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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Milos Denis Turku Outlaws Slovakia Martin Reway is the player I use for my media spots so yeah <3
  2. Congrats to the Rangers. Tokarski was awesome, but I really wish Price as in, totally different environment with him in. Good luck to NY in the finals though for sure. WOuld be a nice story for Marty to get a cup, same with Moore.
  3. if Vasteras moves im hacking the league tho so idk
  4. You joke, but the betting odds for them are so good I might lay down a bit of money tbh. Something like 150/1 lol.
  5. Idk if anyone here even cares, but there are rumors of a 2K football game for next year to be premiered @ E3. Would be so awesome.
  6. Milos Denis Right Wing Turku Outlaws Born in 1997 5'8" 147 Pounds Slovakia Ranked 9th in ISS Rankings (S39) Early Life Growing up in Slovakia, Denis had a clear ability to play any sport and showed promise in hockey and soccer in particular. At the age of 13, the young boy decided hockey was the sport for him and began training with the Slovak National Junior Program and became a standout in that program due to his incredible speed and skill with the puck. At the age of 15 he was recruited by an elite Midget AAA hockey school in Saskatchewan, Canada to play hockey there. He spent his 16 year old season playing in the Midget AAA ranks and quickly became a top prospect for the Western Hockey League where he was drafted 10th overall by the Kamloops Blazers. Denis played one full year there and put up good numbers for a rookie, with 46 goals and led Kamloops to the playoffs. The Blazers lost in five games to the defensive, tight checking Moose Jaw Warriors and Denis took much of the heat having not scored a single goal in the playoffs himself. VHLM Career Denis was selected 9th overall in the VHLM Entry Draft by the Turku Outlaws. He was quickly expected to be among the leagues most dynamic forwards but he struggled out of the gate with just 1 goal in his first 17 games. He has been skating on a line with Dexter Morgan and Mikael Svensson, both of whom have had ridiculous starts to the season and are among the leagues top point scorers. Many are starting to wonder if Denis was all hype, or if he is simply outmatched playing against some of the leagues top defensive pairings and best forwards. There are already rumors of Denis being disgruntled with the coaching staff in Turku and some wonder if he will be on his way out sooner rather than later, but with Turku among the leagues top teams, it is also unlikely they are looking to make a move this quickly. Comparison Though there are obvious flaws in direct comparisons, Milos Denis most compares most to Sven Andrighetto, a prospect in the Montreal Canadiens organization. Sven is a speedster with great handles as well as a solid shot, but one who, due to his size, is questioned as a legitimate NHL player in the future. Andrighetto, a Swiss born player, was great in the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League with Royn Noranda and was very good on a poor Hamilton Bulldogs team this year. Scouts see a lot of Andrighetto in Denis and many say Denis is a more skilled, but less coach able version of the young Swiss player. Pro's Skating - Obvious to anyone who watches him, the biggest pro to Denis game is his ability to skate fluidly and with an amazing acceleration burst. If he gets open ice and a defenseman is caught flat footed, he is off to the races and gets more than his fair share of breakaways because of this. He has great agility as well, and is much more difficult to knock off the puck than what is to be expected of a player at his height and weight. Puck Skills - He is among the best at making moves with the puck, be it around a defenseman or a goalie, he is simply a magician with the puck. He is great at finding space by making moves others would only imagine and many of his goals come off of great individual effort as opposed to any sort of team set up or play. It doesn't matter who you are, Denis will try and deke around you as opposed to dump and chase. Any kind of chip and chase system will not work with the young Slovak as he is much more of a carry the puck kind of player. Play Making/Vision - Denis is not a play maker in the old school meaning of the term in that he isn't some player with incredible vision who is able to find teammates. He is however, a player who can make plays in the offensive zone that open up space for other players. He isn't a technically great passer, but he is one of the best Season 39 prospects when it comes to creating offense out of basically nothing at all. He is a very creative player who seems to always be thinking two steps ahead of his opponents, and teammates. Con's Size - Although it is yet to be seen if size is really a serious issue that can hold a player back in the VHL, Denis certainly is not the kind of player who can use size to his advantage. He is only 5'8" and weighs less than 150 pounds and as such is sometimes intimidated against bigger, mean defenseman and forwards. He has very little in terms of reach, and therefore he is not able to win lose puck battles like his bigger counterparts sometimes are. He is also not a threat in front of the net at all because he is so easily moved from out of the way. Defense - Denis, like many young skillful players, does not focus much of his efforts on defense. He is a strictly one zone type of player and is often found floating around the ice waiting for the puck to go the other way when his team is defending a lead. He is also not much of a penalty killer, and he will almost never sacrifice his body to block a shot unless it just so happens to hit off of his leg. He has poor control of his stick while playing defense and as such often leaves lines wide open for other teams to exploit. It would appear as if he suffers from a general lack of understanding of defensive system as opposed to a lack of effort, meaning he could perhaps be coached in to understanding. Coachability - Many coaches have tried to turn Denis in to a more complete player with basically no success. He is the kind of player who plays for, and sometimes by, himself. He does not seem to understand or believe in any kind of a team concept and is the type of player who is very frustrating to coach or to play with. Although incredibly talented, some are wary of him as a legitimate top prospect due to his lack of learning over his few years in North America. Conclusion At the end of the day, Denis has the potential to be a very special player in the VHL. However, he still has a load left to learn if he ever wants to reach the potential that he so clearly has. Assuming he is placed in the correct situation once he is drafted, he could start out as a solid second line player who can chip in when he is called upon and can quickly become one of the leagues most dynamic offensive players if he continues to progress as we believe he can.
