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  1. Like
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Alex in Nathan Ecker lands in Houston   
    Nathan Ecker has ended up as a Houston Bull after an eventful waiver period from the team. The deal was signed at 9:55pm on 1/07/24, it was signed roughly 40 minutes after the opening of the waiver period along with many other waiver signings that all will have a significant impact on the future of the Houston Bulls. Nathan has gotten of well with is new teammates in Houston sharing many conversation on numerous topics throughout many practices and in the locker room. Ecker also is soaking all information he is getting from the veterans and management group of the Bulls to maximize his impact on the ice. Nathan has been extremely eager to take part in his first game stating that "Sometimes the excitement of my first game will keep me up all night, and I cant stop thinking about during the day." He is looking at improving his offensive skills such as passing, shooting, deeking, etc he is also looking to improve his defence but not as much. During his short stay in lone star state he has been unexpectedly bombarded with love by passionate fan base who have had him sign many things some I don't think I could mention. Nathan Ecker is also enjoying his time in the city finding out a lot about it, and loving the warm weather compared to his home town of Hamilton, Ontario. The Houston Bulls had big team dinner to celebrate all of their new waiver signings, but did not tell them that the waiver signings were paying which luckily for them was split many different ways due to the mass income of waiver signings but that is not to say it was cheap as everyone decided to have some expensive taste. He is very ecstatic at the prospect of joining one of the best teams in the western conference dare I say the whole league with an impressive record of 52-16-4 with 108 points in 72 games played, they were one of the 6 teams to have a record equal to or above .500 last season which is quite the impressive feat. Nathan has grown dreaming to be a VHL player and now he can be one step closer to achieving that dream with the great franchise of the Houston Bulls who have a great team and managerial staff. Ecker is hoping to have an impressive rookie season to start a hockey legacy for generations to come. Nathan some questionable stats (4 in fucking grit why did I do that) and other good one like his speed at 10. In conclusion Nathan Ecker has been enjoying his stay in Houston after signing with the Bulls as a waiver along with many other waiver signings, he has been welcomed by the whole city and team as a hero to some, or a friend to others, and has made some questionable development choices but is getting on track with better development with the staff at Houston Bulls and is eager to enter VHLM competition.
    516 words claimed for the week of 1/14/2024
  2. Fire
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Triller in Nathan Ecker lands in Houston   
    Nathan Ecker has ended up as a Houston Bull after an eventful waiver period from the team. The deal was signed at 9:55pm on 1/07/24, it was signed roughly 40 minutes after the opening of the waiver period along with many other waiver signings that all will have a significant impact on the future of the Houston Bulls. Nathan has gotten of well with is new teammates in Houston sharing many conversation on numerous topics throughout many practices and in the locker room. Ecker also is soaking all information he is getting from the veterans and management group of the Bulls to maximize his impact on the ice. Nathan has been extremely eager to take part in his first game stating that "Sometimes the excitement of my first game will keep me up all night, and I cant stop thinking about during the day." He is looking at improving his offensive skills such as passing, shooting, deeking, etc he is also looking to improve his defence but not as much. During his short stay in lone star state he has been unexpectedly bombarded with love by passionate fan base who have had him sign many things some I don't think I could mention. Nathan Ecker is also enjoying his time in the city finding out a lot about it, and loving the warm weather compared to his home town of Hamilton, Ontario. The Houston Bulls had big team dinner to celebrate all of their new waiver signings, but did not tell them that the waiver signings were paying which luckily for them was split many different ways due to the mass income of waiver signings but that is not to say it was cheap as everyone decided to have some expensive taste. He is very ecstatic at the prospect of joining one of the best teams in the western conference dare I say the whole league with an impressive record of 52-16-4 with 108 points in 72 games played, they were one of the 6 teams to have a record equal to or above .500 last season which is quite the impressive feat. Nathan has grown dreaming to be a VHL player and now he can be one step closer to achieving that dream with the great franchise of the Houston Bulls who have a great team and managerial staff. Ecker is hoping to have an impressive rookie season to start a hockey legacy for generations to come. Nathan some questionable stats (4 in fucking grit why did I do that) and other good one like his speed at 10. In conclusion Nathan Ecker has been enjoying his stay in Houston after signing with the Bulls as a waiver along with many other waiver signings, he has been welcomed by the whole city and team as a hero to some, or a friend to others, and has made some questionable development choices but is getting on track with better development with the staff at Houston Bulls and is eager to enter VHLM competition.
