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Achilles last won the day on October 4 2022

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About Achilles

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    Thomas Matthews
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  1. i am a trans man btw
  2. imagine being a transsexual person, and have mods tell u otherwise.
  3. typical SIMP
  4. they decided. instead of having a thorough investigation, but to ban the transsexual
  5. Achilles — 10/05/2022 i didnt know, that they made a topic about there hate towards the lbgt comminty had no idea there was a forum. and now, every single admin hates me. and it sucks because I agree with your decision. I am sorry again about everyting but can you tell the other admins im sorry and i had no clue they made a hateful PT? [12:52 AM] lgbt* samx — 10/05/2022 Every single admin does not hate you. We deal with far worse than what you said lol. you live and learn. dont stress it. October 14, 2022 Achilles — 10/14/2022 sam [10:01 PM] r u there samx — 10/14/2022 yes Achilles — 10/14/2022 i would like to make acomplaint samx — 10/14/2022 what's up Achilles — 10/14/2022 https://vhlforum.com/topic/128314-jardys-nodesode-35-season-end-no-stat-chat/ Victory Hockey League Jardy's Nodesode #35: Season End & No Stat Chat *LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED* The audio fucks up a third of the way through the podcast again. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-35-Season-End--No-Stat-Chat-e1p9fhk In this little ditty I discuss the playoff picture for all three leagues, my mild disappointment in missing said pl... [10:02 PM] says, at first is good samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 but he makess me sound like i am someone else\ [10:03 PM] is there someone before i jojned? he is making me like? samx — 10/14/2022 send me a timestamp Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks for understanding [10:03 PM] its the audie [10:03 PM] 4 min in [10:04 PM] accuses me of being someone else [10:04 PM] up to 7 min in [10:04 PM] need to listen to it 3 min in samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 ty sam [10:07 PM] this is my first character [10:07 PM] i feel sad [10:11 PM] u can view my ip, i have nothing to hide [10:11 PM] i just want to have a character samx — 10/14/2022 okay relax, I'm looking into it Achilles — 10/14/2022 tyvm samx — 10/14/2022 I can't find anything of him talking about you Achilles — 10/14/2022 its in the clip that wa released today [10:16 PM] as long as peole know i am a team player its ok, let it go samx — 10/14/2022 I need an exact time stamp Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said i was someone else samx — 10/14/2022 he says nothing about you at 4 minute mark that I heard Achilles — 10/14/2022 is there someon else tht had a bad name? [10:17 PM] ok hold on [10:17 PM] it really was a compliment samx — 10/14/2022 I worked w jardy for a long time [10:17 PM] it was probably a joke [10:17 PM] he likes to joke around Achilles — 10/14/2022 so u thin he knew i was mad for a reAson? love? samx — 10/14/2022 huh Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said achilles was mad [10:19 PM] u know what [10:19 PM] im sorry im gonna with drwl\ samx — 10/14/2022 you're gonna what? Achilles — 10/14/2022 well ok [10:20 PM] he did say it [10:20 PM] but i wont prosecute him [10:20 PM] sam trust m4e samx — 10/14/2022 he's allowed to say you're upset..there's nothing wrong about that Achilles — 10/14/2022 sam is a beast. I am upset samx — 10/14/2022 if u give me an exact time stamp [10:23 PM] so I can hear what he says I can help u Achilles — 10/14/2022 aboout 5 min in samx — 10/14/2022 otherwise I can't [10:23 PM] about 5 minutes isn't helpful [10:23 PM] find the exact time Achilles — 10/14/2022 ok hold on [10:24 PM] https://vhlforum.com/topic/128314-jardys-nodesode-35-season-end-no-stat-chat/ Victory Hockey League Jardy's Nodesode #35: Season End & No Stat Chat *LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED* The audio fucks up a third of the way through the podcast again. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-35-Season-End--No-Stat-Chat-e1p9fhk In this little ditty I discuss the playoff picture for all three leagues, my mild disappointment in missing said pl... [10:24 PM] 6 min in] [10:24 PM] says i am someone i am not samx — 10/14/2022 exactly 6 minutes? Achilles — 10/14/2022 5:30 in [10:25 PM] u will hear ther bulls [10:25 PM] prob 7 min in samx — 10/14/2022 you need to pick a time [10:26 PM] not 6 minutes, 530, 7 minutes Achilles — 10/14/2022 u need t olisten to it samx — 10/14/2022 I have Achilles — 10/14/2022 its only a 1 min difference love samx — 10/14/2022 I listened to the entire beginning [10:26 PM] and have heard nothing lol [10:26 PM] please don't call me love Achilles — 10/14/2022 ok [10:26 PM] i was wronjg basically? samx — 10/14/2022 I am listening to the supposed part again [10:27 PM] but I heard nothing the original time Achilles — 10/14/2022 they said [10:27 PM] i was a diff personj [10:28 PM] i am not samx — 10/14/2022 I know what you think they said I have not heard them say it