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Everything posted by sadie

  1. GM 278: Istanbul vs. Oslo Istanbul earned a hard fought win over Oslo today by a score of 2-1, helping solidify their spot in the playoffs. It took a shootout to separate these two teams, with an impressive defensive struggle making up the rest of the game. Sebastien dokis opened the scoring in the second for Oslo from Randy Bobandy and Hunor Solyom. After a pretty even game up to this point, Istanbul turned up the pressure in the 3rd, outshooting Oslo 19-7 and tying the game up courtesy of Nagy Al and Halvar Torbjorn. Both teams fought through an even overtime until the shootout, where Reno Reinhold got one past Alexander Minion to win the game for Istanbul. The goalies put in a stellar performance today with 38 saves on 39 shots for Geoff Bezos and 48 saves on 49 shots for Alexander Minion.
  2. Interviewer: How do you feel about Stockholm's playoff chances as we get closer and closer to playoff time? Sadie St-Louis: I feel very confident; I think we have a top team in this league and sadly, the standings have not reflected it so far and I think a lot of that has been luck and losing games where we outplay our opponents. The race between us, Oslo, Vasteras, and Bratislava has been so tight throughout the season and I hope we can be one of the teams to come out on top. Interviewer: You and your linemate, Larry Abass Jr are currently tied for the league lead in points. How big of an asset have Stockholm's offensive stars been, and do you think they need to be better in order to have success later this season? SSL: I still can't really believe that we are at the top in points, it's a really cool thing to have climbed all the way up that leaderboard! I think that because a lot of the games that we lose are close games, 3-2 or 4-3, we need to finish more of our chances and focus on getting out to early leads instead of having to mount a late comeback, which I feel like is a situation we are often thrown into. Interviewer: Next year, in S87, you will likely make your VHL debut with the Riga Reign. Is winning a championship with Stockholm all the more important to you because there is only one chance to get it done? SSL: Yeah, the thought that this is my first and only chance has crossed my mind a few times. Although I was just drafted here, I love the city and my team and will do everything possible to ensure that we win it all this year. I want to help give this team playoff success after the first-round exit I experienced last year with Ottawa. But first we have to get there and that is what I will be focusing on for now. Interviewer: Thanks for your time, hope to see you back at the end of the season as a VHLE champion.
  3. It's already been 4 months since I joined the VHL (which feels like so long already) and my experience has been a great one. I joined along with a slew of other first gens and was offered a spot on the San Diego Marlins instantly by @jacobcarson877 who was a great first guide to have in the VHL. When I joined the Marlins LR, I wasn't all that active at first, mostly just congratulating people on good performances and asking questions because there was so much I did not know. In that S84 season, I joined near the end of the season, but unfortunately after the trade deadline where the Marlins had already traded away their chance at a title that season for an absolutely stacked S86 draft (which appears to be working out well). Sadie St-Louis enjoyed some strange success at the beginning of her career, putting up 20 points in 13 games. Sadly, the waiver claiming spree by Jacob was not enough to drag us back into the playoffs although it was a valiant effort. That S84 Marlins team also brought together the trio of @kirbithan, @John Cimarno, and myself, and making friends like that is the biggest reason I feel fortunate to have joined the VHL. The people here are already interesting and super nice and I haven't even interacted with most of them yet (not even having played a game in the VHL). It seems like an awesome community, probably because a sim hockey league is such a niche thing that attracts similar people. There is some great writing and art produced through point tasks, and I have found it very fun to see what everyone can do. I started trying graphics out for my point tasks a few weeks after I started and I have had a great time working on them! Entering the S84 offseason, I was able to stay engaged through the JST and the Pro-Am which I think are great to run (they connect you with different people and allow you to see your player's progress). I was drafted to the Ottawa Lynx along with John Richards where we had a great locker room environment and atmosphere (until what happened with our GM) and I had a lot of fun that season. Sadie St-Louis scored 85 points in a full 72 games, but I choose to believe it would have been more because she played defense for about 40% of the year due to our lack of players at that position. Ottawa was poised to hopefully make a deep run, going up 3-0 I believe against Philadelphia. Somehow Philly stormed back and proceeded to tear through the rest of the playoffs (honestly good job Lemorse). It was a lot of fun in the VHLM just getting to know the league. Being an S86 player, the biggest offseason was coming up with the VHLE and VHL drafts looming. I played in a second JST and it was a quieter offseason than before up until the drafts happened. @MubbleFubblesmanaged to work an absolute miracle and get the trio all drafted onto the Stockholm Vikings (thank you Mubbles) and currently we stand a bit past the halfway point of S86. While I have been drowning in schoolwork for the past month and a half and sadly haven't been as active as I would like to be, I am still having a great time in the league. While Stockholm is not as high in the standings as I think we deserve to be (and we will be a force to reckon with come playoff time) Sadie St-Louis is currently having a monster of a season with 62 points in 46 games and a league-leading 33 goals. My hope is that this production continues and shows itself in the VHL in the future as well. I was taken 4th overall in the VHL draft by @hedgehog337 of the Riga Reign (thank you) and I am proud to have been considered one of the best first gens in the draft. When I make it to Riga, I plan to contribute to a great locker room and to championship success. That wraps up my summary of my VHL journey to this point; I hope to be here a long time. Wow, that ended up being more words than I thought (705 words).
  4. GM 112: Cologne vs. Stockholm Cologne came out on top 3-2 after a hard-fought game. Led by 2 goals from Fred Hampton, they took an early lead at 3:32 of the first period. Sadie St-Louis tied it 5 minutes later on the power play, but Cologne came out strong again in the second period; with a goal from Lorenzo Cobberson 6 minutes in, they doubled their lead six minutes later. Cologne absolutely dominated the period, firing 22 shots at Lachlan Summers to Stockholm's 5. John Richards gave Stockholm hope in the final minutes of the game but it wasn't enough to overcome top of the standings Cologne. DJ Fire Dragon made 23 saves on 25 shots for the Express and Lachlan Summers went 34/37, good for .920 and .919 save percentages respectively. Notable players earning points include Al Land with 2 assists for Cologne; the Abass Jr - Richards - St-Louis line all had 2 points today.
  5. i think the deadline is 3 AM eastern and midnight pacific, so technically another couple hours (i hope it is otherwise i have submitted like all of my tpe tasks late)
  6. This weekend in Stockholm, conditions were frigid and on a day off between games for the Vikings, Lachlan Summers, John Richards, and Sadie St-Louis went to get a Christmas tree early in anticipation of the holidays. When they came back with it, they surprisingly were able to get it into their home and standing up without a problem. They began to decorate the tree as night fell, laughing and joking around as they normally do. Sadie had left the room for a moment to get a star to put on top of the tree and when she left, John had been standing on a chair and Lachlan had been directing the placement of the ornaments. But unfortunately, John had other ideas about what should go where and they started debating it. Hearing some extremely loud thuds and the tinkling of glass breaking, Sadie rushed back to the other two to find a tipped over tree, a floor littered with broken glass, and two nonplussed hockey players still standing up, holding ornaments in their hands. "Did a category 5 hurricane hit this room or did you two somehow manage to do this in the 10 seconds I was gone?" Lachlan immediately took the blame for what had happened, saying "It was totally my fault, I was being too careless putting the ornaments up." John immediately agreed, quickly also saying that it was 100% the kangaroo man's fault. Sadie didn't really believe this for half a second but she was more concerned about cleaning up the disaster that had just happened, and of course she made Lachlan and John do almost all of it.
  7. awesome job, it's interesting to see the explanation behind upgrading what I'm told to upgrade! definitely am not saving this for future reference right now...
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