    516 words claimed for the week of 1/14/2024
  3. Like
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from jacobcarson877 in Nathan Ecker lands in Houston   
    Nathan Ecker has ended up as a Houston Bull after an eventful waiver period from the team. The deal was signed at 9:55pm on 1/07/24, it was signed roughly 40 minutes after the opening of the waiver period along with many other waiver signings that all will have a significant impact on the future of the Houston Bulls. Nathan has gotten of well with is new teammates in Houston sharing many conversation on numerous topics throughout many practices and in the locker room. Ecker also is soaking all information he is getting from the veterans and management group of the Bulls to maximize his impact on the ice. Nathan has been extremely eager to take part in his first game stating that "Sometimes the excitement of my first game will keep me up all night, and I cant stop thinking about during the day." He is looking at improving his offensive skills such as passing, shooting, deeking, etc he is also looking to improve his defence but not as much. During his short stay in lone star state he has been unexpectedly bombarded with love by passionate fan base who have had him sign many things some I don't think I could mention. Nathan Ecker is also enjoying his time in the city finding out a lot about it, and loving the warm weather compared to his home town of Hamilton, Ontario. The Houston Bulls had big team dinner to celebrate all of their new waiver signings, but did not tell them that the waiver signings were paying which luckily for them was split many different ways due to the mass income of waiver signings but that is not to say it was cheap as everyone decided to have some expensive taste. He is very ecstatic at the prospect of joining one of the best teams in the western conference dare I say the whole league with an impressive record of 52-16-4 with 108 points in 72 games played, they were one of the 6 teams to have a record equal to or above .500 last season which is quite the impressive feat. Nathan has grown dreaming to be a VHL player and now he can be one step closer to achieving that dream with the great franchise of the Houston Bulls who have a great team and managerial staff. Ecker is hoping to have an impressive rookie season to start a hockey legacy for generations to come. Nathan some questionable stats (4 in fucking grit why did I do that) and other good one like his speed at 10. In conclusion Nathan Ecker has been enjoying his stay in Houston after signing with the Bulls as a waiver along with many other waiver signings, he has been welcomed by the whole city and team as a hero to some, or a friend to others, and has made some questionable development choices but is getting on track with better development with the staff at Houston Bulls and is eager to enter VHLM competition.
    516 words claimed for the week of 1/14/2024
  4. Fire
    Nathan_8 reacted to Mutti in Ondrej Vencko's biography   
    Born in 2001, in a small town in the north of the Czech Republic, Ondrej (or Ondra, informally) was always looking for something to spice his days up. Although he loved watching hockey on TV with his dad, he never really showed any interest in the sport, until the year 2016 came along.
    On his 15th birthday, during the match of the local hockey beer league, he broke into the locker of the home team, stealing goalie's kit. The match was about to start, so he quickly hid himself outside in the bush, while the home team sent their actual goalie for a new kit. Ondra, being a joker, went back inside and put the stolen gear on. That's when the rest of the team noticed him.
    However, because he was looking ready for action, they just rushed him to the rink.
    There was no turning back. Blood was flowing. Ondrej remembered the passionate evenings in front of the television hockey and thought to himself: "It is time to shine."
    And shine he did. The end result was 11:0.. For the away team.
    After the birthday fiasco, he realised that he was actually having a lot of fun, being a goaltender. Thus, the journey for becoming the greatest goalie in the village began!
