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Everything posted by VattghernCZ

  1. Yeah, around the time I joined. I knew I remember that from my E season with Rome. The word probably doesn't stick to one's memory from the games, it wasn't used many times in them. I probably wouldn't have remembered it, and I've played all three multiple times; I remember it from the books. Honestly, The Witcher 3 is my favorite game ever. I use the soundtrack (not just OST, but I have all sound files ripped from the game) for my Witcher styled DnD world. But yeah, RDR2 is awesome too!
  2. You used to GM the Red Wolves iirc, right?
  3. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WC4n-RQE3vA&pp=ygUQd29sZiBpbiBteSBoZWFydA%3D%3D Definitely, vatt'ghern means a Witcher, and Geralt as the main-ish character was from the School of the Wolf Also according to the lore, Kerr still lives on the Bowen Island, runs his own brewery and bugs Frank every Summer about a player development job with the Wolves.
  4. I'm still a Wolf in my heart, it ain't that easy getting rid of me
  5. Hm, @Frank trading away a Bouchard? @Gaikoku-hito Hey, I've seen this one!
  6. My graphics are janky af, and I use GIMP for the bulk of work. PhotoFiltre for some minor stuff that can probably be done in GIMP as well, but I'm too lazy to figure out how. Fotor for some final touches. The jankyness is due to my skill - or rather the lack thereof, I had never done any gfx before the VHL - not GIMP lol
  7. Wooo, welcome back!
  8. m a security manager. I'm not dissatisfied with my job, but I've been keeping an eye on job postings in my city and applying once in a while, when I see a position I'm interested in that pays more than my current job. It leads to some funny situations as well. For example a few weeks ago, I applied for a position that requires fluent english (I'm Czech and english is my third language). I started actively using english after watching South Park in english back at middle school, and I've never used english in a formal setting, so I don't have a filter as good as in czech or german. Well, I dropped an F-bomb during the interview. The last interview so far was for a position that prefers someone with SAP software experience. In the motivational letter, I wrote that even though I don't have experience with it, I'm used to using AI to help me figure out the basics of working with programs I'm clueless about, for example recently I was able to create a few fully functional programs to collect and categorize data from a database of hockey games in Python, even though I had never used it before. It was last season's VHL games. That's all, I just found it mildly amusing.
  9. Hello and welcome!
  10. Hello and welcome!
  11. Hello and welcome back!
  12. Another Latvian player, nice! Welcome back!
  13. @Breeze837
  14. I was cartwheeling when you were still available tbh. The lague ain't ready for next season's Martinez
  15. Welcome back!
  16. @sliceruser
  17. @SleepyPlayz
  18. Last week before the season starts. The most of it was spent cleaning up our arena after the VHLM dispersal draft took place here. You can imagine what a Bazooka Joe @ScottyP draft class looks like, especially when he invited Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy to watch, just so he can try to impress Ferro Maljinn with his draft position. Logan is now called the Bloody-Nine in Mexico as well, because there were just nine draft selections before things got bloody. Good thing red is our secondary color. Another major thing happening was naming the team captains for the upcoming season, as voted by the players, with me taking the liberty to break the 3-way tie. Giving the As to two rookies might seem bold, but Agustin Martinez @SleepyPlayz seamlessly fitted in and started leading by example with their work ethic - despite their 6'7 Philippino ass always looking annoyed - and Pepe Silvia @STZ immediately became a favorite both among the teammates and among the fans. How cool it is to see a goaltender with an A? The C going to Ronan Amnon @Breeze837 was a no-brainer in my opinion. Ronan is a beloved teammate, one of the premier two-way defenders who has been a part of this team for some time and could be remembered as one of the all-time great Kings. The first games are set to start in a few hours. The lines are in, blood sacrifice to Simon has been made. In Czechia, we open Christmas presents on December 24 evening, so I didn't get the opportunity to wake up all excited for them. Considering VHL sims are typically run when I'm sleeping, I guess they're a good substitute for me.
  19. You're never gonna let me live my SBA career down, are you jk, fair, I can imagine it's the same everywhere
  20. Let's go win some fucken games!
  21. Story building is one of the most fun things in the VHL imo
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