lachlan Summers @kirbithanand Sadie St-Louis, two young rising VHLM stars! How are you guys feeling going into the playoffs as we near the season’s end? With the way things are shaping up, you could be seeing each other in the first round! Lachlan Summers: “I feel good. The team feels good; we’ll just take each game one at a time. Playing Ottawa would be… very interesting since they stole all of our players. I mean this as a joke, of course. Obviously Sadie, John, and a lot of their other players are friends of mine but whatever happens on the ice will stay there. Won’t affect our relationship off of it.” Sadie St-Louis: “I feel pretty similarly to Lachlan- what happens on the ice will stay there. If we end up playing each other I think it’ll honestly be super fun, and at least one of us is guaranteed to move on! After the alleged banana attack of 2014, a series like this would be awesome.” Looking beyond S85, are you excited for the future? What types of players do you envision yourselves becoming in the VHL/VHLE? LS: “There’s limited spots in net up in the VHL and E, but I know I’m good enough to make it onto a roster. I have what it takes to be a starter and I’m not gonna sell myself short. I envision myself as a goaltender my team can depend on, whether that’s keeping my composure during OT or just not making unnecessary journeys outside of my own crease. I also wanna be a vocal leader in the locker room. That was something that was difficult for me to do back in Australia, but I’ve definitely grown as a person and a player thanks to my VHLM experience so far.” SSL: I’m super excited for the future as I work my way up through the other 2 leagues. I’ve enjoyed playing in the VHLM but I would love to work towards being a very valuable player in the VHL. The dream is honestly to get to the point where I’m a first line caliber player and contend for championships and I think that’s a fairly attainable goal. Just as important is having a locker room full of teammates I can depend on and be friends with." Do you think you two will be able to play on the same team together again at some point? Maybe at some point you two and John Richards will all be reunited? LS: “Of course. I definitely feel like getting the trio back together in the VHL is a real possibility. Knowing us, we’re gonna make it happen one way or another even if it takes us our entire careers. Not even the bananas could stop us like they tried to in 2014. Buggers, they were. Playing against Sadie and John was fun and all but I’d rather be their teammate again. I know during our interviews before the VHLM draft, we really expressed wanting to play with each other again. Fortunately I think our names have gotten around to quite a few general managers in the big leagues so maybe we’ll even end up on the same team come draft time. I could only hope. I think Sadie feels the same way too, yeah?” SSL: “Lachlan, you know you can’t confirm that that happened by the way. Anyways, I agree completely! I’d love to get the trio back together on the same team; as well as being an unstoppable combination on the ice that would make for a really great locker room in my opinion. Everywhere we try to express that we would like to play together, so hopefully that can happen! Thanks for having us on today!” © Dimmensia Broadcasting Corporation, 2022 (and not 2014)
  4. thank you! sdm graphics are super fun because i like the contrast between the blue and yellow
  5. yeah you do a good job and keep it up! lemorse is indeed very cool
  6. So far, my journey in the VHL has been a great experience, and I’ve made some friends, had fun making content for TPE, and the people in general are pretty awesome! In this article I’ll appreciate some of the people who have helped make the VHL a better experience for me- the GMs I’ve had up to this point. If they hadn’t drafted or claimed me, I would have missed out. I will start with the person who, in the midst of his waiver claiming insanity, offered me a contract on the day I joined: @jacobcarson877. He was my GM on the S84 San Diego Marlins and in the following offseason when I played for the Brigade in the Junior Showcase Tournament. He was extremely helpful from the beginning when I joined the San Diego locker room and, having a team of almost entirely new players, did a very good job of creating a good atmosphere in which people talked. It goes without saying that he was the one who brought the trio together for the first time. I had a lot of fun at the end of that season despite us missing the playoffs! Jacob was similarly helpful and kind in the Brigade locker room and we ended up winning the whole tournament (W Brigade we are built different)! Next is @Lemorse7, who I was drafted by in the Victory Pro-Am League during the offseason as a part of the Arctic Ground Squirrels. Lemorse was a great GM; he always hyped everyone up after good games and the red panda content is amazing. He drafted an amazing team and it was really cool to have the opportunity to see how I can do playing with (and against) some of the very best VHL players (spoiler alert: I was absolute trash). I’m very excited that I have him as a GM again in the SBA on the Louisville Lions, so I’m sure that I will have a ton of fun there! The last two GMs that I’ve had are my current GMs: @lil OG z and @Jason kranz who are the GM and AGM of the Ottawa Lynx. They took me 4th overall in the VHLM draft, which was awfully nice of them, and since then the Ottawa Lynx locker room has been good. Jason and Z are active a lot and give good reminders for TPE, and in addition to that they're just fun. They maintain an active locker room and get people hyped for sims. In my opinion, the atmosphere in the locker room is awesome because we have many active people who play games and ask questions. Our GMs must be doing an awesome job anyway because the Lynx are first overall in the VHLM (at least for now we are). Hopefully we can end up on top of the league at the end of the season and take home the Founders Cup! Thank you guys for being great- hopefully I can get more good GMs in the future as Sadie St-Louis moves forward in her career!