    The training began right in the following winter, when Ondra found a frozen pond for him and a few of hockey enthusiasts to play on. It went really well, Ondra even making some saves this time!
    That was until the third period came along and his team was forced to pull him out for an extra man. He skated to the side, when he noticed a breakaway from the other team. Unluckily, the ice on the pond cracked..
    Even though he did not make the save, he set the village record for the fastest swimming hockey goaltender. (Still unbeaten to this day.)
    From this, he worked hard and practised as much as he could to finally get to the Czech national league. He was 20 at the time he joined the Prague Mic Czechs.

    His first season surprised everyone around him, as not only that he helped his team to get to the top of the league, he also recorded 6 shutouts, .913 save percentage, 2.1 GAA and scored 1 goal. This caught the attention of scouts from the NHL, who instantly offered him to play "across the pond". Sadly, as everything seemed perfect, his team lost in the first round of the play-offs, making scouts question his abilities.
    In the next season, after summer full of practising and hangovers caused by first round exit, he and his team came back with a vengeance.
    Mic Czechs dominated the league once again, and even though Ondra hasn't scored any goals, he stood on his head. Recording 6 shutouts, .920 save percentage and 1.9 GAA, he and the team stormed the play-offs, winning the National cup. This interested the scouts from the NHL again, now confirming to them that they want this player in their league. They ensured him that he would receive a special invitation via letter to be officialy able to join the league across the ocean. Unfortunately, the person in charge of writing the letter made a typo in Ondra's surname, when they wrote "Plecko" instead of "Vencko" (which is up to this day super hilarious for Czech inhabitants). Ondra never received his long-awaited letter.
    But every cloud has a silver lining and this story ended up the best way possible. Because while some, who don't know the wonders of the internet, consider the NHL to be the best hockey league in the world, Ondra found himself the perfect and in every way better alternative.
    The VHL.
    He quickly showed his interest in joining the league and before you knew it, he was offered a contract by Houston Bulls, where he will play his first (and hopefully not last) season. Some might think that a Czech boy would find some other cities more appealing, but to that he says with a smile:
    "Houston, we got no problem!"
    Alongside with hockey career, Ondra also aims to make an impact in the world of music.
    He has been playing the bass guitar for over 4 years now and tries to experiment when composing his own songs. Ondra has a broad range of music taste, ranging from metal to pop, from rock to jazz, from classical to electronic music. He also occasionally plays live with his band Take Cover!, playing cover versions of well-known songs. The biggest gig he experienced took place in August of 2018.
    They were playing at the annual ball of his hometown's hockey club, with many people in the crowd being passionate fans of various NHL teams. The gig was going well, but then the guitarist began playing Slapshot, which woke up all the New York Rangers fans. They immediately formed a moshpit, right next to a long isle of the other New York team fans. After a few minutes of mind-numbing riff repeating, one guy tripped with his shot of vodka right onto a table with a lit up candle. This created a fireball, which made New Jersey Devils' fans go nuts. Fire caused a smaller chandelier to fall down. One guy, an Oilers' fan, braced himself and shouted: "I am a goalie, I'll catch it.", and then proceeded to not catch it at all. A Toronto Maple Leafs' fan appeared, and said that he would throw a fire extinguisher to the people nearest to the fireball. It wasn't necesarilly a difficult throw to be made, but the guy managed to miss anyway. Extinguisher dropped on the floor and exploded, taking the fire out in the process. But at the same time, it covered half of the place in white foam. This encouraged Jets' and Coyotes' fans to fanatically spin their white T-shirts, which led to two of them having a heated argument, whose tradition it TRULY is. In the end, Ondra looked to the drummer to save the day and to play something that would calm the situation. Unfortunately, drummer proceeded to play Chelsea Dagger, which turned the whole crowd hostile after just a few of the "Ta-da-das". One Blackhawks' fan in the crowd did not fight for his tune, because, as Ondra and his bandmates later discovered, he did not want any spotlight on him, as he was trying to hide some dirty secret.