Achilles — 10/14/2022 so do a full investigation. I am here for the picks' samx — 10/14/2022 okay well I listened from 5 minutes to 8 minutes and did not hear u mentioned Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said achiles samx — 10/14/2022 so if u can give me an exact time stamp where he said your name like 4 minutes 7 seconds [10:31 PM] then I will go to that part [10:31 PM] cause I did not hear it Achilles — 10/14/2022 i think u r confused wht my name is samx — 10/14/2022 do u think telling me I'm confused is helping you? [10:32 PM] I have asked you multiple times for an exact time stamp where he starts talking about you and have yet to get one Achilles — 10/14/2022 no but the factr he called me out is [10:32 PM] ok hold on [10:32 PM] ill give it to u [10:33 PM] 6 in samx — 10/14/2022 exactly 6 minutes in? [10:34 PM] on the dot? Achilles — 10/14/2022 yes [10:34 PM] calls me zach samx — 10/14/2022 apologies Spotify was sending me to wrong podcast [10:37 PM] that's just jardy joking around that you are a multi. if you were you would be banned by now lol cause mods can see ips. [10:37 PM] people joke that people are multis alot Achilles — 10/14/2022 i only have one IP samx — 10/14/2022 I am saying I know you are not one [10:38 PM] he was making a joke Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks [10:38 PM] as long as u know samx — 10/14/2022 Achilles — 10/14/2022 i prob g0t affended befre i shood have samx — 10/14/2022 happens to the best of us Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks sam samx — 10/14/2022 No problem Achilles — 10/14/2022 although it was offesnvie to me, glad u r here samx — 10/14/2022 I can tell them to not make those types of jokes with you if you'd like Achilles — 10/14/2022 its fine, the issue is they said i was someone else lol, although at the same time thye said i wasnt, its like wtf samx — 10/14/2022 yeah it's just a running joke around the league [10:54 PM] that everyone is a multi Achilles — 10/14/2022 fair [10:54 PM] thanks a lot samx — 10/14/2022 yup Achilles — 10/14/2022 i apprecaite u btw [10:57 PM] you re the first person i tak to lokl samx — 10/14/2022 Achilles — 10/14/2022 i listen to it now [11:03 PM] he wants to try trouble [11:03 PM] i wont do anything [11:04 PM] i promise samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 u dont love me samx — 10/14/2022 we are done here 1 Message @samx
  6. Baozi — 10/15/2022 Hello Achilles Achilles — 10/15/2022 Hello Baozi — 10/15/2022 Hi, Sam has told me that some of your your conversations have been with her has left her uncomfortable at times. Please be mindful of how you are speaking to people as overtly flirty or sexual comments or unsolicited advances can be considered harassment. Thanks Achilles — 10/15/2022 Haha okay. I was drinking last night and was just trying to say thanks. I got it. If I have concerns I'll message someone else. She doesn't really do anything to any of my concerns anyways. [5:35 PM] Honestly I'm just gonna stop talking to women all together. They have been nothing but problems for me in my life. So no need to worry about Sam. I won't message her again. Or even reply. Baozi — 10/15/2022 October 16, 2022 Achilles — 10/16/2022 i would like to talk to someone high up on a rule change [12:06 AM] if i can make a petition Baozi — 10/16/2022 What kind of rule change? [12:08 AM] Petitions would typically start in rhe suggestions forum. Achilles — 10/16/2022 so i noticed that when recreates join the league, this year i noticed, no idea how it was before hand, they can all join one team? Baozi — 10/16/2022 Then if it gets enough traction itd probably goto bog and commish for consultation Achilles — 10/16/2022 i talked to my 2 friends about this [12:08 AM] and they are mad [12:08 AM] there has to be a waiver system for them Baozi — 10/16/2022 They can sign with the same team yes Achilles — 10/16/2022 its just unfair Baozi — 10/16/2022 What do you mean? Achilles — 10/16/2022 its a lot of them u know? [12:09 AM] 5 people? idc [12:09 AM] 12 its a lot Baozi — 10/16/2022 They can sign with teams Achilles — 10/16/2022 ok so hear me oout [12:09 AM] imagine being ottawa [12:09 AM] and playing all year Baozi — 10/16/2022 Im not a commish btw Achilles — 10/16/2022 and making the playoffs Baozi — 10/16/2022 Youre better off talkong to your league commish Achilles — 10/16/2022 then all of a sudden 17 recreates all join your conference enemy [12:10 AM] and now that team is stakced [12:10 AM] because even a 70 tpoe guy [12:10 AM] is better than a bot [12:10 AM] how is that fair? Baozi — 10/16/2022 I believe cap space comes into play [12:10 AM] I actually dont know how the lower leafue entries work tbh Achilles — 10/16/2022 but everyone has cap space because vhlm is not filled Baozi — 10/16/2022 I dont really pay attention to that part of the league Achilles — 10/16/2022 is it a dumb idea to write about it at least rfor my next PT ? [12:11 AM] with facts of course Baozi — 10/16/2022 Nope [12:11 AM] Lots of people often write rule change ideas as pts [12:11 AM] Its good to do it that way Achilles — 10/16/2022 i appreciate your advice brother. I never meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable. thanks for the advice. Baozi — 10/16/2022 Np gl. Achilles — 10/16/2022 gn' Achilles — 10/16/2022 https://vhlforum.com/topic/128348-the-truth-about-being-a-new-player-in-the-vhlm/ Victory Hockey League The Truth about being a new player in the VHLM Most of you that are reading this are 2 things. 