  7. Ottawa Lynx Press Conference (Answer 3 for 1 TPE or answer all 6 for 2 TPE) 1. Well we are currently at the top of the standings.. What's a clever line you want to say to the non believers? One of us is measurably better than the other. See if you can figure out which one. standings 2. Give a nickname for one of your teammates and explain it briefly. John Richards can be the Canadian Jolt because he is a lightning fan and it is short for the canadian lightning bolt. 3. Our arena is only used half the day.. Give us an event, sports team or anything else you think would fit with our organization and fill the empty void. I think that a football or basketball team could also play here, it would make for a great packed schedule to get the fans engaged. 4. If you were the Mississauga Hounds GM what's something extra you would you do to bring in more players? I would explain to them when they join that they are literally one of the franchise's best/maybe only player and that they will receive playing time/leadership as/if more people join. 5. Pretend skates never existed for a minute.. What the heck is on Crosby's feet? Crosby is wearing skis, the game has evolved to put skis on ice. He's probably also wearing socks if he's smart. 6. The doctor, janitor, ice scooper or equipment sorter etc. If you weren't a hockey player which job would you choose that would still get you close to the players? Probably the equipment person- from what I've seen, the equipment manager gets to know players pretty well. @bensjust tagging you here since you haven't joined the LR yet!
  8. Currently, more than half of the VHLM season has been played, and therefore some top contenders have emerged. While every team in the VHLM is within 21 points of each other (except for whatever Mississauga is ), Vegas, Ottawa, and Miami sit on top within 5 points of each other. I think all of these teams have a high chance at winning the cup at the end of this year, and in this article, I'll look at what has helped them get there. Las Vegas Aces - 58P (29-9-0) Boasting 7 forwards, 5 defensemen, and 2 goalies (non-bots), Vegas is in top form and their players' TPA shows it. Only 2 of those previously mentioned players are below 100 TPA and just barely under at 97 each. With the 2nd highest goal differential in the league (and lowest total goals against), Vegas have been dominant in all situations and are looking for a repeat. Led by center Antoine Barksdale (22G, 31A, 53P), left wing Robert Overmeyer (23G, 26A, 49P), and goalie Joel Castle (24W, .914 SV%, 2.37 GAA), their skill is immense on both the offensive and defensive sides of the ice. Prediction: Vegas will finish with 109P (51-14-7) Ottawa Lynx - 56P (26-8-4) The Ottawa Lynx are going to be a fun team this year. 10 forwards, 2 defensemen, and 2 goalies are currently on their roster. At the beginning of the season, they came out winning with Cash Aleksic on fire, and have been top 2 in the league for most of (if not all) of this year. They have the highest goal differential in the league and have multiple players creeping up on 200 TPA in time for the playoffs. Currently LW Sadie St-Louis (21G, 25A, 46P) and C Don Aven (16G, 28A, 44P) lead the team in scoring, and Fuukka Rask (21W, .909 SV%, 2.48 GAA) has been amazing in net. Many players had a slower start to the season, and with more people getting hot as we near the end of the season, I believe Ottawa is going to be the team to beat (no bias). Prediction: Ottawa will finish with 113P (53-12-7) Miami Marauders - 53P (25-10-3) Miami is a perfect example of how a team's success can fluctuate from year to year in the VHLM. Their final record was 12-56-4, good for 28 points which they are close to doubling already this year! This season is looking very different and they will be looking to take the Founder's Cup this year. Miami and Ottawa's battle to win the division will be something to watch when the last few games of the season come around. Their roster includes 7 forwards, 5 defensemen, and a goalie at the moment, a very well rounded roster too. Their 200 TPA players are doing extremely well: C Rick Grimes (24G, 36A, 60P) and Daryl Dixon (27G, 28A, 55P) who are also coincidentally their team leaders. Bill Nye The Puck Stopping Guy (25W, .906 SV%, 2.34 GAA), also at 200 TPA, is their goalie. Prediction: Miami will finish with 110P (52-14-6)
  9. this is a brilliant masterpiece my echo copies me too; it’s so weird
  10. omp the texture looks great- this is amazing
  11. i love reading these kinds of posts, this is great! my luck will turn around soon i'm sure
  12. Player Name: Sadie St-Louis Player Render: Mélodie Daoust Team: Ottawa Lynx
  13. strade sdlois

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      it's like when r u is japanse brake hand bric penev 

    3. John Cimarno

      John Cimarno

      I agree becuz i are the aggressif free doms fiter becuz slafery gud but i like free doms


    4. jacobcarson877
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