    From that day, Ondra focused mainly on composing his own music, with playing covers of songs, that won't turn any hockey fan nuts.
    Right now, though, he is focused on the VHL the most, with a long and hopefully successful career planned. And just like bass player holds the low end of the band, he aims at holding the back of the rink and keep all the pucks of the other team away from his net.

    So, slap those slapshots away, hockey bassist!
  5. Cheers
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Njschwartz03 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    answer to q #1 Hello I'm Nathan Ecker and I am a Right wing for Houston Bulls, my favourite food is either tacos or chicken caesar wraps.
    answer to q #2 My plans as a Houston Bull this season is to have a solid performance to build a foundation for the rest of my career.
    answer to q #3 I was not drafted but I was picked up as a waiver player shortly after the draft, I was not sure what teams were interested or who I would sign for but I am very confident that I have made the right choice to join Houston.
    answer to q #4 If I was gonna bring something to a team bbq I would go Phil Kessel style and bring some hotdogs
    answer to q #5 I am planning on making my player a playmaker who is fast with great passing and setup stats, good shooting, a bit of toughness, with alright defense.
    answer to q #6 Houston will finish first this season
    answer to q #7 There are a lot of good options but I would have to go with rock or metal, my go to would be 7 nation army but AC/DC songs are always great for getting pumped.
    answer to q #8 on a road trip some good movies I would watch are the two goon movies, fast and furious movies, most sports movies and action movies probably.
    answer to q #9 If we were to go on a team vacation I would choose the Netherlands because I have always wanted to go there and I am a quarter Dutch because my grandma is a Dutch immigrant, and its a free vacation why wouldn't I go to a place i have always wanted to go with the boys.
  6. Cheers
    Nathan_8 reacted to Mutti in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    Thank you for having me on this press conference, I’ll try to answer each question as best as I can!
    1.      My name is Ondrej Vencko (Ondra, for normal communicaton, hehe), I come from the Czech Republic and I play a goaltender. My career so far has been interesting, as you will soon get to know from my biography that I’m finishing. The most notable fact about me is that, apart from hockey, I love music, movies and art in general. I like going to galleries, but also writing poems, stories and I play bass guitar as well. In the offseason, you can find me at some rock/metal gigs.
    2.      Well, this is my first season in the league in my life, so I don’t want to aim too high. But my expectations are to catch up with how things work around here and prove myself to the team, coach, GM and most importantly: to the fans. It is a pleasure being here.
    And if the season ends with me giving signatures to the fans who will want it, it will be a great, great personal success of mine.
    3.      Hehe, well, as I’ve joined „late“ (even though it is never too late to join the league, you, who are deciding whether to join or not to join, DO IT), I was not really drafted in a proper draft. Instead, I joined through the waivers. But Houston was my go to team. Especially because of the GM, whom I’ve met with shortly before the draft and he had a very positive effect on me. Really lovely guy, glad I can be in his team! (love ya, AJ)
    4.      That is really tough.. A lot of people don’t eat meat nowadays, so you gotta keep it in mind..
    Even though it is a BBQ after all.. I’d probably go for a fish done in the style of my home country.
    5.      That would make a first sniper goaltender in history, right? Haha.
    No, if I am serious, I’d like to be a quick goalie (especially like Johnathan in 2012, hehe) with reliable reflexes and encouraging nature, to boost my teammates from the back, sort of.
    6.      Whoa, I entered a dynasty, then! Heh.
    Well, if we could replicate the last season’s success, that would be awesome. I believe the team is ready to do so without me, but I will try as much as I can to help achieve it.
    7.      I have a song that answers both of these questions:
    Psycho by Muse.
    8.      I don’t think I am the right person to decide, as I usually fall asleep, no matter what the mean of transport is, heh.
    But given that I stay awake, by some weird coincidence, I would go for Snatch, Fight Club or anything by Tarantino.