  7. ahh okay I vaguely remember you from when I first joined (S6)
  8. The Most Memorable People in VHL History Where would this league be if there weren't any personalty in it? It would just be another of the many sim leagues made over the course of the end of the last decade that faltered out and ended up in the abyss somewhere. The thing that has set the VHL apart is a commitment from the admins and, in my opinion, the personalities of the users. Some are polite, some are rude and some are much funnier than others. Some names will go down in VHL legend far larger than any single player they created or any team they managed. This media spot is an ode to the biggest and best personalities in the leagues history, the good and the bad. Everyone knows, or should know, the story of Scott Anderson. His real name is Derek Leung and is known as the probably the leagues biggest enemy in its history. He was around for the majority of the first half of the VHL's existence and was known for his threats of hacking the league and shut down many of the VHL's competition by somehow being made an administrator and thus gaining control over the board, and then proceeding to shut it down. He was a nuisance in the side of the admins and he kept coming back under different nicknames. There was a time when, if you were a new member with no credible alibi, you were assumed to be Anderson and were likely under heavy scrutiny until you proved otherwise. In fact, current king of the VHL Jardy was assumed to be Anderson for some time, and I still kind of think he is on the low. I don't know if Anderson is actually in the VHL still or if he has gone on to bigger and better things with his life, but if he is here that's pretty cool to me. It's a typical story of redemption, because he has either grown up a considerable amount, or just no longer cares. Regardless, Scott Anderson is certainly one of the more intriguing characters of the VHL's early years. In my early years in the VHL (joined in Season Six) one name that was always around was Cris Julien. Julien was a young man a few years older than I and had a horrible time with grammar. What he lacked in a grasp on the English language, he made up for in passion and was one of the more passionate members of the VHL at the time. He was the General Manager of the Stockholm Rams (later the Riga Reign) and he was also the biggest soccer fan I've met on VHL. He was a strong supporter of Arsenal and would use Arsenal and French footballing legend Thierry Henry for every media spot and any Fan 590 he would write. I have no idea where he went, though I do recall him saying hello a few times over the later years. His player, named after himself, was, as far as I remember, pretty good. He was never in talks for an MVP but was always a solid player and it kind of mirrored the member. Although Julien was never the most well liked member or the most talked about, he was always there and was usually kind to anyone who had anything to say to him. Last but not least we come to the legend himself, Robbie Zimmers. He apparently recently tried to make a comeback, but seeing as everyone else has grown up since his hay day in the VHL (circa 2008-2009), his antics have run dry. He told everyone he was rich, had a yacht, a mansion and would bring random models back to his house on a daily basis. No one really believed him than, although looking back on it, it's actually kind of funny he attempted those antics. He was also the General Manager of the Hamilton Canucks and later the New York Americans and was without a doubt the worst GM in league history. It was so bad in fact, that he had to tell everyone he was being bad on purpose, although I somehow doubt it. His Canucks and Americans teams were literally called The Shortbus because of its members and how poor the team performed. As a member of the later Shortbus teams, it was kind of funny I guess, but the bottom line is, Robbie is a personality the league needed to survive. I mean, every league needs enemies, right? So here are three of the VHL's legendary personalities. There are obviously still a ton of memorable people in the league. Some who have been here since day one and some who joined in the last few months, however these three are people who have come and gone and the league is better off for their personalities. The league could not have survived without them I believe because they made the early years more exciting. It was far more fun to log on to the VHL every day and read whatever Julien had to say about Arsenal, or read what struggles had found millionaire Zimmers and of course, to guess which new player was the legendary Scott Anderson.
  9. yes because they bitch about it, which is the irony aspect. I don't give a shit if people dive, but please don't turn around and say the other teams dive and you don't. Something something moral highground.
  10. Diving is not an issue, reckless hits are.
  11. yes Plekanc is ruining hockey
  12. His dive? Idk. I'm not a big hater of diving because I jsut really don't see how we can get rid of it. Anywho furthest the Habs have ever been in my life being two wins away from the finals. Was born a few months late in 93. I imagine Moore is getting suspended as well.
  13. also A Team by Ed Sheeran>>>
  14. you listen to two artists and that's it?
  15. Rams are gonna win the NFC West. jk
  16. Also forgot to add Riff Raff. His freestyles are hilarious.
  17. Such a great album. Top to bottom really, really good stuff. What's your favourite tracks? It's cliche, but tbh mine are Kids & Time to Pretend (which was on NHL 2K10 fwiw)
  18. Basically been on some poppy sounding shit because it's summer time.
  19. We have the "what are you listening to" thread, but we need a discussion thread IMO. What have you guys been in to lately? For me I've been trying to widen my music as much as possible tbh. -MGMT -Taylor Swift -Lana Del Rey -YG -Lorde -Martin Gaarix (watches his coachella set, blew me away) -Akon That's pretty much what I've been on the last few weeks. I used to dismiss MGMT as being hipster trash, I have no idea what I was thinking.
  20. Through 19 games Turku defenseman Dimothenis Vlasis is on pace for an incredible 230 points. To put it in to perspective, last years point leader David Januzaj had 207 points, Earl Parker had 158 points in season 36 and is one of the best VHLM seasons since Evgeni Fyodorov had 272 points back in Season 21. Of course, there is still a lot of hockey between now and than, but so far it seems like the Outlaws are not slowing down the offense, and if Milos Denis, the enigmatic right winger on the top line, shows up with a little more consistency, it would not be shocking to see Vlasis keep up this pace, or even surpass it. I'm too lazy to do the research, but this would likely be among the best seasons in VHLM history for a defenseman, if not the best. As I said earlier, it is still very early in the year and any number of things could distract Vlasis from the great start to the season, but thus far, it is clear that he is having an MVP caliber season for Turku, and there is a solid enough chance that he will be in the top player conversation up until the end of the season.
  21. Pretty much the stuff Jardy said on P1 and music even if I have no actual musical ability.
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