1, you probably do not like me much and 2, You are mainly E and VHL players. You could care less about the VHLM. Well, let me remind you as a new player the VHLM is all you know. Let me repeat that. AS A NEW PLAYER THE VHLM IS ALL YOU KNOW. The firs... [12:46 AM] not as factual as i wanted [12:46 AM] but its from the heart Achilles — 10/16/2022 Look [2:39 AM] I know a lot of u mods hate me [2:39 AM] But I quit drinking. The beer made me a dick [2:39 AM] I apologize Baozi — 10/16/2022 ? [2:40 AM] Follow rules and play nice and i could care less. Achilles — 10/16/2022 I guess u rlly haven't followed me [2:40 AM] Thank god [2:41 AM] But I've been told mods hate me [2:41 AM] Like a lot Baozi — 10/16/2022 lol don't make me follow u then, i only really follow troublemakers Achilles — 10/16/2022 Fair [2:43 AM] Have a good night October 18, 2022 Achilles — Yesterday at 9:45 PM so i was aware you were not calling me oout Clyde BOT — Yesterday at 9:45 PM Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060145013 Only you can see this • Dismiss message
  7. dman [1:54 AM] Can't afford it tho dil — 10/16/2022 All good [1:55 AM] We have two picks in this upcoming first round [1:55 AM] We have a few defensemen in mind Achilles — 10/16/2022 Ii am def 4th round material [1:56 AM] But I am a team player [1:56 AM] I put 12 points in fo for aj [1:56 AM] He needed a c [1:56 AM] I love him man [1:57 AM] I dont think I will get drafted to the e [1:57 AM] I would like to stay behind a year dil — 10/16/2022 I’ll tell you what [1:57 AM] If you clean up your act [1:57 AM] And continue claiming regularly [1:57 AM] I’ll look at picking you up somewhere in the second round if you’re available Achilles — 10/16/2022 Well [1:58 AM] It's the beer tbh [1:58 AM] I need to stay away from alcohol dil — 10/16/2022 Whatever the case may be [1:58 AM] I like my players to be drama-free, stay out of trouble, and consistent earners Achilles — 10/16/2022 I am a team player tho [1:59 AM] Ask aj dil — 10/16/2022 AJ’s a good friend of mine, so I know he likes to take on projects Achilles — 10/16/2022 I wrote my teammates convos dil — 10/16/2022 But that’s not what I’m looking for Achilles — 10/16/2022 So they can turn it in [1:59 AM] And they didnt dil — 10/16/2022 I’m looking for consistent earners who keep out of trouble Achilles So they can turn it in dil — 10/16/2022 That’s against the rules Achilles — 10/16/2022 Yea tpe [1:59 AM] No I was interviewing them [2:00 AM] It's not against the rules if I pretend to be an interview guy [2:00 AM] And they answer theqs dil — 10/16/2022 Anyways Achilles — 10/16/2022 Look at the past month toe earners dil — 10/16/2022 Like I said, if you keep out of trouble and continue to earn consistently Achilles — 10/16/2022 I am #1 dil — 10/16/2022 I’ll put you on my draft list Achilles — 10/16/2022 Tpe* [2:01 AM] Not even close dil — 10/16/2022 I care more about consistency Achilles — 10/16/2022 Well dil — 10/16/2022 If you continue to earn, is all I care about [2:02 AM] A lot of people earns lot off the bat and then fizzle out Achilles — 10/16/2022 I joined half way into the season [2:02 AM] And became ajs [2:02 AM] C [2:02 AM] Think about it [2:02 AM] I will settle down [2:02 AM] And get tpe [2:03 AM] ThanKS for thinking of me [2:04 AM] Honestly [2:04 AM] Playing for a European team is dirty for me [2:05 AM] The e is weird for me Achilles — 10/16/2022 Hey dil — 10/16/2022 Hi October 18, 2022 Achilles — Today at 11:45 PM im a little upset mr dil\ dil — Today at 11:45 PM What’s going on Achilles — Today at 11:45 PM i am a trans man [11:45 PM] but was accused of sexual assualt dil — Today at 11:46 PM A. It was sexual harassment, please look up the difference [11:46 PM] B. Being a trans man does not exclude you from being “accused” of it Achilles — Today at 11:46 PM right [11:46 PM] did u look at the convo? dil — Today at 11:46 PM I have Achilles — Today at 11:46 PM or was told becUSE OTHER MODS [11:46 PM] i doubt it [11:47 PM] how is sexual harassment "ok love" [11:47 PM] tell me [11:49 PM] i realize i like dick right? [11:49 PM] but sure dil — Today at 11:49 PM Using terms such as those, especially after someone has expressed their dissatisfaction against it is sexual harassment, regardless of either parties gender Achilles — Today at 11:49 PM sexual harassment [11:49 PM] right .lol [11:49 PM] ok bud [11:49 PM] u r an idiot [11:49 PM] g night dil — Today at 11:49 PM If you would like to have a constructive conversation like an adult, feel free to message me at any time. Achilles — Today at 11:50 PM i would [11:50 PM] and showed the top dog the convo0 [11:50 PM] now i wil swhow him what u sent me [11:50 PM] calling me a perv and shit [11:50 PM] lol [11:50 PM] u fucked up dil — Today at 11:50 PM Not sure where you’re getting I called you any of those things. Achilles — Today at 11:50 PM nice try dil — Today at 11:59 PM ?