    9.      That would be New Zealand or Iceland. But my gf would love to go to the New Zealand with me, and Iceland is cold.. Let’s go with Sardinia!
    Thank you for your questions. It was a lovely time answering them!
    See you on another one of those,
    -        Ondra
  7. Cheers
    Nathan_8 reacted to ctoland102 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    Hi, I'm Cody Toland defenseman for the Houston Bulls. I'm excited for my first season in the league. My plans with the Bulls for this year is mainly to keep pucks from reaching our net and backing up our offensive line. I was picked up just after the draft I'm quite happy with the my spot the Bulls. Oh to the team BBQ I would have to bring my specialty, Buffalo Chicken Mac and Cheese. As a defender I'm looking to use my size to my advantage and protect the net... and maybe work my way to a few goals here and there. I think we'll come out on top this season. Teamwork is going to be the key to our success. Go-to warmup song has to be Kill or Be Killed by Spite.   I think there should be some classics on the TVs like the Godfather or Taxi Driver. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, it looks like it would be so relaxing and what's better than that after a long season.
  8. Cheers
    Nathan_8 reacted to losfail in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    #1 Hi, everyone should know my name, it's Charles Losfeld. I'm from Quebec City, get ready to get hit with my 6'6" frame eh!
    #2 My plans is to become a shutdown 2 Way D-man. I want to contribute offensively and be a stud on the defensive side. Surely, i want to bring home gold eh.
    #3 Didn't have any expection, just glad to play for the Bulls eh.
    #4 For the BBQ party i'm bringing some chicken wings and maybe some poutine eh.
    #5 Like i said before, i want to be a 2Way D-man. That means i want to get some points, but i'll focus more on defence eh.
    #6 Our goal is to finish 1st in the league. Everyone is on the same page eh.
    #7 My favorite warmup song is Superhero (Heroes and Vilains) by Metro Boomin ft. Future and Chris Brown eh.
    #8 Slapshot is a must on road trips. French version is better eh.
    #9 I always wanted to go see Paris. My grandpa comes from here. Could be a beautiful trips with the boys eh.
  9. Cheers
    Nathan_8 reacted to FiZi in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    1.  I'm the new General Manager here!  It's a pleasure to fill out the team from scratch with a fresh batch of promising players.  What are your career plans for your player?
    Well, I want to be the number-one league scorer in every league I join no matter how long it takes. I work hard and play with a big effort in both zones. I´m joining from a Czech U18 league with a promise of making it to the VHL.
    2.  Let's talk about hockey.  What do you like the most about the sport?
    Well, the thing I like the most is I can be myself. When I´m out there, I feel like I´m on the top of the World. I don´t have to think about anything other than hockey.
    3.  Is there an NHL star player that you model your player after?  If so, who is it?
    Well, I don´t have just one specific player. I would want my player to have a shot like Matthews. Skate like McDavid and hit as hard as Radko Gudas. But that is not possible at least yet. Hopefully I will grind my way there.
    4.  Which NHL team do you root for?  Which one can't you stand??
    My favourite team was and always will be the Philadelphia Flyers. I started to root for them when I was as young as I can remember. I would say that it was because one of my all-time favourite players Jakub Voráček and Radko Gudas played there, but when I was younger I liked the unconventional colours. And their logo.
    5.  IRL question:  How are you doing?  Are you a student in school, or working?  What's up in general with things in your life?
    I am a high school student, I´m in my last year and at the moment my biggest fear is to pass the final exams. After that I would like to attend university and since I have highly above-average numeral thinking I would like to go to a technical university. I´m a very loving person, I have a part-time job as a shisha master at a hookah lounge. I love playing golf and football (soccer for those who don´t know which football is called that way, the other one is American ).
    6.  How much time do you dedicate to activity on the forums or discord to keep up with league activity?
    I would like to at least check everything every day, but that might not be possible since it´s my last year of high school but I´ll try.
