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Everything posted by Sawyer13

  1. 1. Of the four remaining teams, which one is winning the cup? 2. Jonny Elgar has finished his season in the VHLE and will be joining Calgary for next season. Will he make an impact as a competent back up goalie? 3. Rumour has it, Calgary is looking to add some high end veteran pieces to the line up. Is that a wise move or should they save their assets and be more patient on the rebuild? 4. If you could rebrand the Wranglers color scheme, what would you change it too? 5. Which ex-Wrangler do you miss having around the team? 6. Bungee Jumping, skydiving or neither? Answers 1. I think that the Prague Phantoms are going to win the cup this year. 2. I would say yes because a human goalie is always better than a bot Goalie. 3. I believe that it could be a good move for the team but I think there is a chance that it could hurt them in the long run. 4. I think that gold with purple and grey would be a cool color scheme. 5. I miss Nathan Perry @tinafrombobsburgersthat played in the wranglers. 6. I would love to go skydiving because it would be the coolest to dive down without a parachute and just have fun in the air.
  2. 1. The season is over, what are your players plans for this long off-season? 2. What are you expectations for Calgary next season? 3. Who is the favourite to win the Cup? 4. Which prospect are most excited to see join the Wranglers next season? 5. Home made pizza, what are your toppings of choice? 6. What toppings are forbidden on your pizza? 1. My players plan is to get as good as possible in the off season. 2. To make it to the playoffs. 3. It looks like Davous will win it once again. 4. I’m most excited to see Raimo Tuomenin. 5. My topping would be chicken, cheese, pepperoni, and black olives. 6. The topping that are forbidden on pizza is pineapples and onions.
  3. 1. who is the best player in your opinion (Vhl) 2. favorite sport game? 3. favorite vhl vhle or vhlm team 1. I think that Ronan Lavelle is the best player in the VHL. 2. probably NHL 23 because it is always fun to play whenever I am bored. 3. I would say that the Wolves are my favourite because they have always been like a cool team. Questions Q1) When did you Join the VHL? Q2) What is your favourite thing about the VHL? Q3) How long ago did you graduate from high school, if you didn’t then when did you graduate from Middle school?
  4. 1. Who's your favorite player in the VHL?2. What's your players pre game ritual?3. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? 1. Daryl Dixon is my favourite VHL player. 2. stretch, listen to music and get focused for the game. 3. I would go to Russia so I could see how cold it is there and how differently they practice in hockey. Questions Q1) What is your favourite pet? Q2) If you could go into the future how far would you go? Q3) What is your favourite snack?
  5. 1) What kind of VHL merchandise would you be interested in buying? 2) You score in overtime! How would your player most likely have scored the goal? (E.g. a booming slapshot, a slick redirection/mid-air tip-in, a well placed snipe over the goalie's shoulder) 3) Building on the idea of the Theme Week this season, if you had to change the name of the VHL what would you change it to? 1. I would buy hats because I love wearing hats or hoodies. 2. My player would most likely would have done a well placed snipe. 3. I would change it to the SHL because then people know that it is a simulated hockey league. Questions Q1) How long have you been in the VHL for? Q2) What is you favourite thing in the VHL? Q3) If you could change your name what would you change it to?
  6. Happy Birthday!!! https://imgur.com/a/T84ivOY
  7. https://imgur.com/a/T84ivOY
  8. 1. What VHL Team has been the most surprising so far this season? 2. if you could be commish for the day what new rule would you pass? 3. Favorite all-time NHL player(provide why please)? 1. Helsinki because they have been really bad. 2. That all players would have to watch a game that there player plays or coaches. 3. Elias Peterson because he is a Canucks player and because he is an amazing forward. Questions Q1) Are you a dog or cat person? Q2) Would you rather only be able to talk to people on a tablet or on a T.V? Q3) What has been the most crazy thing that has happened to you before?
  9. 1) What is an underrated colour scheme you think would look great/should be used more on hockey jerseys? 2) If your player was not a hockey player, what occupation would they have? 3) Name an NHL or VHL unsung hero; a player you believe is underrated in the league. I think that gold and white should be used on more jerseys. They would probably be a soccer player because they are from Brazil and they would pay soccer a lot there. I think that Elias Peterson is underrated because ge is always overlooked by social media. Questions Q1) What is your least favourite number? Q2) When do you think the world will end? Q3) What is your favourite part of the day?