  8. I am a trans. they will ban you no matter what, regardless what you say. October 18, 2022 Achilles — 10/15/2022 done Moon_ — 10/15/2022 [12:37 AM] Goodnight Moon_ — Today at 11:28 PM You have received a Ban from the pro-am, if you have a problem with it im the person to talk to Achilles — Today at 11:29 PM i am sure i did, soft cucks [11:29 PM] moon u r a bitch lol Moon_ — Today at 11:29 PM Okay Achilles — Today at 11:29 PM pathetic Moon_ — Today at 11:30 PM I just want you to know, when someone like a Mod/admin tells you to stop [11:30 PM] you should usually stop Achilles — Today at 11:31 PM right, u and ur woke idealoguly has nothing to do with it [11:31 PM] idiot cuck Moon_ — Today at 11:31 PM huh Achilles — Today at 11:31 PM ban me for 2 weks [11:31 PM] idc [11:31 PM] it was my plan anyways [11:31 PM] idiots Moon_ — Today at 11:31 PM Idk how long you are banned for [11:31 PM] you just gotta respect people please Achilles — Today at 11:32 PM mods alwatys ,.looking for ppl to b and [11:32 PM] because they disagree Moon_ — Today at 11:32 PM Im not a mod Achilles — Today at 11:32 PM hilarious [11:32 PM] my 3 friends know this now\ Moon_ — Today at 11:32 PM Im a Admin of that tournament Achilles — Today at 11:32 PM exactly [11:32 PM] we will make our own vhl leaguye [11:32 PM] ban it Moon_ — Today at 11:32 PM They dont ban people cause they want to [11:32 PM] they do it cause they try to keep this league safe for everyone Achilles — Today at 11:33 PM and u think i am not safe for people? [11:33 PM] ridiculous ban [11:33 PM] i am pro trans rights [11:33 PM] btw i am a transsexual [11:33 PM] and u thnk u know better then me? Moon_ — Today at 11:33 PM Okay, that has nothing to do with this Achilles — Today at 11:33 PM lets take it to the top Moon_ — Today at 11:34 PM You made people feel uncomfortable and after several warnings you proceeded to continue Achilles — Today at 11:34 PM i do nolt see why A CIS MALOE MAKES DECISONS FOR ME Moon_ — Today at 11:34 PM which resulted in a ban Achilles — Today at 11:34 PM LETS TAKEIT TO THE TOP LITTLE GUY] Moon_ — Today at 11:34 PM Ok lets calm it down a bit Achilles — Today at 11:34 PM dude i got t5rans surgery [11:35 PM] and yet i am a bad guy? [11:35 PM] fuck off Moon_ — Today at 11:35 PM That has nothing to do with this [11:35 PM] when have I said anything about that? Achilles — Today at 11:35 PM moon just like the other admins here, u r useless,. u think u are standing for rights but u rlly arent [11:36 PM] can i speak to a PC top member inclusive? [11:36 PM] plz Moon_ — Today at 11:36 PM You can talk to Baozi Achilles — Today at 11:36 PM lol [11:36 PM] that is the most disrespful guy u can give me Moon_ — Today at 11:37 PM Ok well who else do you want to talk to Achilles — Today at 11:37 PM anyone but him plz Moon_ — Today at 11:40 PM Okay ill try to get someone Achilles — Today at 11:40 PM who in the top mods, understands trans rights, besides him and sam? Moon_ — Today at 11:41 PM Trans rights have nothing to do with this Achilles — Today at 11:41 PM i am trans so it does Moon_ — Today at 11:41 PM Nothing regarding the stuff you did has anything to do with trans rights Achilles — Today at 11:42 PM lol. i hate to break it to you. but it does. send me to the correct person please. you are white priveledge and I do not feel the need to talk to you. Moon_ — Today at 11:44 PM Dil is the one you'll be talking to. Have a nice day Achilles — Today at 11:44 PM send him my way ty Moon_ — Today at 11:44 PM If u want to talk [11:44 PM] to him [11:45 PM] you gotta message him [11:45 PM] dil#6969 (edited) Achilles — Today at 11:46 PM ty for that. i dont mean to be rude towards you, transd men have been hated on for etrnity Moon_ — Today at 11:47 PM Im not hating on you cause you're trans [11:47 PM] I just learnt that during our DM's [11:47 PM] after I banned you [11:47 PM] I would never hate on someone because of that Achilles — Today at 11:47 PM well i am [11:48 PM] but this makes me upset because i like guys [11:48 PM] yet i am accused for making sam feel uncomfortable [11:48 PM] it upsets me Moon_ — Today at 11:49 PM Okay, I get that. But we have told you to stop bringing it up, you see where im coming from? [11:50 PM] Im not trying to be disrespectful in any way, shape or form Achilles — Today at 11:51 PM no [11:51 PM] i dont [11:51 PM] i am a trans male [11:51 PM] and u guys keep trying to tell me how i a,m [11:51 PM] i dont get it man Moon_ — Today at 11:52 PM Okay, I understand that part completely. Achilles — Today at 11:52 PM i will say [11:52 PM] the topic tonight [11:52 PM] i was an idiot [11:52 PM] and shuld have bnot tpouched it [11:52 PM] not* [11:52 PM] but at the same tim [11:53 PM] i am a trans male [11:53 PM] and these people make me feel like i am not [11:53 PM] please dont peo;lle i am this [11:53 PM] i want it hidden Moon_ — Today at 11:55 PM Okay. I want you to know we are only banning you in the pro-am due to things you said in the actual pro-am discord [11:55 PM] all of the other things are not connected there Achilles — Today at 11:56 PM lol [11:56 PM] you banned me because i made a big deal out of it [11:56 PM] i will post now all the convos