  10. Cheers
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from LucyXpher in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    answer to q #1 Hello I'm Nathan Ecker and I am a Right wing for Houston Bulls, my favourite food is either tacos or chicken caesar wraps.
    answer to q #2 My plans as a Houston Bull this season is to have a solid performance to build a foundation for the rest of my career.
    answer to q #3 I was not drafted but I was picked up as a waiver player shortly after the draft, I was not sure what teams were interested or who I would sign for but I am very confident that I have made the right choice to join Houston.
    answer to q #4 If I was gonna bring something to a team bbq I would go Phil Kessel style and bring some hotdogs
    answer to q #5 I am planning on making my player a playmaker who is fast with great passing and setup stats, good shooting, a bit of toughness, with alright defense.
    answer to q #6 Houston will finish first this season
    answer to q #7 There are a lot of good options but I would have to go with rock or metal, my go to would be 7 nation army but AC/DC songs are always great for getting pumped.
    answer to q #8 on a road trip some good movies I would watch are the two goon movies, fast and furious movies, most sports movies and action movies probably.
    answer to q #9 If we were to go on a team vacation I would choose the Netherlands because I have always wanted to go there and I am a quarter Dutch because my grandma is a Dutch immigrant, and its a free vacation why wouldn't I go to a place i have always wanted to go with the boys.
  11. Like
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Jason kranz in The kid from Hamilton   
    There is a new prospect on the scene and he could be on of the best players  we have seen in a long time, how about we dive into his story. Nathan Ecker was born on November 5th 2007 in the city of Hamilton, Ontario. He has loved the game of hockey since he can remember and has laced up the skates from the moment he could walk with a burning passion of the game. Nathan spent most of his younger playing days as a star on the Hamilton Huskies AAA team (now Hamilton Steel) and he is now ready to sign a contact with a team to enter professional competition. Ecker has a very solid offensive skill set that has a focus on playmaking and setting up players for goals with some decent shooting and mediocre defence that could be useful for any team that could use an offensive spark.
  12. Like
    Nathan_8 reacted to Banackock in New Member Spotlight #1   
    New Member Spotlight #1

    Check out these awesome new members, under the spotlight.  
    Hello all! I hope your weekend was a great one and that your Monday has started off good! Quite the weekend the VHL just had. We rolled out a YouTube advertisement yesterday on THIS VIDEO! You can see the ad I believe at timestamp 4:07! Check out the video, subscribe to Rob and send some love their way. We also had the VHLM entry draft and then the absolute magic of watching our newest members receive pitches and join their new VHLM homes. Being a VHL manager, I naturally welcome members into the league the best I can, however, now being part of the recruitment team I've turned things up a notch. It's our job to find ways or execute ways to bring them in. Now, it's up to all of us to show them how enjoyable the VHL can be, whether that's through the VHL and sim itself, general community, all things hockey, gaming or anything else the league offers. Yesterday, I grinded hard talking to every single member that came about. I commented on their posts, tossed them likes and sent DM's their way - welcoming them, sending them our Discord and trying to engage as quick as possible. I truly believe that's the secret recipe. If we don't reach them fast enough, it's another slow paced, slow growing forum based game and that's completely wrong. During these moments, I had talks with a few good members and I'd like to point them out to YOU and throw them under the spotlight.
    1. @Mutti - G - Ondrej Vencko - When I reached out to Mutti, I think they had already been offline for about 15 minutes. Obviously, this is a concern for me. I feel like this is the danger area. They create an account, make a player and have since logged out. Have you lost the fish? In this case, no. I reached out and almost immediately received a very good, lengthy response in return. I had some talks on the forum, sent them over to the Discord and the great talks continued there! What's cooler is they're from Czech Republic! This further ignites my passion for finding more from abroad and growing our international community. When it Australia, it wasn't the most fun missing all the action and having 4 people on during the day. I get it, but I do think we can also help it.