  10. Q1) It's early in the season but do you have a favourite to win the VHL? Q2) Similar question, what about the VHLE? Q3) If you could improve the drafting of the VHFL teams, what would you do? 1. I don’t have a favourite team to win but I might have one later in the season. 2. I don’t have a favourite team to win and I don’t think I will in this season. 3. I would make it a little faster per round or more picks per round. Questions Q1) What was your favourite thing to do when you were a kid? Q2) What is your favourite number? Q3) Who is your least favourite player in the NFL?
  11. G - Clueless Wallob @sadie
  12. F - Hulk Hogan 2 @Spartan
  13. 1. What is your players spirit animal and why? 2. Magically you are dropped onto an expansion team and can take any single player or prospect in the league to start your team with….who ya takin? 3. What is one team that you would rebrand if you had the chance to? (From any of the 3 leagues) 1. My players spirit animal would probably be a snake because of how slippery he is on the ice. 2. I don’t know because everyone is very good so that would be a very tough one. 3. I would love to be on the Calgary wranglers because there team is very good. Questions Q1) What is you dream haircut? Q2) If you had to choose one job for the rest of your life what would it be? Q3) Would you rather a dog or a cat?
  14. F - Perry Laperriere @sadie
  15. D - Phil Strasmore @UnkemptCL4PTP
  16. 1Q next nba champion? 2Q who are your favorite vhl teams? 3Q if you have eaten poutine do you like it with curds or no? 1. I think that golden state or the lakers because they are really good 2. to be honest I don’t have a favourite team I think they are all cool. 3. yes I would they are so good and it wouldn’t be a poutine without them. Questions Q1) what is your favourite part of your life right now? Q2) what is your favourite number? Q3) what is your favourite baseball team?
  17. ask 1. Out of the vhl, vhle, and vhlm, which league is the most enjoyable for you to play in and why? 2. If you had to pick one member here to trust with your life, who would it be? 3. What is a section of the vhl portal that you never visit and why don't you go there? 1. the VHLM is the most enjoyable because you are kind of new so it is more fun. 2. It would be one of the developers because they know the most and so I would trust them. 3. I have never went to the bottom of Vhl forum because I have never had to. Questions Q1) if you had to play on a hockey team, what team would you play on? Q2) if you had 24 hours to live what would you do? Q3) If you had to play or watch a sport for the rest of your life what would it be?
  18. 1) What do you guys do weekly to gain TPE? Any methods you would recommend for newer players? 2) Latvia and Germany have gone through some hockey awakenings. What country do you think has the potential to do the same? 3) What is more satisfying, a perfectly placed slapshot or a perfectly placed redirection/tipped in goal? 1. I just click welfare and do trivia and press conferences to get my tpe. 2. I think Norway will have the next awakening in the next year or two 3. I think a perfectly placed tip because it is so rewarding when you can tip a puck perfectly into the net. Questions Q1) What is your favourite baseball team? Q2) What was the best memory you have ever had? Q3) When do you think Canada will not get gold in the world juniors?
  19. 1 - what's the last movie you saw in a theater? 2 - forwarding the question, what plans, if any, do you have for your next player? 3 - of the likely NHL finals teams, who is your favorite player? 1. I saw guardians of the galaxy 2. I have no plans for the next player I make. 3. My favourite player is probably marchasualt Questions Q1) What was your worst injury? Q2) What was your favourite sport as a kid? Q3) Do you have a favourite dance move?
  20. 1. What was your dream job as a child? Has it changed or is it still the same 2. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be? 3. What was the best/worst gift you've ever gotten? 1. it is doctor and it has never changed I have always wanted to become a doctor. 2. It would be mashed potatoes with a Caesar salad and chicken. 3. The best five I have ever gotten was a PS4 from my parents. Questions Q1) favourite tv show as a kid? Q2) Would you rather pina coladas or any pop for the rest of your life? Q3) If you could choose what age you are right now what would it be?
  21. 1. Is your favorite NHL team in the playoffs? If so--how are they doing? If not--how long until they're in it? 2. What's the weirdest thing you've done for money? 3. What's a current VHL player (not yours) that you respect and why? 1. no they are not, probably in a year or two 2. I have not done anything for money but I’m sure I will 3. Daniel Janser his is a future Calgary hall of famed Questions Q1) what is your favourite movie? Q2) would you go back to school or be 30 years older? Q3) would you rather be outside for 10 years or inside for 10 years?
  22. 1. Petterson, Mcdavid, Pasternak, Karlsson, Q.Hughes 2. Seattle, Stockholm, Halifax 3. That our long winters are over and we get to enjoy warm weather 1. What is the biggest surprise so far in the VHLE standings? 2. What is your favourite sitcom? 3. If you could recreate right now what would you name your player?
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