  9. now i get a ban for spreading mod truth
  10. "FAIR" sure
  11. October 16, 2022 October 18, 2022 Baozi — 10/15/2022 Hello Achilles Achilles — 10/15/2022 Hello Baozi — 10/15/2022 Hi, Sam has told me that some of your your conversations have been with her has left her uncomfortable at times. Please be mindful of how you are speaking to people as overtly flirty or sexual comments or unsolicited advances can be considered harassment. Thanks Achilles — 10/15/2022 Haha okay. I was drinking last night and was just trying to say thanks. I got it. If I have concerns I'll message someone else. She doesn't really do anything to any of my concerns anyways. [5:35 PM] Honestly I'm just gonna stop talking to women all together. They have been nothing but problems for me in my life. So no need to worry about Sam. I won't message her again. Or even reply. Baozi — 10/15/2022 Achilles — 10/16/2022 i would like to talk to someone high up on a rule change [12:06 AM] if i can make a petition Baozi — 10/16/2022 What kind of rule change? [12:08 AM] Petitions would typically start in rhe suggestions forum. Achilles — 10/16/2022 so i noticed that when recreates join the league, this year i noticed, no idea how it was before hand, they can all join one team? Baozi — 10/16/2022 Then if it gets enough traction itd probably goto bog and commish for consultation Achilles — 10/16/2022 i talked to my 2 friends about this [12:08 AM] and they are mad [12:08 AM] there has to be a waiver system for them Baozi — 10/16/2022 They can sign with the same team yes Achilles — 10/16/2022 its just unfair Baozi — 10/16/2022 What do you mean? Achilles — 10/16/2022 its a lot of them u know? [12:09 AM] 5 people? idc [12:09 AM] 12 its a lot Baozi — 10/16/2022 They can sign with teams Achilles — 10/16/2022 ok so hear me oout [12:09 AM] imagine being ottawa [12:09 AM] and playing all year Baozi — 10/16/2022 Im not a commish btw Achilles — 10/16/2022 and making the playoffs Baozi — 10/16/2022 Youre better off talkong to your league commish Achilles — 10/16/2022 then all of a sudden 17 recreates all join your conference enemy [12:10 AM] and now that team is stakced [12:10 AM] because even a 70 tpoe guy [12:10 AM] is better than a bot [12:10 AM] how is that fair? Baozi — 10/16/2022 I believe cap space comes into play [12:10 AM] I actually dont know how the lower leafue entries work tbh Achilles — 10/16/2022 but everyone has cap space because vhlm is not filled Baozi — 10/16/2022 I dont really pay attention to that part of the league Achilles — 10/16/2022 is it a dumb idea to write about it at least rfor my next PT ? [12:11 AM] with facts of course Baozi — 10/16/2022 Nope [12:11 AM] Lots of people often write rule change ideas as pts [12:11 AM] Its good to do it that way Achilles — 10/16/2022 i appreciate your advice brother. I never meant to make anyone feel uncomfortable. thanks for the advice. Baozi — 10/16/2022 Np gl. Achilles — 10/16/2022 gn' Achilles — 10/16/2022 https://vhlforum.com/topic/128348-the-truth-about-being-a-new-player-in-the-vhlm/ Victory Hockey League The Truth about being a new player in the VHLM Most of you that are reading this are 2 things. 1, you probably do not like me much and 2, You are mainly E and VHL players. You could care less about the VHLM. Well, let me remind you as a new player the VHLM is all you know. Let me repeat that. AS A NEW PLAYER THE VHLM IS ALL YOU KNOW. The firs... [12:46 AM] not as factual as i wanted [12:46 AM] but its from the heart Achilles — 10/16/2022 Look [2:39 AM] I know a lot of u mods hate me [2:39 AM] But I quit drinking. The beer made me a dick [2:39 AM] I apologize Baozi — 10/16/2022 ? [2:40 AM] Follow rules and play nice and i could care less. Achilles — 10/16/2022 I guess u rlly haven't followed me [2:40 AM] Thank god [2:41 AM] But I've been told mods hate me [2:41 AM] Like a lot Baozi — 10/16/2022 lol don't make me follow u then, i only really follow troublemakers Achilles — 10/16/2022 Fair [2:43 AM] Have a good night Achilles — Today at 9:45 PM so i was aware you were not calling me oout ClydeBOT — Today at 9:45 PM Your message could not be delivered. This is usually because you don't share a server with the recipient or the recipient is only accepting direct messages from friends. You can see the full list of reasons here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360060145013 Only you can see this • Dismiss message