    2. @Nathan_8 - RW - Nathan Ecker - Had some really great chats with Nathan and exchanged some very engaging messages over DM's and in Discord as well. They've done some minor training like VHL.com, Practice facility and Welfare! Based off my conversations with them, I think the future can be bright. They seem really excited about the league, learning it and being a contributing member. I really enjoyed our convos and wish you the best of luck!
    3. @Noodle Enjoyer - RW - Annie Oaks - I spoke a little bit with Annie Oaks agent, Noodz! I was happy to go over into Discord and see that they made the leap over there and that they were being engaged with! A quick ping their way and they were very fast to respond. NOT ONLY THIS... but they completed a Player Biography which is good enough for 8 UNCAPPED TPE. Remember Noodz, this doesn't count to your weekly 12 CAPPED. This is uncapped TPE. Think of it as a little bonus! To add this to your account, go to the vhlportal.com, then to the category "player" and then "manage".  THIS might help too! Once there, you will see an area where you can click "claim uncapped TPE" and then you should find your way in there! Great work, dude. That's the fastest I've seen one pumped out by a new gen. Keep it up!

    4. @MSouthworth - D - Gul Dukat Why when I read this name do I think Gal Gadot? I know this likely isn't on purpose but I like that it's not a thing for me and because of this, you have to stick around and be active. At least for the full term of this players career but hopefully longer too. Maybe after we can have a new player like Scarlett Brohansson or something, lol. Seen you on Discord, chatted here too and while not from YouTube, we received MSW from our amazing affiliate and very fun league, the PBE. They've done some minor earning and while it can be daunting joining a new site, their system in the PBE is quite similar to here minus the money portion and earning of it all. I think they could have a bright future in the league if they stick around. Welcome once again, GAL GADOT  
    With that, I'm over my 500 words required for this media spot. That's a magical 6 CAPPED TPE earned towards my weekly capped limit of 12. I appreciate each of you tagged in this article and wish you the best of luck in our league, with your careers. 
  13. Like
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from v.2 in New Member Spotlight #1   
    Thank you for such a warm welcome
  14. Fire
    Nathan_8 reacted to AJW in New Member Spotlight #1   
    Awesome stuff @Nathan_8 🔥 

  15. Fire
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Banackock in New Member Spotlight #1   
    Thank you for such a warm welcome
  16. Cheers
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Mutti in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    answer to q #1 Hello I'm Nathan Ecker and I am a Right wing for Houston Bulls, my favourite food is either tacos or chicken caesar wraps.
    answer to q #2 My plans as a Houston Bull this season is to have a solid performance to build a foundation for the rest of my career.
    answer to q #3 I was not drafted but I was picked up as a waiver player shortly after the draft, I was not sure what teams were interested or who I would sign for but I am very confident that I have made the right choice to join Houston.
    answer to q #4 If I was gonna bring something to a team bbq I would go Phil Kessel style and bring some hotdogs
    answer to q #5 I am planning on making my player a playmaker who is fast with great passing and setup stats, good shooting, a bit of toughness, with alright defense.
    answer to q #6 Houston will finish first this season
    answer to q #7 There are a lot of good options but I would have to go with rock or metal, my go to would be 7 nation army but AC/DC songs are always great for getting pumped.
    answer to q #8 on a road trip some good movies I would watch are the two goon movies, fast and furious movies, most sports movies and action movies probably.
    answer to q #9 If we were to go on a team vacation I would choose the Netherlands because I have always wanted to go there and I am a quarter Dutch because my grandma is a Dutch immigrant, and its a free vacation why wouldn't I go to a place i have always wanted to go with the boys.