  12. October 14, 2022 Achilles — 10/05/2022 i didnt know, that they made a topic about there hate towards the lbgt comminty had no idea there was a forum. and now, every single admin hates me. and it sucks because I agree with your decision. I am sorry again about everyting but can you tell the other admins im sorry and i had no clue they made a hateful PT? [12:52 AM] lgbt* samx — 10/05/2022 Every single admin does not hate you. We deal with far worse than what you said lol. you live and learn. dont stress it. Achilles — 10/14/2022 sam [10:01 PM] r u there samx — 10/14/2022 yes Achilles — 10/14/2022 i would like to make acomplaint samx — 10/14/2022 what's up Achilles — 10/14/2022 https://vhlforum.com/topic/128314-jardys-nodesode-35-season-end-no-stat-chat/ Victory Hockey League Jardy's Nodesode #35: Season End & No Stat Chat *LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED* The audio fucks up a third of the way through the podcast again. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-35-Season-End--No-Stat-Chat-e1p9fhk In this little ditty I discuss the playoff picture for all three leagues, my mild disappointment in missing said pl... [10:02 PM] says, at first is good samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 but he makess me sound like i am someone else\ [10:03 PM] is there someone before i jojned? he is making me like? samx — 10/14/2022 send me a timestamp Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks for understanding [10:03 PM] its the audie [10:03 PM] 4 min in [10:04 PM] accuses me of being someone else [10:04 PM] up to 7 min in [10:04 PM] need to listen to it 3 min in samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 ty sam [10:07 PM] this is my first character [10:07 PM] i feel sad [10:11 PM] u can view my ip, i have nothing to hide [10:11 PM] i just want to have a character samx — 10/14/2022 okay relax, I'm looking into it Achilles — 10/14/2022 tyvm samx — 10/14/2022 I can't find anything of him talking about you Achilles — 10/14/2022 its in the clip that wa released today [10:16 PM] as long as peole know i am a team player its ok, let it go samx — 10/14/2022 I need an exact time stamp Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said i was someone else samx — 10/14/2022 he says nothing about you at 4 minute mark that I heard Achilles — 10/14/2022 is there someon else tht had a bad name? [10:17 PM] ok hold on [10:17 PM] it really was a compliment samx — 10/14/2022 I worked w jardy for a long time [10:17 PM] it was probably a joke [10:17 PM] he likes to joke around Achilles — 10/14/2022 so u thin he knew i was mad for a reAson? love? samx — 10/14/2022 huh Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said achilles was mad [10:19 PM] u know what [10:19 PM] im sorry im gonna with drwl\ samx — 10/14/2022 you're gonna what? Achilles — 10/14/2022 well ok [10:20 PM] he did say it [10:20 PM] but i wont prosecute him [10:20 PM] sam trust m4e samx — 10/14/2022 he's allowed to say you're upset..there's nothing wrong about that Achilles — 10/14/2022 sam is a beast. I am upset samx — 10/14/2022 if u give me an exact time stamp [10:23 PM] so I can hear what he says I can help u Achilles — 10/14/2022 aboout 5 min in samx — 10/14/2022 otherwise I can't [10:23 PM] about 5 minutes isn't helpful [10:23 PM] find the exact time Achilles — 10/14/2022 ok hold on [10:24 PM] https://vhlforum.com/topic/128314-jardys-nodesode-35-season-end-no-stat-chat/ Victory Hockey League Jardy's Nodesode #35: Season End & No Stat Chat *LISTENER DISCRETION ADVISED* The audio fucks up a third of the way through the podcast again. https://anchor.fm/jardy-b/episodes/Jardys-Nodesode-35-Season-End--No-Stat-Chat-e1p9fhk In this little ditty I discuss the playoff picture for all three leagues, my mild disappointment in missing said pl... [10:24 PM] 6 min in] [10:24 PM] says i am someone i am not samx — 10/14/2022 exactly 6 minutes? Achilles — 10/14/2022 5:30 in [10:25 PM] u will hear ther bulls [10:25 PM] prob 7 min in samx — 10/14/2022 you need to pick a time [10:26 PM] not 6 minutes, 530, 7 minutes Achilles — 10/14/2022 u need t olisten to it samx — 10/14/2022 I have Achilles — 10/14/2022 its only a 1 min difference love samx — 10/14/2022 I listened to the entire beginning [10:26 PM] and have heard nothing lol [10:26 PM] please don't call me love Achilles — 10/14/2022 ok [10:26 PM] i was wronjg basically? samx — 10/14/2022 I am listening to the supposed part again [10:27 PM] but I heard nothing the original time Achilles — 10/14/2022 they said [10:27 PM] i was a diff personj [10:28 PM] i am not samx — 10/14/2022 I know what you think they said I have not heard them say it Achilles — 10/14/2022 so do a full investigation. I am here for the picks' samx — 10/14/2022 okay well I listened from 5 minutes to 8 minutes and did not hear u mentioned Achilles — 10/14/2022 he said achiles samx — 10/14/2022 so if u can give me an exact time stamp where he said your name like 4 minutes 7 seconds [10:31 PM] then I will go to that part [10:31 PM] cause I did not hear it Achilles — 10/14/2022 i think u r confused wht my name is samx — 10/14/2022 do u think telling me I'm confused is helping you? [10:32 PM] I have asked you multiple times for an exact time stamp where he starts talking about you and have yet to get one Achilles — 10/14/2022 no but the factr he called me out is [10:32 PM] ok hold on [10:32 PM] ill give it to u [10:33 PM] 6 in samx — 10/14/2022 exactly 6 minutes in? [10:34 PM] on the dot? Achilles — 10/14/2022 yes [10:34 PM] calls me zach samx — 10/14/2022 apologies Spotify was sending me to wrong podcast [10:37 PM] that's just jardy joking around that you are a multi. if you were you would be banned by now lol cause mods can see ips. [10:37 PM] people joke that people are multis alot Achilles — 10/14/2022 i only have one IP samx — 10/14/2022 I am saying I know you are not one [10:38 PM] he was making a joke Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks [10:38 PM] as long as u know samx — 10/14/2022 Achilles — 10/14/2022 i prob g0t affended befre i shood have samx — 10/14/2022 happens to the best of us Achilles — 10/14/2022 thanks sam samx — 10/14/2022 No problem Achilles — 10/14/2022 although it was offesnvie to me, glad u r here samx — 10/14/2022 I can tell them to not make those types of jokes with you if you'd like Achilles — 10/14/2022 its fine, the issue is they said i was someone else lol, although at the same time thye said i wasnt, its like wtf samx — 10/14/2022 yeah it's just a running joke around the league [10:54 PM] that everyone is a multi Achilles — 10/14/2022 fair [10:54 PM] thanks a lot samx — 10/14/2022 yup Achilles — 10/14/2022 i apprecaite u btw [10:57 PM] you re the first person i tak to lokl samx — 10/14/2022 Achilles — 10/14/2022 i listen to it now [11:03 PM] he wants to try trouble [11:03 PM] i wont do anything [11:04 PM] i promise samx — 10/14/2022 okay Achilles — 10/14/2022 u dont love me samx — 10/14/2022 we are done here
  13. Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:05 PM guys i dislike one mode, not 2 lol , pleawe do not hate me @Thomas Matthews guys i dislike one mode, not 2 lol , pleawe do not hate me Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:05 PM who is it me? @Krice | R. Reinhart Love it JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:05 PM can i sign cbbe up @Krice | R. Reinhart Love it Sam — Today at 11:06 PM I love that I said 100 in the current Calgary run Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:06 PM no, i dont even sate sam Sam — Today at 11:06 PM brings me joy Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:06 PM hate* [11:06 PM] sam is legit JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:06 PM krice im doing it you didnt say no Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:06 PM sam if you reach 100 discord servers let me join the halifax LR @Jason | OTT AGM sam if you reach 100 discord servers let me join the halifax LR JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:07 PM i already invited you to it @Jason | OTT AGM sam if you reach 100 discord servers let me join the halifax LR Sam — Today at 11:07 PM okay I'll get to 99 and stop [11:07 PM] im not even in charge of Halifax [11:07 PM] ask the gm Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:07 PM i ws rude earlier [11:07 PM] but regardless Sam — Today at 11:08 PM keep it out of here Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:09 PM if u guys think i am innocent i will [11:09 PM] and will no longer talk about it [11:09 PM] just a defense mechanism Sam — Today at 11:09 PM weather people think you are innocent or not I asked u to stop talking about it. please respect my asking Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:09 PM Sam can you take in 71 Moon | Nils Godlander — Today at 11:09 PM Lets just keep it out of here please @Miuna | Minion Sam can you take in 71 Sam — Today at 11:09 PM can I what Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:09 PM Adopt 71 @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON i already invited you to it Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:09 PM its a fake one Sam — Today at 11:09 PM it's not fake [11:09 PM] it's just old Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:10 PM but sam. i was innocent. and u requested me to stop talking about it, Sam — Today at 11:10 PM oh Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:10 PM makes me wonder Moon | Nils Godlander — Today at 11:10 PM Stop [11:10 PM] please [11:10 PM] last warning Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:10 PM without evience mr moon @Jason | OTT AGM its a fake one JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:10 PM its the official lr until they made a new one Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:10 PM ok [11:10 PM] b ye Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:10 PM @Thomas Matthews we already talked about