  17. Cheers
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from ctoland102 in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    answer to q #1 Hello I'm Nathan Ecker and I am a Right wing for Houston Bulls, my favourite food is either tacos or chicken caesar wraps.
    answer to q #2 My plans as a Houston Bull this season is to have a solid performance to build a foundation for the rest of my career.
    answer to q #3 I was not drafted but I was picked up as a waiver player shortly after the draft, I was not sure what teams were interested or who I would sign for but I am very confident that I have made the right choice to join Houston.
    answer to q #4 If I was gonna bring something to a team bbq I would go Phil Kessel style and bring some hotdogs
    answer to q #5 I am planning on making my player a playmaker who is fast with great passing and setup stats, good shooting, a bit of toughness, with alright defense.
    answer to q #6 Houston will finish first this season
    answer to q #7 There are a lot of good options but I would have to go with rock or metal, my go to would be 7 nation army but AC/DC songs are always great for getting pumped.
    answer to q #8 on a road trip some good movies I would watch are the two goon movies, fast and furious movies, most sports movies and action movies probably.
    answer to q #9 If we were to go on a team vacation I would choose the Netherlands because I have always wanted to go there and I am a quarter Dutch because my grandma is a Dutch immigrant, and its a free vacation why wouldn't I go to a place i have always wanted to go with the boys.
  18. Cheers
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from losfail in Houston Bulls Press Conference   
    answer to q #1 Hello I'm Nathan Ecker and I am a Right wing for Houston Bulls, my favourite food is either tacos or chicken caesar wraps.
    answer to q #2 My plans as a Houston Bull this season is to have a solid performance to build a foundation for the rest of my career.
    answer to q #3 I was not drafted but I was picked up as a waiver player shortly after the draft, I was not sure what teams were interested or who I would sign for but I am very confident that I have made the right choice to join Houston.
    answer to q #4 If I was gonna bring something to a team bbq I would go Phil Kessel style and bring some hotdogs
    answer to q #5 I am planning on making my player a playmaker who is fast with great passing and setup stats, good shooting, a bit of toughness, with alright defense.
    answer to q #6 Houston will finish first this season
    answer to q #7 There are a lot of good options but I would have to go with rock or metal, my go to would be 7 nation army but AC/DC songs are always great for getting pumped.
    answer to q #8 on a road trip some good movies I would watch are the two goon movies, fast and furious movies, most sports movies and action movies probably.
    answer to q #9 If we were to go on a team vacation I would choose the Netherlands because I have always wanted to go there and I am a quarter Dutch because my grandma is a Dutch immigrant, and its a free vacation why wouldn't I go to a place i have always wanted to go with the boys.
  19. Like
    Nathan_8 reacted to AJW in [S92] (S93) RW - Nathan Ecker   
    Oh baby! Let's GOO!!🔥
  20. Like
    Nathan_8 reacted to Banackock in [S92] (S93) RW - Nathan Ecker   
    @Nathan_8 all my lads I had good convos with heading over to DA BULLz
  21. Like
    Nathan_8 got a reaction from Smarch in The kid from Hamilton   
    There is a new prospect on the scene and he could be on of the best players  we have seen in a long time, how about we dive into his story. Nathan Ecker was born on November 5th 2007 in the city of Hamilton, Ontario. He has loved the game of hockey since he can remember and has laced up the skates from the moment he could walk with a burning passion of the game. Nathan spent most of his younger playing days as a star on the Hamilton Huskies AAA team (now Hamilton Steel) and he is now ready to sign a contact with a team to enter professional competition. Ecker has a very solid offensive skill set that has a focus on playmaking and setting up players for goals with some decent shooting and mediocre defence that could be useful for any team that could use an offensive spark.
  22. Fire
    Nathan_8 reacted to VHL Bot in [S92] (S93) RW - Nathan Ecker   
    Nathan Ecker has accepted Houston's offer.
  23. Fire
    Nathan_8 reacted to VHL Bot in [S92] (S93) RW - Nathan Ecker   
    The Houston Bulls have made a waivers offer to Nathan Ecker.
  24. Like
    Nathan_8 reacted to VHL Bot in [S92] (S93) G - Ondrej Vencko   
    Ondrej Vencko has accepted Houston's offer.
  25. Like
    Nathan_8 reacted to VHL Bot in [S92] (S93) G - Ondrej Vencko   
    The Houston Bulls have made a waivers offer to Ondrej Vencko.
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