this before please don’t pressure Sam and moon @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON its the official lr until they made a new one Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:10 PM oh Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:10 PM @Miuna | Minion Adopt 71 Sam — Today at 11:10 PM why 71 [11:11 PM] what happened to it's parents Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:11 PM simps @Sam why 71 Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:11 PM Always forgotten Sam — Today at 11:11 PM I need a backstory Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:11 PM It’s dark @Thomas Matthews without evience mr moon Moon | Nils Godlander — Today at 11:11 PM I dont really care if there is evidence or not, She respectfully asked you to stop, thats when you stop Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:11 PM Not safe to share Sam — Today at 11:11 PM okay [11:11 PM] fair enough @Sam why 71 JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:11 PM 7 ate 9 Sam — Today at 11:11 PM I'll file for adoption soon JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:11 PM then 7 went to prison @Thomas Matthews simps Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:11 PM I’m only a simp for AJ Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:11 PM lo. "withj evidence or not" right Sam — Today at 11:11 PM bye bye [11:12 PM] [11:13 PM] @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON did u let Jason into Halifax @Sam @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON did u let Jason into Halifax JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:13 PM no [11:13 PM] only the old lr [11:13 PM] not the current one Sam — Today at 11:14 PM okay JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:14 PM check the audit log Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:14 PM Speaking of Halifax [11:14 PM] I have a Dm to write Sam — Today at 11:14 PM IT WAS MOON [11:14 PM] @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON CAN U BELIEVE THAT @Sam IT WAS MOON Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:15 PM no it wasnt Sam — Today at 11:15 PM ye sit was @Sam @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON CAN U BELIEVE THAT JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:15 PM SMH MOON! [11:15 PM] HOW COULD YOU MOON Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:16 PM It was Dylan [11:16 PM] Sam — Today at 11:16 PM no I looked in audit Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:16 PM i can give you proof that it wasnt moon Sam — Today at 11:17 PM show [11:17 PM] im waiting JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON — Today at 11:18 PM he has to open photoshop first Sam — Today at 11:18 PM fair [11:18 PM] @Moon | Nils Godlander do u know how to parallel park Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:18 PM @JUAN CESON || AC GM || JA SON he has to open photoshop first Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:20 PM i dont even have phtotshop [11:20 PM] photoshop* [11:20 PM] for some reason its not letting me send a picture on here Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:20 PM i can make something for u man' @Thomas Matthews i can make something for u man' Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:21 PM I have real proof @Jason | OTT AGM for some reason its not letting me send a picture on here Sam — Today at 11:21 PM dm me it Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:21 PM nice [11:21 PM] what would u like brother [11:21 PM] i am good ad visul shit [11:21 PM] visual* [11:22 PM] sam please go away or i will accuse u of sexual assault Sam — Today at 11:22 PM considering I own the server maybe you should rethink that statement Miuna | Minion — Today at 11:23 PM Okay [11:23 PM] Too far [11:23 PM] Enjoy your hour NEW @Sam @Moon | Nils Godlander do u know how to parallel park Moon | Nils Godlander — Today at 11:25 PM havent yet Sam — Today at 11:25 PM I learned for my driver's test and then forgot
  14. Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:20 PM i dont even have phtotshop [11:20 PM] photoshop* [11:20 PM] for some reason its not letting me send a picture on here Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:20 PM i can make something for u man' @Thomas Matthews i can make something for u man' Jason | OTT AGM — Today at 11:21 PM I have real proof @Jason | OTT AGM for some reason its not letting me send a picture on here Sam — Today at 11:21 PM dm me it Thomas Matthews — Today at 11:21 PM nice [11:21 PM] what would u like brother [11:21 PM] i am good ad visul shit [11:21 PM] visual* [11:22 PM] sam please go away or i will accuse u of sexual assault she timed me out on hour. Because she can
  15. the heel may be a weakness, but the mouth is worth more lol
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